Biological Roles of Nitric Oxide This previously elusive and obscure chemical is proving to be of vital physiological significance. Nitric oxide may be the first of a novel class of neurotransmitters by Solomon H. Snyder and David S. Bredt


mall, simple and highly toxic, ni­ tric oxide seems an unlikely bio­ logical jack-of-all-trades. Indeed, most of the body's functions are regu­ lated by extraordinarily large and com­ plex proteins and compounds. The tools of modern molecular biology have re­ vealed such elaborate chemicals as the hormone testosterone and the immune system protein gamma interferon. Such chemical complexity seems al­ most ostentatious when compared with seemingly plain and unassuming nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, or NO, is a gas un­ der atmospheric conditions. It is not to be confused with nitrous oxide, or N20, the laughing gas used as an anesthetic. Nitric oxide is notoriously noxious be­ cause of its free-radical structure: it pos­ sesses an extra electron, making it high­ ly chemically reactive. And although it has long been known that bacteria con­ tain nitric oxide, no one anticipated that such a reactive agent would have a cru­ cial function in mammals. Five years ago this belief was dis­ pelled when a series of discoveries from many different avenues of research came together, revealing the major bio­ logical roles of nitric oxide. Studies

have shown that the chemical is per­ haps one of the most important mes­ senger molecules. It enables white blood cells to kill tumor cells and bacteria, and it allows neurotransmitters to dilate blood vessels. Nitric oxide simultaneously serves as a messenger for neurons, much like a neurotransmitter, in the brain and oth­ er parts of the body. In fact, nitric oxide may prove to be the first in a series of neurotransmitters unlike any of those previously elucidated. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of this po­ tent compound, its distribution and its relation to other important bodily agents has led to clues that may be illu­ minating for memory research and for the treatment of certain neurodegener­ ative disorders.


arly studies of nitric oxide sug­ gested the compound was any­ thing but beneficial. Nitric oxide is extremely labile, that is, short-lived. It exists for about six to 10 seconds and then is converted by oxygen and water into nitrates and nitrites. Although hu­ mans excrete nitrates, scientists used to think these compounds derived sole­ ly from dietary sources. Therefore, in 1956, when P. N. Magee and J. M. Barnes

SOLOMON H. SNYDER and DAVID S. BREDT have worked together since 1989 at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where Snyder is director of the department of neuroscience. Snyder, who is also Distinguished Service Profes­ sor of Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Psychiatry at the university, has received many awards, including the Albert lask­ er Award for Basic Biomedical Research. A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and SCience, Snyder has pioneered the identification of receptors for neuro­ transmitters. Bredt received his degree in chemistry from Princeton University in 1986 and received his doctorate from Johns Hopkins this year. He is currently completing the university's medical sci­ entist training program. Bredt is the au­ thor of several articles on the biological role of nitric oxide.


of the Medical Research Council labora­ tories in Surrey, England, reported that the body converts nitrates from cured foods to carcinogenic nitrosamines, peo­ ple rushed to change their eating habits. Bacon and other cured foods high in ni­ trates were shunned. In 1981 Steven R. Tannenbaum and his associates at the Massachusetts In­ stitute of Technology noted that hu­ mans and rats fed low-nitrate diets still excreted substantial amounts of ni­ trates. Obviously, diet was not the sole

ble for nitrate formation. Tannenbaum noted that injections of bacterial endo­ toxin, which causes an inflammatory re­ sponse to bacteria, stimulated nitrate excretion in rats. The precise source of nitrate forma­ tion and its relation to inflammatory re­ sponses were ultimately pinned down by Michael A. MarIetta of the University of Michigan and his student Dennis J. Stuehr and by John B. Hibbs, Jr., of the University of Utah. MarIetta had been a student of Tannenbaum's at M.I.T., and he remained intrigued about the part the immune system played in the endo­ toxin-induced nitrate formation. MarIet­ ta found that mice with a certain geneti­ cally determined macrophage deficiency excreted few nitrates. He thereby estab­ lished an association between the pres­ ence of macrophages and the presence of nitrates. Marletta probed further. He isolated cultures of the missing macrophages. He then introduced endotoxin into the culture along with gamma interferon, an immune modulator protein that ac­ tivates other immune cells and that is formed by T lymphocytes. After this infusion the macrophages were sudden­ ly able to produce nitrates. By selectively testing different as­ pects of the cultures, Marletta also dis­ covered macrophages could not pro­ duce nitrates when the amino acid arginine-normally present in the incu­ bation medium-was absent. That find­ ing enabled him to prove that a specific enzyme in the macrophages converts arginine into an intermediate chemical. The chemical turned out to be nitric ox­ ide, which is quickly transformed into nitrites and nitrates. Meanwhile Hibbs, working indepen­ dently, was evaluating the ability of

