Bior& & Phorttraror/wr (1991) 45.49-54 Q Elsevier. Paris



estatin, an aminopeptidase with a multi-pharmacological

inhibitor function

G Math6 lnslitur du Cattccr et d’/tttatuttoji~nnPtique 14-16 avenue Paul-Vaillanr-Couturier. 94800 Villejuif,


Summary - Bestatin, the dipeptide N-1(2& 3R)-3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenyl butanyl) L-leucine is a leucine aminopeptidase and aminopcptidase-B inhibitor. It exerts a direct stimulating effect on lymphocytes (and monocytes) viu its fixation on cell surface leucinc-aminopeptidase. and an indirect effect on monocytes (and lymphocytes) via aminopeptidase B inhibition of tuftsin catabolism. Thus it is an immuno-modifier as shown by the Japanese and also our groups: a) immunomodifier, especially stimulator, in normal young mice; b) immunorestorator and spontaneous tumor preventive agent in aged mice; c) immunorestorator in the elderly and in cancer patients and HIV infected subjects. It stimulates granulocytopoiesis and thrombocytopoicsis irt vim. and can reslore them in viva in myelo-hypoplastic man. The anti-aminopeptidase action of Bestatin also protects cnkephalins againt their catabolism, which encouraged us. with good preliminary results, to study its analgesic action and search for a preventive effect on “desaddicted” toxicomaniac relapses. Bestatin / anti-aminopeptidase

I pharmacological


KCsume - La Bestatine, un inhibiteur d’aminopeptidase avec un r6le multi-pharmacologique. Bestutine. lc dipepride N-[(2S, 3R)-3-rttttitlo-2-hydro.vy-4-phcnyl huronoyl) L-leucine est rut inhibireur de la leucine atninopepridase ef de l’antinopepridasc-B. II esis~c 1~1 cjjerl srimulanr direct sur lcs lyttlpltocytes (et les ntonocytes) par i’interttt~diaire de su jkarion sur lu Ieucitte attrittoltc~l)rirktsc de IN surface cellulaire. et utt effer indirect sur lcs ntonocy~cs (er les Iytttphocytes) par I’inrerttrklittire de I’initibiriott du ccmholisnre de la tufrsinc pm I’aminopcp~idase B. La Bestarine esr un ittuttut~o-tnodulant que sitt~uli~retnenr des groupes jopotwis et le tldrrc on1 tttotrtrL’ se cotttplircr enwe aulre cotnme : a) un inununotnodificateur, un srimulateur, cite: dcs souris jeunes et normales: h) un iomntltnorestualtralettr et parall&wrcnt un agent prfventif de la sur\*entte des tutncttrs spotlrutties cite,- lcs souris dgPes: c) rtn inunut~orestaurateur chez des ituntains tigt%, cites des patients rtrk+trs dc cwtcers CI cite: des sujers ittfech par le HIV. II stintrtle la ~mttulocytopoiPse et la rrombocytopoi2se in vitro CI peur IN res~aurer in vivo clre-_ des myE’lo-kypoplnsries imttraines. L’action anti-aminopepridase de la Besturine pro&e ttrtssi lcs ettk~pltalittes comre leurs cataholistncs, ce qtri nous a conduit, avec des rhtl~als pr~linrinaires encotrra,~eatt~s. d itudier /cur urtiott ~muI~~Csiqrte et Li recherciter leurs Cvenruelles capaciks de pre’renir les rechures dc toxicotnanes prhIcrbientcnr soutttis ti uttc cure de dhintoxication. Bestatine / anti-aminopeptidase

inhibiting action gives a only a potential but a very likely chance of curing several, sometimes unexpected and physiologically very different actions. Possessing




/ action pharmacologique


A peptidase inhibitor


Bestatin is a peptidase inhibitor, a small molecular weight dipeptide, N-[(2S, 3R)-3-amino-2-hy-


G Mathi:

droxy-4~phenyi butanoyl] L-leucine (fig 1) which was extracted from Sr~q~oq~~s olivoreti [ 171. It was discovered by Umezawa [ 171 who also discovered that it is an inhibitor of leucine aminopeptidase {which is known to bind at the cell surface [9]) and aminopeptidase B (fig 2). The first inhibiting action (or one of the) is the direct immuno-active effect lymphocytes. The second inhibiting action, on aminopeptidase B, works by inhibiting the catabolism of tuftsin [6] (which results from immunoglobulin under the effect of carboxypeptidase [6]), tuftsin which is itself an immuno-(mainly monocytic-macrophage) stimulator.




Fig 1. Chemical s~ruc~urc of Bestatin. (k)-N-[(?S. 3R)-3amino-7-bydrory-4-phenylbutanoyi] t&wine (MW: 308.38).



TUFTSIN H-Thr-Pfe-Arg-Lys-OH





b lo,,g* loopg”



Fig 2. Bestatin is: a)aminopcptidase B inhibitor. b) as ppstatin. a leucinc aminopcptidase inhibitor (1). and c) a tuftsin catabolism inhibitor.

An i~~~~o-~od~iato~ statin

and r~sto~ator Be-

it appeared that Bestatin was able to globally stimulate the normal immune functions in young mice (fig 3) [S, 81. More interestingly, we observed that it was able to restore these functions on age ~mmunodepressed mice (fig 3) 141. It not only stimulates in normal mice, T-lymphocyte functions, especially CD4+ interleukin 2

Fig 3. a. Action of Bestatin in the main immunologic functions in young mice. b. Effect of ageing on main immunologic functions. c. Effect of Bestatin according to dose on the immunologic functions in old mice.

