Bioluminescence and Chemi Iuminescence Literature

The Journal provides comprehensive literature searches which will be published i n most issues. The literature appears under t h e following sections: 1. BIOLUMINESCENCE 2. CHEMILUMINESCENCE 3. APPLICATIONS-BIOLUMINESCENCE 4. APPLICATIONS-CHEMILUMINESCENCE 5. CELLULAR LUMINESCENCE 6. INSTR UMENTATION 7. PATENTS INVOLVING BlOLU MI NESCENCE AN D CH EMILUMI NESCENCE Databases searched include Chemical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Index Medicus, and World Patents Index. The lists o f papers are divided by sub-sections and papers are given sequential unique numbers commencing a t t h e beginning o f t h e list and continuing at the t o p o f t h e list i n t h e next and subsequent issues o f t h e Journal. Papers which fall i n t o more than one sub-section are quoted in full in t h e f i r s t relevant sub-section but in subsequent sub-sections they are referred t o by their unique numbers.

The 1990 Literature: Part I (compiled by L. J. Kricka and


P. E. Stanley)


1.1 Arthropoda (Photinus, etc.) 2079 Targeting of cloned firefly luciferase to yeast mitochondria

Aflalo, C.

2080 Synthesis and characterization of a new substrate of Photinus pyralis luciferase - 4-Methyl-~-luciferin 2081 Effects of phospholipases on the bioluminescent activity of firefly luciferase and bacterial luciferase 2082 Firefly luciferase synthesis P1,P4bis(5’-adenosy1)tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and other dinucleoside pol yphosphates 2083 Expression of the gene encoding firefly luciferase in insect cells using a baculovirus vector 2084 CCD imaging of luciferase gene expression in single mammalian cells

Farace, C., Blanchot, B., Champiat, D., Couble, P., Declerq, G. and Millet, J. L. Ganshin, V. M., Ismailov, A. D. and Danilov, V. S. Guranowski, A,, Sillero, M. A. G. and Sillero, A.

Hasnain, S. E. and Nakhai, B.

Hooper, C. E., Ansorge, R. E., Browne, H. M. and Tomkins, P.


29,4758-4766, 1990 J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem., 28,411 -414, 1990 Biochemistry ( U S S R ) , 55,211-216, 1990 FEBS Lett., 271,215-218, 1990 Gene, 91, 135-138, 1990 J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 123-130, 1990



2085 Measurement of protein phosphorylation by covalent modification of firefly luciferase 2086 Firefly luciferase, synthesized in very high levels in caterpillars infected with a recombinant baculovirus, can also be used as an efficient reporter enzyme in uiuo 2087 An upstream region of the mouse ZP3 gene directs expression of firefly luciferase specifically to growing oocytes in transgenic mice 2088 Production of translatable firefly luciferase mRNA in uitro from cloned cDNA 2089 The in uiuo pattern of firefly luciferase expression in transgenic plants

Jenkins, T. M., Sala-Newby, G . and Campbell, A. K.

2090 Luc genes: introduction of colour into bioluminescence assays

Wood, K. V.

Jha, P. K., Nakhai, B., Sridhar, P., Taiwar, G. P. and Hasnain, S. E.

Biochem. Soc. Trans., 18,463-464, 1990 FEBS Lett., 274,23-26, 1990

Lira, S. A., Kinloch, R. A., Mortillo, S. and Wassarman, P. M.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 87, 7215-7219, 1990

Sala-Newby, G., Kalsheker, N. and Campbell, A. K.

Biochem. Soc. Trans., 18,459-460, 1990 Plant Mol. Biol., 14,935-948, 1990 J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 107-114, 1990

Schneider, M., Ow, D. W. and Howell, S. H.

1.2 Bacteria (Beneckea, Vibrio, etc.) 2091 Fusion of luxA and IuxB and its expression in E. coli, S. cerevisiae and D. melanogaster 2092 Cloning and expression of the luxY gene from VibrioJischeristrain Y-1 in Escherichia coli and complete amino acid sequence of the yellow fluorescent protein 2093 Depressed light emission by symbiotic Vibriofischeri of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes 2094 A soluble fatty acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase from the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio harueyi 2095 A time-dependent bacterial bioluminescence emission spectrum in an in uitro single turnover system: energy transfer alone cannot account for the yellow emission of Vibrio Jisheri Y-1 2096 The nucleotide sequence of a small metT tRNA operon from Photobacterium leiognathi 2097 Isolation of bioluminescent functions from Photobacterium leiognathi: analysis of luxA, luxB, luxG and neighbouring genes 2098 Electrochemical luminescence with N-ethyl-4a-hydroxy-3-methyl-4a, 5dihydrolumiflavin. The mechanism of bacterial luciferase 2099 Affinity purification of bacterial luciferase and NAD(P)H:FMN oxidoreductases by FMN Sepharose for analytical applications

Almashanu, S., Musafia, B., Hadar, R., Suissa, M. and Kuhn, J. Baldwin, T. O., Treat, M. L. and Daubner. S. C.