source. Where did the compounds orig­ inate? Tannenbaum found a valuable clue in one of his subjects: a man who excreted very high levels of urinary ni­ trates while he had infectious diarrhea. Inflammatory processes associated with the diarrhea were apparently responsi-



STAINED NEURONS become rust col­ ored if they contain nitric oxide syn­ thase (NOS), the enzyme that converts arginine to nitric oxide. Grayish blue­ stained neurons do not contain NOS.

macrophages to kill tumor cells and

years ago. When macrophages are acti­

are other neurotransmitters that con­

bacteria. He cultured tumor cells with

vated by endotoxins or T cells, they re­

tract the muscle and constrict blood

macrophages and noted that the tu­

spond by converting arginine into ni­

vessels, such as norepinephrine. Be­

mor-killing ability of the macrophages

cause norepinephrine receptors occur

disappeared when arginine was re­

tric oxide. The toxic, free-radical nitric oxide, in turn, allows macrophages to

moved from the medium. Hibbs also

kill bacteria, fungi and tumor cells.

tists assumed the cells would also bear receptors for acetylcholine.

proved arginine was converted not only into nitrates but also into the amino acid citrulline. In this way, he provided evidence that a specific enzyme pro­

directly on muscle cells, most scien­


n a completely unrelated series of investigations, researchers identified

wrong. That year, Robert F. Furchgott, a

nitric oxide as a messenger mole­

prominent cardiovascular pharmacolo­






duced nitric oxide from arginine.

cule. There are two parts to this aspect

gist working at the Downstate Medical

Hibbs went on to demonstrate that nitric oxide gas was as toxic to the tu­

of the nitric oxide story. The first en­

Center in Brooklyn, noticed that the re­

tails the mechanisms by which neuro­

laxation of blood vessels brought about

mor cells as were the activated macro­

transmitters dilate blood vessels; the

by acetylcholine no longer occurred

phages. And he identified the first in­

second concerns the drugs that relieve

when the endothelial layer was stripped

hibitor of the enzyme synthesizing ni­ tric oxide. Hibbs did this by showing

the symptoms of angina, a form of heart disease in which the coronary ar­

from the vessels. Endothelium is the thin layer of cells on the interior sur­

that a derivative of arginine-specifi­

teries of the heart constrict. Both lines

face of blood vessels, immediately ad­

cally a methyl derivative-blocked both

of research coincided recently to reveal

the formation of nitrates and the ma­

more about the intricacies of nitric ox­

jacent to the muscle layer. In a series of experiments, Furchgott demonstrated

crophage's tumor-destroying prowess.

ide's functions.

that acetylcholine acts on receptors lo­

Without an enzyme producing nitric

Blood vessels are dilated by neuro­

oxide from arginine, no macrophage

transmitters that cause the muscle lay­

tion provokes the release of a small

defense could be mounted.

er of the vessels to relax, such as acetyl­

molecule that diffuses to the adjacent

choline. Counterbalancing this effect

muscle layer and relaxes it.

This is where research stood several

cated on the endothelial cells. This ac­




IMMUNE SYSTEM STIMUU gamma interferon and lipopolysac­ charide transmit signals to a macrophage nucleus. The sig­ nals cause production of nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme

that converts arginine to nitric oxide (NO). NO destroys tu­ mor cells by inhibiting the energy-producing Krebs cycle and electron transport activities as well as DNA synthesis.