Bestatin. an am~no~ptidas~ inhibitor





DAY AFTER TREATMENT Fig 4. Effect of oral administrationin mice of Bestatin on 3 conseculivc days on IL-I and IL-2 production by macrophages and spleen cells respectively. 1L-1 and IL-2 pr~uctions, induced irt vitro respectively by LPS and Con A. are amplified 3 and 5 days after a 3-day treatment with Beststin,



Fig 6. Effects of phospnulipase At (PLAZ) injection on the chemoluminesccnce response of peritoneal cells from immunostimulated mice. Groups of 10 mice were given, on day-a with Bestatin (5 p&mouse ip) and with or without ip injection of 0.7 units PLA?, mouse 30 min before cell harvesl. Each peritoneal cell suspension was tested in~viduatiy. The results are expressed as mV/min f SD.


DAY AFTER TR~TMENT Fig 5, Respective effects of Bestatin and amastatin oral administratians in mice for 3 consecutive days on peritonerl macrophage chemolumincsccnce triggered by opsonised zymosan. Fig 7. Pe~toneal cell c~moluminescence after (100 pg) tuftsin and or (25 pg) iv administration.

production (fig 4), but also B cell-antibody production (fig 3a) [5J. It can activate the mono~ytic-ma~rophagic system, increasing interleukin 1 production [fig 4) and peritoneal macrophage chemoluminescence induced zymosan (more intensely than amastatin) (fig 5), and phospholipase A2 (fig 6) or activated by tuftsin (fig 7) 13, 101. In man, it has increased, in cancer patients and NIV infected subjects, the CD&/CDS+ ratio (fig 8) 1121.


More interestingly, Bestatin is able to increase the CD4+ absolute number in the elderly, if the CD8+ cell absolute number is normal (fig 9) [ 101. It can aiso decrease at a certain dose (15 mgld) the number of CD8+CR3~lymph~ytes considered as suppressor cells, while it may increase them at a higher dose (30 mgld) {fig 9) [lo].

G Math6


Curative and preventive effects on tumors Bestatin has been shown to exert a regressive effect on murine grafted tumors f I]. It also works in combination with zinc gluconate [ll] as laro semu adjuvant therapy, but only when applied both as stricto-sensu adjuvant and neo-adjuvant treatment to surgery (before and after) (table I) [2]. In addition, when applied between the 16th and the 28th month, it prevents, especially at a high dose, the appearance of spontaneous induced tumors related to ageing, while, as seen above, it restores immunity and delays mortality (table II) [41. In man, clinical controlled trials have been conducted, of which the most interesting has concerned acute myeloid leukemia: the patients being stratified according to age [ 13, 141. There was no increase by Bestatin active immunotherapy of the ABSOLUTE NUMBERS


1800 t

-..._._._._. ,___,_._.__.... ..1.”

(CD4 + , N) (CD8+,


NKHt (NKH1 t N)_

Pii: fp. Effect of Bestatin according to dose on immunologic parameters, normality or decrensc.

Table 1. Proportion OF cured animals at day






60 after surpy

especially on CD4+lymphocytes according to CDS+ cells

alone or

followed and/or preceded by Bestatin and zinc

iinnlullotherapy, I -0HP cfleinothcrapy or D-Trp-bLH-RH ho~onothe~py. -. Trca~fmW ahe Surgery Zinc gluconate + Bestatin



Neoadjrrvarrt + Adjtrvattt

0 0









D-Trp-6-LH-RH (20)





Bestatin. an aminopeptidase



Table II. Prevention by Bestatin of the incidence of spontaneous tumors appearing in FI (C57Bu x BALB/c) micebetween the 16th and 28th month of age. Untreated qed group

Malignanl lymphoma Hepatoma Leukemic lymphoma

Histological type of the tumors No of tumor bearing animals* Total No of animals per group *P

tO0 ~18bestatin-treated aged group

6 1 1





= 0.01



rate which included a rather high proportion of patients younger than 40 (and even 50). The survival rate among controls over the age of 40 is, on the contrary, low, and is elevated by Bestatin at the level of that of patients under 40 years of age [ 13. 141.

Fig 10. Synergy between rhGM-CSF and Bestatin in hemalon cultures.


A pan-hematopoietic storator



0 6000

and re-

The increase of in viva mice granulocyte number following chemotherapy and radiotherapy has been noted by Talmadge [IS]. We have discovered in vitro, on human CFUs, that Bestatin potentiates the effect of CFS (fig 10) [lo], and we have registered irt vivo in man, this restoration effect on granulocytes and platelets (fig 11) [lo].



Fig 11. Effects of Bestatin (applied alone to a patienl with subacute marrow aplasia after a long application of cytostatic chemotherapy).

G Math6




lntraneuronal enkephaline





Fig 12. Bestarin inhibits endogenous enkephaline catabolism via aminopeptidase inhibition.

Other effects, especially psychic

7 Herman ZS, Stachura Z, Opiela L. Ziemion IZ, Na-

that enkephalins are pentapeptides of the general formula tyrosine-glycine-glycinephenylalanine, the last amino acid being either methionine or leucine. Bestatin inhibits at least three aminopeptidases in the brain (fig 12) 116) and tuftsin is known to exert an analgesic effect [7]; we have searched for: a) an analgesic effect: b) a relapse inhibitory effect in toxicomaniacs after desaddiction. Our studies, which are in phase II progress, are very encouraging. It is known

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in Man.

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Florentin Restoration

I, Kiger


of impaired




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9, 241

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29, 97

Bestatin, an aminopeptidase inhibitor with a multi-pharmacological function.

Bestatin, the dipeptide N-((2S, 3R)-3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenyl butanyl) L-leucine is a leucine aminopeptidase and aminopeptidase-B inhibitor. It exert...
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