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 89-97, 1990 Biochemistry, 29, 5509-5515, 1990

Boettcher, K. J. and Ruby, E. G .

J. Bacteriol., 172, 3701-3706, 1990

Byers, D. M. and Holmes, C. G .

Biochem. Cell Biol., 68, 1045-1051, 1990

Eckstein, J. W., Cho, K. W., Colepicolo, P., Ghisla, S., Hastings, J. W. and Wilson, T.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 87, 1466-1470, 1990

Ftouhi, N. and Cedergren, R.

Nucleic Acids Rex, 18, 3662, 1990 Gene, 86, 89-94, 1990

Illarionov, B. A., Blinov, V. M., Donchenko, A. P., Protopopova, M. V., Karginov, V. A,, Mertvetsov, N. P. and Gitelson, J. I. Kaaret, T. W. and Bruice, T. C.

Lavi, J. T., Raunio, R. P. and Stahlberg, T. H.

Photochem. Photobiol., 51, 629-633, 1990 J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 187-192, 1990

BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CH EMILUMINESCENCE LITERATURE 2100 Recovery of components of fluorescence spectra of mixtures by intensity- and anisotropy decayassociated analysis: the bacterial luciferase intermediates 2101 Dithionite treatment of flavins: spectral evidence for covalent adduct formation and effect on in uitro bacterial bioluminescence 2102 A cyanide-aldehyde complex inhibits bacterial luciferase

Mager, H. I. X. and Tu, S. C.

2103 Transcriptional regulation of lux genes transferred into Vibrio harueyi

Miyamoto, C . M., Meighen, E. A. and Graham, A. F.

2104 Crystallographic characterization of a Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase from Photobacterium leiognathi 2105 Construction of cloning vectors using the Vibrio harueyi luminescence genes IuxA and IuxB as markers 2106 Use of regulated cell lysis in a lethal genetic selection in Escherichia coli: identification of the autoinducerbinding region of the LuxR protein from Vibrio fischeri ATCC 1744 2107 Control of the lux regulon in Vibrio fischeri

Redford, S. M., Mcree, D. E., Getzoff, E. D., Steinman, H. M. and Tainer, J. A. Sevigny, P. and Gossard, F.

2108 Cloning and nucleotide sequence of IuxR, a regulatory gene controlling bioluminescence in Vibrio harueyi 2109 Critical regions of the Vibriofischeri IuxR protein defined by mutational analysis 2110 Bioluminescence decay kinetics in the reaction of bacterial luciferase with different aldehydes 2111 Delineation of the transcriptional boundaries of the lux operon of Vibrio harueyi demonstrates the presence of two new lux genes 2112 Inhibition of bioluminescence in Photobacterium phosphoreum by sulfamethizole and its stimulation by thymine 2113 Elicitation of an oxidase activity in bacterial luciferase by site-directed mutation of a noncatalytic residue

Showalter, R. E., Martin, M. 0. and Silverman, M. R.

Lee, J., Wang, Y. Y. and Gibson, B. G

205 Anal. Biochem., 185, 220-229, 1990

Photochem. Photobiol., 51, 223-229,

1990 Makemson, J. C.

Shadel, G. S., Young, R. and Baldwin, T. 0.

Shadel, G. S., Devine, J. H. and Baldwin, T. 0.

Slock, J., Vanriet, D., Kolibachuk, D. and Greenberg, E. P. Smailov, A. D., Sobolev, A. Y. and Danilov, V. S. Swartzman, E., Miyamoto, C., Graham, A. and Meighen, E.

J. Bacteriol., 172,4125-4127, 1990 J. Bacteriol., 172, 2046-2054, 1990

J. Mol. Biol., 212,449-451, 1990 Gene, 93, 143-146, 1990 J. Bacteriol., 172, 3980-3981, 1990

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 99-106, 1990 J. Bacteriol., 172, 2946-2954, 1990 J. Bacteriol., 172, 3914-3919, 1990 J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 213-217, 1990 J. Biol. Chem., 265, 3513-3517, 1990

Watanabe, H. and Hastings, J. W.

Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1017,229-234, 1990

Xi, L., Cho, K. W., Herndon, M. E. and Tu, S. C.

J. Biol. Chem., 265,4200-4203, 1990

1.3 Hydrazoa (Aeguorea, Obe/ia, etc.) 2114 Expression and secretion of aequorin as a chimeric antibody by means of a mammalian expression vector 2115 Isolation of Ca2+-activated photoprotein obelin from Obelia longissima and its use for the recording the outflow of Ca2+ from fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscles

Casadei, J., Powell, M. J. and Kenten, J. H. Gitel'zon, G. I., Tugai, V. A. and Zakharchenko, A. N.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 87, 2041-2051, 1990 Ukr. Biokhim. Zh., 62, 69-16, 1990


BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE LITERATURE 2116 Mn-EPR measurements of cation binding by aequorin

Kemple, M. D., Lovejoy, M. L., Ray, B. D., Prendergast, F. G. and Nageswara-Rao, B. D.