The mysterious molecule, or endothe­

troglycerin available. Murad, then at

lium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), as it

Stanford University, found that nitro­

a rapid increase in blood pressure, an

was soon called, was nearly impossible

glycerin and the organic nitrates are

to identify. Numerous investigators, in­

themselves inactive, although they elic­

increase more notable than the altera­ tions produced by drugs influencing nor­

cluding Furchgott and Louis]. Ignarro

it blood vessel relaxation once they are

epinephrine or angiotensin. Changes in

of the University of California at Los

metabolically converted to nitric oxide.

the regulation of nitric oxide could be

Angeles, tried unsuccessfully to isolate

Moreover, nitric oxide relaxes muscle

associated with hypertension or other

the labile compound. Despite their in­

by stimulating the formation of cyclic

blood pressure abnormalities.

ability to identify EDRF, the researchers

GMP, just as EDRF does. The two lines

made a

of research, EDRF and nitroglycerin,




proved EDRF stimulates the formation

seemed to have converged.

of cyclic guanosine monophosphate

By 1986 both Furchgott and Ignarro

(GMP), a so-called second messenger for

had predicted that nitric oxide or some

and humans. Such treatment provokes


he pace of discovery about nitric oxide verges on dizzying. Knowl­ edge about its importance to the

immune and vascular systems is itself

neurotransmitters and hormones. Cyclic

closely related derivative might account


GMP is related to the better-known sec­

for EDRF 's activity. Finally, in 1987,

fresher news: nitric oxide's function in

ond-messenger molecule, cyclic adeno­

proof that EDRF is identical to nitric ox­

the brain. The first hint that nitric ox­

sine monophosphate

ide was provided. Salvador Moncada and

ide was involved in the nervous system

Meanwhile another vein of research

his associates at the Wellcome Research

came only in 1982. Takeo Deguchi of

was being pursued, one that would

Laboratories in Beckenham, England,

the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for

come to bear on the work of Furchgott

stimulated the release of EDRF from

Neurosciences noticed that cyclic GMP formation in the brain requires argi­



but there is even

and Ignarro. Investigators, such as Ferid

endothelial cells and monitored its re­

Murad of Abbott Laboratories, were

laxing effect on smooth muscle. At the

nine. Of course, at that time, no one

seeking to understand the intricacies

same time, they chemically measured

knew that nitric oxide was a messenger

of nitroglycerin's effectiveness as a

the amount of nitric oxide released from

molecule or that it was formed from

treatment for heart attack. This potent

the endothelium. The endothelium re­

arginine. In 1989 Moncada, at Wellcome,

drug alleviates the symptoms of car­

leased enough nitric oxide to account

reasoned that arginine's role in cyclic

diac arrest by dilating coronary arteries

fully for the relaxation of adjacent mus­

GMP formation in the brain must relate

and the veins that supply blood to the

cle cells; therefore, nitric oxide is EDRF.

to nitric oxide formation. In fact, he

heart. Nitroglycerin, the active chemical

Ignarro's group soon obtained simi­

found nitric oxide-forming activity in

in dynamite, was invented by Alfred

lar results. In addition to relaxing blood

brain tissue preparations.

Nobel, who endowed the Nobel Prize.

vessels, nitric oxide inhibits blood clot­

Simultaneously, another body of evi­

Its therapeutic effects were well known

ting by preventing the aggregation of

dence was accumulating. John Garth­

in the late 1800s. Nobel, who suffered

platelets. It has also been found to be

waite of the University of liverpool ob­

from angina, wrote to a friend about

the normal regulator of penile erection.

served the formation of a short-lived

them: "It sounds like the irony of fate

Today nitric oxide's role in the vascu­

substance that had the properties of ni­

that I should be ordered by my doctor to take nitroglycerin internally." The

lar system has been shown to be even

tric oxide when he stimulated brain tis­

more extensive. Although other sub­

sue by administering the amino acid

therapeutic success of the drug result­

stances, such as angiotensin and nore­

glutamate. Glutamate, an excitatory neu­

ed in numerous derivatives (the organic

pinephrine, were assumed to be the ma­


nitrates), which remain the mainstays

jor determinants of blood pressure, ni­

transmission at more sites in the brain

of anginal treatment.

accounts for synaptic

tric oxide apparently is the principal

than does any other neurotransmitter.