Eur. J. Biochem., 187, 131-135, 1990

1.4 Dinophyta (Noctiluca, Gonyaulax, etc.) 2117 The circadian bioluminescence rhythm of Gonyaulax is related to daily variations in the number of light-emitting organelles 2118 Phase of the circadian clock is accurately transferred from mother to daughter cells in the dinoflagellate, Gonyaulax polyedra 2119 Circadian control over synthesis of many Gonyuulux proteins is at a translational level

Fritz, L., Morse, D. and Hastings, J. W.

J. Cell Sci.,

95, 321-328, 1990 Homma, K., Haas, E. and Hastings, J. W.

Cell. Biophys., 16, 85-97, 1990

Milos, P., Morse, D. and Hastings, J. W.

Naturwissenschaften, 77, 87-89, 1990

Rees, J. F., Petit, P. and Baguet, F.

Comp. Biochem. Physiol. PT C, 94, 521 -526, 1990

1.6 Chordata (Argyropelecus, etc.) 2120 Adrenergic control of luminescence and cellular metabolism in Porichthys isolated luminous organs

1 .I0 Eumycota 2121 Lampteromyces bioluminescence V. Chemical synthesis of lampteroflavin as mushroom light emitter

Isobe, M., Takahashi, H. and Goto, T.

Tetrahedron Lett.,

31, 717-718, 1990

1.I 1 Ostracoda 2122 Vargula hilgendorjii luciferase - a secreted reporter enzyme for monitoring gene expression in mammalian cells

Thompson, E. M., Nagata, S . and Tsuji, F. I.

Gene, 96, 257-263, 1990

Kumar, S., Harrylock, M., Walsh, K. A., Cormier, M. J. and Charbonneau. H.

FEBS Lett., 268,287-290, 1990

1.I 2 Anthozoa 2123 Amino acid sequence of the CaZtriggered luciferen binding protein of Renilla reniformis




Cyclic hydrazides (luminol, etc.) 2124 Luminol chemiluminescence reaction catalyzed by a microbial peroxidase

Akimoto, K., Shinmen, Y., Sumida, M., Asami, S., Amachi, T., Yoshizumi. H.. Saeki, Y., Shimizu, S . and Yamada, H.

Anal. Biochem., 189. 182-185. 1990


Bl O L U M I N E S C E N C E A N D CH EM I L U M I N E S C E N C E LITERATURE 2125 Kinetics and mechanism of a clock reaction based on the horseradish peroxidase catalysed oxidation of luminol by hydrogen peroxide 2126 Lyoluminescence of luminol in aqueous ammonia

Candy, T. E. G., Hodgson, M. and Jones, P.

Kalkar, C. D. and Lala, N.

Appl. Radiat. Isotop., 41, 1183-1186,

2127 Luminol chemiluminescence: chemistry, excitation, emitter

Merenyi, G., Lind, J. and Eriksen, T. E.

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin.,

2128 Luminol chemiluminescence using xanthine and hypoxanthine oxidase substrates

Radi, R., Rubbo, H., Thompson, L. and Prodanov, E.

J. Chem. SOC.Perkin Trans., 2, 1385-1388, 1990


5, 53-56, 1990 Free Radical Biol. Med., 8, 121-126, 1990

2.3 Oxalic acid derivatives 2129 Oxalatefiydrogen peroxide chemiluminescence reaction. A 19F NMR probe of the reaction mechanism 2130 Low-level interferences in peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence

Chokshi, H. P., Barbush, M., Carlson, R. G. Givens, R. S., Kuwana, T. and Schowen. R. L. Gooijer, C. and Velthorst, N. H.

Biomed. Chromatogr.,

4, 96-99, 1990

Biomed. Chromatogr.,

4, 92-95, 1990

2.4 Dioxetanes 2131 Unusual luminescent properties of odd and even substituted naphthyl derivatized dioxetanes 2132 Naphthyl dioxetane phosphates synthesis of novel substrates for enzymatic chemiluminescent assays ~~


Edwards, B., Sparks, A., Voyta, J. C. and Bronstein. I.

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 1-4,

Edwards, B., Sparks, A,, Voyta, J. C., Strong, R., Murphy, 0. and Bronstein, I.

1990 J . Org. Chem., 55, 6225-6229, 1990

Low level chemiluminescence 2133 Effect of propagators and inhibitors on the ultraweak luminescence from maize roots 2134 Relationship between low-level chemiluminescence and germinability of soyabean seeds

Radotic, K., Redenovic, C., Jeremic, M. and Vucinic, Z.

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin.,

Saeki, R., Miyazawa, T., Usa, M. and Inaba, H.

Agr. Biol. Chem. (Tokyo), 54, 1603-1610, 1990

Koukli, I. I., Sarantonis, E. G. and Calokerinos. A. C.

Biochem. Int., 21, 1167-1180, 1990 Biochemistry, 29, 8333-8336, 1990

5,221-226, 1990

2.99 General and miscellaneous 2135 Effect of sensitisers on the chemiluminescent reduction of cerium(1V) by sulphite 2136 Chemiluminescence of the Mn’+-activated ribulose-1,5biphosphate oxygenase reaction: evidence for singlet oxygen production 2137 Chemiluminescent reactions in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii oscillating system

Mogel, S. N. and McFadden, B. A.

Zhuravlev, A. I. and Trainin, V. M.

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 227-234, 1990





3.1 Assays of substrates and cofactors 2138 Bioluminescent flow sensor for the

determination of L-( +)-lactate 2139 Imaging of energy metabolites in

tissue sections: a bioluminescent technique 2140 A highly sensitive assay for adenosine triphosphate employing an improved firefly luciferase reagent 2141 A chemiluminometric method for

NADPH and NADH using a twoenzyme bioreactor and its application to the determination of magnesium in serum

Ghini, S., Girotti, S., Grigolo, B., Ferri, E., Carrea, G., Bovara, R., Roda, A,, Motta, R. and Petilino, R. Paschen, W.

Simpson, W. J., Fernandez, J. L., Hammond, J. R. M., Senior, P. S., McCarthy, B. J., Jago, P. H., Sidorwicz, S., Jassim, S. A. A. and Denyer, S. P. Tabata, M., Totani, M. and Murachi, T

Analyst, 115, 889-894,

1990 Prog. Histochem. Cytochem., 20, 1- 122.

1990 Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 11, 208-210, 1990 Biomed. Chromatogr., 4, 123-128,


3.2 Assay of enzymes 2142 Bacterial and firefly luciferase genes

in transgenic plants-advantages and disadvantages of a reporter gene 2143 A simple and sensitive in uiuo luciferase assay for tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression 2144 A microtransfection method using the luciferase-encoding reporter gene for the assay of human immunodeficiency virus LTR promoter activity

Koncz, C., Langridge, W. H. R., Olsson, O., Schell, J. and Szalay, A. A.

Develop. Genetics, 11, 224-232,

Schultz, D. W. and Yarus, M.

1990 J. Bacteriol., 172, 595-602, 1990

Schwartz, O., Virelizier, J. L., Montagnier, L. and Hazan, U.

Gene, 88, 197-205, 1990

3.4 Assay of biomass (rapid microbiology) 2145 Bioluminescence and

Stanley, P. E.

chemiluminescence in clinical microbiology and chemistry

2146 The growth response of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Mycoplasma jocculare based upon ATP-

Stemke, G. W. and Robertson, J. A.

Automation and New Technology in the Clinical Laboratory,

Okuda, K. (Ed.), IUPAC, 1990, 263-268 Vet. Microbiol., 24, 135-142, 1990

dependent luminometry 2147 A review: in uiuo bioluminescence:

Stewart, G. S. A. B.

new potentials for microbiology

Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 10, 1-8, 1990

3.5 Immobilized bioluminescent reagents see 2138,2141 3.6 lmmunoassay 2148 A bioluminescent solid phase for

immunoassays and DNA probes

Nicolas, J. C., Terouanne, B., Balaguer, P., Boussioux, A. M. and Crastes de Paulet, A.

Ann. Biol. Clin. (Paris), 48, 513-519, 1990


Zenno, S. and Inouye, S.

fusion protein of protein A and the photoprotein aequorin

209 Biochem. Biophys. Res Commun., 171, 169-174, 1990

3.7 Calcium determination 2150 Aequorin-detected calcium changes

in stimulated thrombasthenic platelets. Aggregation-dependent calcium movement in response to ADP


Lecompte, T., Potevin, F., Champeix, P., Morel, M. C., Favier, R., Hurtaud, M. F., Schlegel, N., Samama, M. and Kaplan, C.

Thromb. Res.,

58, 561-570, 1990

D N A hybridization assays see


3.30 Toxicity and mutagenicity testing 2151 Determination of ATP leakage from





cultured cells in toxicity testing: a two-step bioluminescent assay The luminescent bacteria toxicity test: its potential as an in vivo alternative Evaluation of the bioluminescence assays as screens for genotoxic chemicals Postantibiotic effect of beta-lactam antibiotics on Escherichiu coli evaluated by bioluminescence assay of bacterial ATP Assessing the effectiveness of depuration of polluted clams and mussels using the Microtox bioassay

2156 Application of the Microtox system

to assess the toxicity of pesticides and their hydrolysis metabolities

Anderson, M., Forsby, A. and Lewan, L. Bulich, A. A,, Tung, K. K. and Scheiber, G. Elmore, E. and Fitzgerald, M. P.

Atla-Altern. Lab. Anim., 17, 188-190, 1990 J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 71-77, 1990 Prog. Clin. Biol. Res.,

MOD, 379-387, Hanberger, H., Nilsson, L. E., Kihlstrom, E. and Maller, R.

Lau-Wong, M. M

Somasundaram, L.,Coats, J. R., Racke, K. D. and Stahr, H. M.