Although Nobel had discovered the

regulator of blood pressure. Several in­

Its effects are mediated by several sub­

compound nearly a century before, not

vestigators have administered inhibitors

types of receptors. The one best char­

until the late 1970s was any insight

of the enzyme that makes nitric oxide­

acterized is the NMDA receptor, short

into the molecular mechanisms of ni-

nitric oxide synthase-to both animals

for N-methyl-D-aspartate, a synthetic




amino acid that acts selectively at this

tric oxide synthase-specifically the

zyme itself. This was no easy task. We

subtype of glutamate receptor. At NMDA

methyl arginine derivative mentioned

tried numerous purification techniques,

receptors, glutamate opens calcium ion

above-to the slices. Methyl arginine

but with each one we quickly lost all

channels, gatekeepers of neuronal trans­

blocked the formation of cyclic GMP at

enzyme activity. We therefore reasoned

mission, thereby sending a strong exci­

the same concentrations as it inhibited

that some aspect of the purification

tatory impulse.

nitric oxide synthase.

Because both

procedure was removing a crucial chem­

When released in large amounts,

processes were inhibited by the same

ical that served as a cofactor, or assis­

however, glutamate can cause damage by opening these channels. For exam­

amount of methyl arginine, it seemed

tant, in the enzyme's activity. So we

clear the two were related. Garthwaite

considered trying to purify this hypo­

ple, the death of neurons during most strokes results perhaps from a cascade

and Moncada also observed this block­ ade of cyclic GMP formation.

thetical cofactor.

of glutamate acting on cells already de­ prived of oxygen. The added stress of having to fire more rapidly because of

But that approach seemed rather complicated, and we turned instead to


ur next step was to explore

guesswork. Moncada had discovered

where nitric oxide worked in

that the synthesis of nitric oxide re­

the brain. Normally, neurosci­

quired the presence of calcium. Calci­

then kills the cells [see "Stroke Thera­ py," by Justin A. Zivin and Dennis W.

entists glean such functions of an im­

um often acts by binding to a ubiqui­

portant molecule by finding its specific

tous cofactor called calmodulin. We


neuronal locations, which are, in turn,

added a small amount of calmodulin to

Neuronal damage in animals in which

associated with particular biological

some of our enzyme preparations and

strokes have been induced can for the

pathways and functions. But trying to

immediately saw a profound enhance­

most part be prevented by drugs that

locate a short-lived molecule such as

ment of enzyme activity. Fortuitously,

block NMDA receptors. The private sec­

nitric oxide seemed hopeless. Instead

calmodulin was the missing crucial co­

tor has been quick to respond. NMDA

we attempted to localize nitric oxide

factor for nitric oxide synthase.

antagonists are being developed by


the glutamate stimulation exhausts and

several companies as potential treat­

Recognition of the association be­

One of the most efficient means of

tween nitric oxide, calcium and calmod­

localizing proteins is provided by im­

ulin enabled us to proceed with the

Garthwaite's observation that stimu­

munohistochemistry. An antibody to

purification of our enzyme. More im­

lating NMDA receptors releases nitric

the molecule that is to be traced is ap­

portant, it explained why NMDA recep­

oxide implicated the agent as a gluta­

plied to tissue samples. It binds with

tors set in motion nitric oxide synthe­

mate mediator. So in early 1989 we de­

the molecule, or antigen, in question.

sis so quickly after being triggered by

cided to investigate a possible role of ni­

Various techniques, including staining,

glutamate. As is well known, glutamate

tric oxide in synaptic function. Because

are then used to mark where the anti­

causes synaptic transmission at NMDA

nitric oxide was known to act through

body is bound to its antigen.

ments for stroke.