1990 Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 34, 102-106, 1990

Bull. Emiron. Contam. Toxicol., 44, 876-883, 1990 Bull. Environ. Conram. Toxicol., 44, 254-259, 1990

3.81 Genetic engineering 2157 From luc and phot genes to the

hospital bed 2158 I n uivo bioluminescence: a cellular

reporter for research and industry 2159 Novel monomeric luciferase enzymes

Campbell, A. K., Sala-Newby, G., Aston, P., Kalshekar, N., Kishi, Y. and Shimomura, 0. Jassim, S. A. A., Ellison, A,, Denyer, S. P. and Stewart, G. S. A. B. Olsson, O., Nilsson, 0. and Koncz, C .

as tools to study plant gene regulation in uivo

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 131-139, 1990

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 115-122, 1990 J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 19-87, 1990

3.99 General and miscellaneous 2160 Effects of general anesthetics on the

bacterial luciferase enzyme from Vibrio harveyi: an anesthetic target site with differential sensitivity

Curry, S., Lieb, W. R. and Franks, N. P.

Biochemistry, 29,4641-4652, 1990

21 0


2161 Rapid, sensitive bioluminescent reporter technology for naphthalene exposure and biodegradation

King, J. M. H., DiGrazia, P. M., Applegate, B., Burlage, R., Sanseverino, J., Dunbar, P., Larimer, F. and Sayler, G . s.

Science, 249, 778-781, 1990

2162 Bacterial luminescence - a new tool for investigating the effects of acoustic energy and cavitation 2163 Assessment of tumor energy and oxygenation status by bioluminescence, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and cryospectrophotometry 2164 A firefly luciferase assay for subnanomolar concentrations of amphipathic substances 2165 A new cellular model of response to estrogens - - a bioluminescent test to characterize (anti) estrogen molecules 2166 Structure-toxicity relationships for nonpolar narcotics: a comparison of data from the tetrahymena, photobacterium and pimephales systems

McInnes, C., Engel, D. and Martin, R. W.

J. Acoust. SOC.Amer., 88, 2527-2533, 1990 Cancer Rex, 50, 1681-1685, 1990

Mueller-Klieser, W., Schaefer, C., Walenta, S., Rofstad, E. K., Fenton, B. M. and Sutherland, R. M.

Naderi, S. and Melchior, D. L.

Pons, M., Gagne, D., Nicholas, J. C. and Methali, M. Schultz, T. W., Wyatt, N. L. and Lin, D. T.

Anal. Biochem., 190, 304-308, 1990 Bio Techniques, 9,450-459, 1990 Bull. Entiiron. Coniam. Toxicol., 44, 67-72, 1990

4. APPLICATIONS-CHEMILUMINESCENCE 4.1 Assay of substrates and cofactors 2167 A chemiluminescence method for the determination of sorbitol in erythrocytes using an enzyme/ isoluminol-microperoxidase 2168 Chemiluminescence detection of free fatty acids by high-performance liquid chromatography with immobilized enzymes

Fujikawa, K. and Suzuki, K.

Clin. Chem., 36, 1181, 1990

Kawasaki, H., Maeda, N. and Yuki, H.

J. Chromaioyr., 516,450 455, 1990

Pearson, J. R. and Carrea, F.

Clin. Chem, 36, 1809-1811, 1990 J . Neurosci. Methods, 31, 193-196, 1990

4.2 Assay of enzymes 2169 Evaluation of the clinical usefulness of a chemiluminometric method for measuring creatine kinase MB 2170 Choline oxidase chemiluminescent assay, after removal of eserine from medium, of acetylcholine released in uitro from brain slices 2171 A chemiluminogenic substrate for Nacetyl-p-o-glucosaminidase, uaminophthalylhydrazido-N-acetyl-pD-glucosaminide

Prado, M. A,, Moraes-Santos, T., Freitas, R. N., Silva, M. A. and Gomez, M. V. Sasamoto, K. and Ohkura, Y.

Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo), 38, 1323-1325, 1990

Austin, D. and Toivola, B.

Clin. Chem, 36,334-337, 1990

4.6 lmmunoassay 2172 Laboratory evaluation of an immunochemiluminometric assay of triiodothyronine in serum

21 1


2173 Application of a long-term enhanced xanthine oxidase-induced luminescence in solid-phase immunoassays 2174 Measurement of theophylline by chemiluminescent immunoassay

Baret, A., Fert, V. and Aumaille, J.

Anal. Biochem., 187, 20-26, 1990

Barlow, E., Leddy, M., Law, S-J. and Murnane, T.

2175 Do the most sensitive chemiluminescent assays for TSH offer an advantage in the difficult diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in hospitalized patients 2176 Comparison of the Amersham Amerlite estradiol-60 assay and Diagnostics Products Corporation Coat-a-Count estradiol assay 2177 Enhanced luminescence immunoassay for creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) 2178 An automated chemiluminescence immunoassay test for prostate specific antigen (PSA) 2179 Enhanced chemiluminescence in the measurement of proteins and haptens: evaluation of choriogonadotropin (hCG) and free thyroxin 2180 Chemiluminescent compounds for diagnostic tests

Bayer, M. F

Clin. Chem., 36, 1104, 1990 Clin. Chem., 36, 1143-1144. 1990

Berkowitz, A. S.

Clin. Chem., 36, 1099, 1990

Billing, J., Hinchy, V. and Montague, D.

Clin. Chem., 36, 1130, 1990 Clin. Chem., 36, 1050, 1990

Bluestein, B., Seery, J., Blake, D., Bonacci, M., Peterson, J., Nevill, J. and Larsen, F. Bonini, P. A,, Banfi, G. and Murone, M.

J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 193.- 196, 1990

Bronstein, I. and Dimond, P.

2181 Chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for alpha-fetoprotein

Bronstein, I., Thorpe, G . H. G., Kricka, L. J., Edwards, B. and Voyta, J. C.

2182 Evaluation of Ciba-Corning Magic Lite ferritin assay

Christopher, C. W., Chou, P. P. and Bailey, J. L.

2183 Isoluminol as a marker in direct chemiluminescence immunoassays for steroid hormones 2184 A rapid immunoassay for anti-HBc IgM using enhanced luminescence

De Boever, J., Kohen, F., Leyseele, D. and Vandekerckhove, D.

2185 Chemiluminescence immunoassay : an alternative to RIA

Dudley, R. F.

2186 Light-based detection of biomolecules

Durrant. I.

2187 Competitive immunochemiluminescence assay for measuring lutropin in urine

Farina, L. Orlandini, A. and Iacobella, C.

2188 Preparation and characterization of xanthine oxidase-antibody and -hapten conjugates for use in sensitive chemiluminescent immunoassays 2189 An improved chemiluminescencebased liposome immunoassay involving apoenzyme

Fert, V. and Baret, A.

Diment, J. A., Thompson, W. R. and Tovey, K. C.

Haga, M., Hoshino, S., Okada, H., Hazemoto, N., Kato, Y. and Suzuki, Y.

Res. Diagn. Clin. Testing, 28, 36-39, 1990 Clin. Chem., 36, 1087-1088, 1990 Clin. Chem., 36, 1189, 1990 J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., 5, 5-10, 1990 Clin. Chem., 36, 1089, 1990 Lab. Med., 21, 216-222, 1990 Nature, 346,291-298, 1990 Clin. Chem., 36, 2143-2144, 1990 J. Immunol. Methods, 131,237-248, 1990

Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo), 38,252-254, 1990

21 2

BlOLUM INESCENCE AND CH EM ILUMlN ESCENCE LITERATURE 2190 A solid phase immunochemiluminometric assay for human follitropin 2191 Enhanced chemiluminescent immunoassay for aldosterone

Hinz, V. S., Klee, G. G. and Preissner, C. M.

2192 Evaluation of the Magic Lite SQ specific IgE assay system

Jacobsen, L., Johansen, N. and Rohde, H.

2193 A comparison of 4 immunometric assays for myeloperoxidase using luminescent and colorimetric signal detection 2194 An automated chemiluminescence immunoassay test for free thyroxine FT4) 2195 Luminescent detection of immunodot and western blots

Janda, I., Jaensch, H., Braun, J. and Wood, W. G.

2196 Comparative study of chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassays and time resolved fluorescent immunoassay for 17ahydroxyprogesterone 2197 Chemiluminescence immunoassay kit with acridinium-ester-labeled antibody for assay of choriogonadotropin in serum 2198 Evaluation of chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for thyroid binding globulin (TGB) and comparison of T4/TBG ratio with free thryoxin index 2199 A chemiluminescence assay for intact LH

Maeda, M., Yang, K. H., Arakawa, H. and Tsuji, A.

2200 Laboratory evaluation of a chemiluminescent immunoassay for beta-HCG 2201 Enhanced chemiluminescence ELISA for Listeriu specific antigens in cerebrospinal fluid using an FITC ani FITC system 2202 Applications of a new chemiluminometric thyrotropin assay to subnormal measurement 2203 Immunoassay for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) using enhanced luminescence 2204 Chemiluminescence immunoassay of cyclosporine in whole blood

Hubl, W., Thorpe, G. H. G., Hoffman, F., Meissner, D. and Thiele, H. J.

Kwiatkowski, M., Long, L. and Sickel, M. Leong, M. M. and Fox, G. R.

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2205 Two-site and competitive chemiluminescent immunoassays

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BlOLU MI N ESCENCE AND CH EM ILUM IN ESC ENCE LITERATURE 2208 Comparison of enhanced luminescence immunoassay for T4 and RIA 2209 Enhanced luminescence immunoassay compared to a sensitive TSH assay 2210 Enhanced luminescence immunoassay for antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (aHBc) 2211 A chemiluminescent, microparticlemembrane capture immunoassay for the detection of antibody to hepatitis-B core antigen 2212 Spiroadamantane dioxetanes substrates - stable labels for luminescence - enhanced enzyme immunoassays 2213 Homogeneous chemiluminescent immunoassay based on complementmediated hemolysis of red blood cells 2214 A new chemiluminescence immunoassay for triiodothyronine and thyroxine: evaluation using quality control sera assayed in an interlaboratory survey