receptors by opening the ion channels

cyclic GMP in blood vessels, we looked

Before we could proceed with our im­

that promote the movement of calcium

for a part of the brain in which gluta­

munohistochemical experiments, how­

ions from the exterior to the interior of

mate had been shown to influence cyclic

ever, we had to obtain antibodies to ni­

neurons. Therefore, glutamate causes

GMP. Fortunately, in the 1970s James

tric oxide synthase. And before we

calcium to move into cells; the calcium

Ferrendelli of Washington University

could do that, we had to isolate the en-

ions then bind to calmodulin and acti-

had added glutamate to slices from the cerebellum and observed a rapid, pro­ nounced increase in cyclic GMP. Using similar cerebellar brain prepa­ rations, we developed a technique to measure the activity of the nitric ox­ ide-forming enzyme, nitric oxide syn­






thase. Because arginine produces nitric oxide and citrulline in equal propor­


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tions, we monitored the conversion of radioactive arginine to citrulline. What­ ever the amount of citrulline we mea­ sured, it would therefore indicate that the same amount of nitric oxide had been produced. By this method we found that nitric oxide synthase activi­ ty tripled when we added NMDA or glutamate to the slices. We were struck by the extreme rapidity of this effect: it took place in a matter of seconds. This discovery was somewhat perplexing because increasing the activity of an enzyme usually requires a long time. In the same brain slices, we confirmed that NMDA provoked large increases in cyclic GMP levels. We decided to exam­ ine whether there was a causal link be­ tween the formation of nitric oxide and of cyclic GMP. This question was easily addressed by adding inhibitors of ni-

BLOOD VESSELS DILATE when a neurotransmitter, such as acetylcholine, binds to endothelial cells on the vessel's inner walls. These cells release endothelium-de­ rived releasing factor (EDRF), which travels to adjacent muscle cells and causes them to relax. In 1987 EDRF was found to be identical to nitric oxide.





A policeman at the accident , Offi cer Jimmie Boylan, thought, She's lucky to be alive:' Cheryl had II

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vate nitric oxide synthase. This entire process takes place in milliseconds. Once we purified the nitric oxide syn­ thase protein, we and Paul M. Hwang, a doctoral student in our laboratory, de­ veloped antibodies against it. We then tracked down its presence in the brain and the rest of the body. Our most dra­ matic observation was that nitric oxide synthase occurs almost entirely in neu­ rons. Neurons make up only 15 per­ cent of brain cells; the other 85 percent are glial cells that provide metabolic and other support for neurons. Yet no enzyme was detected in glia. Interestingly, nitric oxide synthase was present only in discrete popula­ tions of neurons. In the pituitary gland, for instance, the enzyme exists in neu­ rons whose cell bodies lie in the hypo­ thalamus, whence they extend into the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. These particular neurons synthesize and release the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin. In the adrenal gland, nitric

oxide synthase is highly concentrated in a network of neurons that stimulate adrenal cells to release epinephrine, or adrenaline. In the intestine the enzyme resides in a collection of neurons re­ ferred to as the myenteric plexus. These nerve cells regulate peristalsis. In the cerebral cortex, however, the enzyme occurs in only about 2 percent of the neurons. Outside the brain, nitric oxide synthase is found in the endothelial layer of blood vessels.


he localizations we observed are extraordinary in that nitric ox­ ide synthase is present predomi­ nantly in neurons. The functions of ni­ tric oxide in nerve cells must therefore be comparable in importance to its functions in macrophages and blood vessels, perhaps even more so. Although we successfully traced nitric oxide throughout the brain, our find­ ings did not immediately suggest any clear function for the compound. The

localizations seemed rather mysterious because they did not match the place­ ment of any known neurotransmitter. But a breakthrough was soon made when we noticed that the peculiar lo­ calization of nitric oxide synthase in the cerebral cortex resembles anoth­ er peculiar pattern of neurons, those stained by a certain dye. This stain was developed by the British histochemist Anthony Pearse of the University of London in the mid1960s. When Pearse stained brain slices with a dye called nitro blue tetrazoli­ um, he observed that certain neurons turned bright blue when he added an enzyme cofactor called reduced nico­ tinamide adenine dinucleotide phos­ phate (NADPH). These neurons, called diaphorase neurons, made up about 2 percent of the cerebral cortex. NADPH donates electrons for oxidative en­ zymes, and so diaphorase was pre­ sumed to mediate a form of oxidation. Few researchers, however, were ini-



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Biological roles of nitric oxide.

Biological Roles of Nitric Oxide This previously elusive and obscure chemical is proving to be of vital physiological significance. Nitric oxide may b...
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