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DNA hybridization assays 2215 Applications of dioxetane chemiluminescent probes to molecular biology 2216 Rapid and sensitive detection of DNA in Southern blots with chemiluminesence 2217 Rapid and simple detection of minisatellite regions in forensic DNA samples by the polymerase chain reaction combined with a chemiluminescence method 2218 The application of enhanced chemiluminescence to membranebased nucleic acid detection

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2219 Chemiluminescent multiplex DNA sequencing

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BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE LITERATURE 2223 Nonradioactive nucleic acid detection by enhanced chemiluminescence using probes directly labeled with horseradish peroxidase 2224 Nonradioactive DNA detection on Southern blots by enzymatically triggered chemiluminescence 2225 Imaging of DNA sequences with chemiluminescence

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4.18 Inorganic analysis 2226 Use of sulfur chemiluminescent detection after supercritical fluid chromatography 2227 Measurement of elemental nitrogen by chemiluminescence: an evaluation of the Antek nitrogen analyzer system 2228 Chemiluminescent method for continuous monitoring of nitrous acid in ambient air 2229 Analysis of sulfur compounds by capillary column gas chromatography with sulfur chemiluminescence detection 2230 Chemiluminescent measurement of total urinary nitrogen for accurate calculation of nitrogen balance

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4.19 Organic analysis 2231 Continuous in uiuo measurement of hepatic lipoperoxidation using chemiluminescence: halothane and chloroform compared 2232 Continuous-flow chemiluminescence determination of isoniazid by oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide 2233 Chemiluminescence detection of detection of amino acids, peptides, and protein using Tris-2J-bipyridine ruthenium (111)

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He, L., Cox, K. A. and Danielson, N. D.

4.5 Liquid chromatography (HPLC etc.) 2234 Optimization of an HPLC peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection system for some dansyl amino acids 2235 Post-column adjustment of conditions for peroxylate chemiluminescence detection for high-performance liquid chromatography

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BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE LITERATURE 2236 Sensitive assay system for bile acids and steroids having hydroxyl groups utilizing high-performance liquid chromatography with peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection 2237 Studies on the effects of imidazole o n the peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection system for high performance liquid chromatography 2238 Determination of nitrated pyrenes and their derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence detection after online electrochemical reduction 2239 Determination of fluorescent cyanobenz[flisoindole derivatives of dopamine and norepinephrine using high performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence detection 2240 Naphthalene- and anthracene-2,3dialdehyde as precolumn labelling reagents for primary amines using reversed- and normal-phase liquid chromatography with peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection 2241 High-performance liquid chromatography with a 3ahydroxysteroid dehydrogenase postcolumn reactor and isoluminolmicroperoxidase chemiluminescence detection 2242 Determination of lipid hydroperoxides in low density lipoprotein from human plasma using high performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence detection 2243 Determination of alpha-keto acids including phenylpyruvic acid in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence detection 2244 High-performance liquid chromatography-chemiluminescence determination of methamphetamine in human serum using N-(4aminobuty1)-N-ethylisoluminolas a chemiluminogen 2245 Photocatalytic chemiluminescence detection of quinones in highperformance liquid chromatography

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2246 Detection of thymine hydroperoxides by using chemiluminescence-high performance liquid chromatography

Saeki, R., Inaba, H. and Miyazawa, T.

2247 Determination of a novel potent immunosuppressant (FK-506) in rat serum and lymph by highperformance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence detection

Takada, K., Oh-hashi, M., Yoshikawa, H., Muranishi, S., Nishiyama, M., Yoshida, H., Hata, T. and Tanaka, H.

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2248 Chemiluminescence high performance liquid chromatography of corticosteroids using lucigenin as post-column reagent 2249 High-performance liquid chromatography of clindamycin antibiotics using tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(III) chemiluminescence detection 2250 High-performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence detection of serum levels of pre-column derivatized fluoropyridine compounds

Takeda, M., Maeda, M. and Tsuji, A.

Biomed. Chromaiogr., 4, 119-122, 1990

Targove, M. A. and Danielson, N. D.

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4.52 Flow injection 2251 Continuous flow determination of nitrite with membrane separation/ chemiluminescence detection 2252 Photoinitiation of peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence - application to flow injection analysis of chemiluminophores 2253 Evaluation of pyrimido5,4[d]pyrimidine derivatives as peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence reagents using a flow injection system

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Nakashima, K., Maki, K., Akiyama, S. and Imai, K.

Bionied. Chromaiogr., 4, 105-101, 1990

2254 Chemiluminescence a sensitive and versatile method for analyte detection 2255 Chemiluminescence techniques for the characterization of materials

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J. Pharmaceul. Biomed. Anal., 8,417492, 1990

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2256 Solution chemiluminescence - some recent analytical developments. Plenary lecture

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Angew. Chem., 29, 362-313, 1990 Analyst, 115,495-500, 1990

4.99 Miscellaneous ~



5.1 Granulocytic leukocytes (PMN, PMNL, etc) 2257 Chemiluminescence response of human polymorphonuclear and mononuclear phagocytic cells induced by Staphylococcus saprophy iicus, lectinophagocyt osis versus opsonophagocytosis 2258 A sensitive and specific assay for superoxide anion released by neutrophils or macrophages based on bioluminescence of polynoidin

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BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE LITERATURE 2259 Influence of Pasteurella haemolytica A1 crude leukotoxin on bovine neutrophil chemiluminescence 2260 Longitudinal evaluation of polymorphonuclear leukocyte chemiluminescence in premature infants 2261 Influence of macrolide antibiotics on the chemiluminescence of zymosanactivated human neutrophils 2262 Alveolar cell pattern and chemiluminescence response of blood neutrophils and alveolar macrophages in sheep after endotoxin injection 2263 Effects induced in neutrophils by a precursor of triplet acetone

Czuprynski, C. J. and Noel, E. J.

2264 A 21-aminosteroid reduces hydrogen peroxide generation by and chemiluminescence of stimulated human leukocytes 2265 The effect of various cell separation procedures on assays of neutrophil function. A critical appraisal 2266 How flavonoids inhibit the generation of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence by activated human neutrophils 2267 Effect of cysteine ethylester hydrochloride on host defense mechanisms: potentiation of nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and chemiluminescence in macrophages or leukocytes of mice or rats 2268 Alterations of the respiratory burst of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from diabetic children. A chemiluminescence study 2269 Lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence in neutrophils stimulated with stratum corneum sheet 2270 Chemotaxis and chemiluminescence responses of synovial fluid polymorphonuclear leukocytes during acute reactive arthritis 2271 Chemiluminescence properties of human, canine and rat polymorphonuclear cells 2272 Effect of venom from cerastescerastes (Egyptian Sand Viper) on luminol-dependen t chemiluminescence of human blood phagocyte cells 2273 Effect of fusidic acid on migration and chemiluminescence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes

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2274 Abnormal zymosan-induced neutrophil chemiluminescence as a marker of depression 2275 Magnesium-dependent induction of phagocytosis associated chemiluminescence of adherent polymorphonuclear leukocytes by non-opsonized zymosan 2276 Different influences of cytochalasin b on the activation of human neutrophils settled onto Petri dishes displayed by simultaneously detected native and luminol-dependent luminescence 2277 Influence of 4-hydroxynonenal on chemiluminescence production by unstimulated and opsonized zymosan-stimulated human neutrophils 2278 The specificity of the human neutrophil IgA receptor (Rc-AlphaR) determined by measurement of chemiluminescence induced by serum or secretory IgAl or IgA2 2279 Chemiluminescence and chemotaxis assay of porcine polymorphonuclear cells. A methodological study 2280 Effect of oxidised phospholipids on the chemiluminescence of zymosanactivated leukocytes 2281 Three peaked chemiluminescent response of human peripheral blood leukocytes following stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) 2282 Chemiluminescence (CL) in blood samples reflects leukocyte activation (LA) during anaphylactoid reaction in dogs 2283 Surface properties of Staphlococcus aureus affecting chemiluminescence response of human phagocytes 2284 Chemiluminescence response of human phagocytes against IgGopsonized staphylococci with and without protein A activities


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Monocyte-Macrophage 2285 Luminol amplified chemiluminescence activity in human monocytes: a comparison with the activity induced in granulocytes 2286 Human monocytes CD36 and CD16 are signaling molecules - evidence from studies using antibody-induced chemiluminescence as a tool to probe signal transduction

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5.15 Whole blood and body fluids 2287 Influence of monoaminooxidase type a inhibitors on the blood serum chemiluminescence in the presence of Fez+ ions 2288 Chemiluminescence of irradiated blood plasma

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Biofizica, 35, 885, 1990

Kavetsky, R. E., Serkyz, Y. A. I., Druzhina, N. A. and Pinchouk, V. G .

2289 Whole blood luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence: statistical analysis of the responses of different subjects 2290 Spontaneous chemiluminescence activity of peripheral blood cells during experimental allergic neuritis 2291 Increased oxygen radical production determined by whole blood chemiluminesce in patients with previous Yersina arthritis

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5.99 General and miscellaneous 2292 Inhibitory effects of azelastine on superoxide anion generation from activated inflammatory cells measured by a simple chemiluminescence method 2293 Application of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence to assay opsonizing antibodies to procyclic forms of Trypanosoma congolense in the sera of dogs experimentally infected with heterologous stocks 2294 The effect of virus particle size on chemiluminescence induction by influenza and Sendai viruses in mouse spleen cells 2295 Ascorbate- and hemoglobindependent brain chemiluminescence

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Luminometers 2297 Quantitative luminescence imaging in the biosciences using the CCD camera: analysis of macro and microsamples

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BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE LITERATURE 2298 Low light level in vitro monitoring of cellular and antigen-antibody reactions using a photon detection camera system-new perspectives for clinical diagnosis and research

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7.3 Assay techniques 2299 Method of detecting a substance using enzymatically induced decomposition of diaxetanes

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Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence literature. The 1990 literature: Part I.

JOURNAL OF BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE VOL 6 203-220 (1991) Bioluminescence and Chemi Iuminescence Literature The Journal provides compreh...
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