Br. J. Pharmacol. (1990), 101, 15-20


Macmillan Press Ltd, 1990

Bay K 8644, modifier of calcium transport and energy metabolism in rat heart mitochondria: a new intracellular site of action Anwar R. Baydoun, 'Anthony Markham, Rae M. Morgan & *the late Alan J. Sweetman School of Pharmacology, Faculty of Science, Sunderland Polytechnic, Sunderland, SRI 3SD and *John Dalton Faculty of Technology, Manchester Polytechnic, Manchester, MI 5GD 1 The dihydropyridine Ca2" channel agonist Bay K 8644 (10-200pM) produced a concentrationdependent increase in State 4 respiration in the rat heart mitochondria with the highest concentration (200,UM) increasing the rate from 33.1 + 0.7 to 187.0 + 13.3 ng atoms °2 consumed min'1 mg1 I protein. 2 Bay K 8644 (200,UM) reduced State 3 respiration from 247.2 + 11.7 to 174.4 + 0.06 ng atoms 02min- mg-1 protein, reduced the respiratory control index (RCI) from 5.3 + 0.45 to 1.1 + 0.03 and reduced the ADP:O ratio from 2.75 + 0.03 to 1.3 + 0.15. 3 A similar, but smaller, stimulation of State 4 respiration was seen with nitrendipine (25-200pM), the rate increasing from 22.6 + 1.0 to 33.1 + 1.8 ng atoms 02 consumed min1 mg-' protein in the presence of 200pM nitrendipine. 4 Bay K 8644 (10-60 pM) increased the total Ca2` uptake into rat heart mitochondria, the total increasing from 248.8 + 8.4 to 406.9 + 17.6 ng Ca2+ mg-1 protein at 60jM Bay K 8644 (EC50 = 18.9 + 1.4,pM). 5 Bay K 8644 (10-6OIM) produced a concentration-dependent reduction in the Ca2+ influx rate (IC50 = 52.5 + 2.8 pM). Similar effects were seen with (+)-Bay K 8644 and (-)-Bay K 8644. 6 Nitrendipine (40-12O0UM) stimulated Ca2+ efflux from mitochondria preloaded with the ion; the efflux rate increasing from 2.9 + 0.05 to 114.2 + 6.2 nmol Ca2+ minm mg- 1 protein (EC50 = 57.3 + 1.3 pM). 7 These data indicate dihydropyridine-induced changes in the activity of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2 . antiporter pathway; nitrendipine causing stimulation and Bay K 8644 causing inhibition. '

Introduction Calcium ion (Ca2") accumulation in vitro is an important feature of mitochondria isolated from a variety of vertebrate tissues (Akerman & Nicholls, 1983). Under normal physiological conditions, mitochondrial Ca2+ transport occurs via specific unidirectional carrier systems which catalyze either the nett influx or nett effiux of the ion (Fiskum, 1984; Crompton, 1985). In cardiac mitochondria, the key carriers for Ca2+ are the electrophoretic uniporter pathway for influx, and the Na+/ Ca2 + antiporter pathway associated with efflux. The uniporter system involves the diffusion of Ca2 + down an electrochemical gradient with the nett transfer of the two positive charges associated with the entry of each Ca2+ ion into the mitochondrion (Vercesi et al., 1978). This process, although primarily dependent on respiration, may also be driven via the hydrolysis of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) (Lehninger et al., 1978). In contrast, the antiporter system is supported by coupled respiration and, in the presence of Na+, promotes the active extrusion of Ca2 + from the mitochondrial matrix against an electrochemical gradient (Nicholls, 1978a). Under normal physiological conditions this process produces a sigmoidal relationship between the electrochemical gradient and the efflux rate, with the inner membrane potential remaining unchanged (Affolter & Carafoli, 1980). However, in order to establish the steady-state distribution of Ca2+, Na+ and H + across the inner mitochondrial membrane, the contribution of the Na+/H+ antiporter pathway must also be taken into consideration (Brierley, 1976; Crompton et al., 1978). The two major functions of the Ca2+ cycle appear to be: (a) modulation of free Ca2 + levels within the mitochondrial matrix and (b) buffering of cytosolic free Ca2+ at the 'set point' when the rate of influx of the ion into the mitochondrion equals the rate of efflux from the organelle (Nicholls, 1978b). Furthermore, changes in the level of free Ca2 + within Author for correspondence.

the mitochondrial matrix contribute towards the control of Ca2+-sensitive dehydrogenase enzymes associated with oxidative metabolism, thus providing a mechanism by which energy demand and supply may be balanced (Denton et al., 1980; Hansford, 1985; McCormack & Denton, 1985; Denton & McCormack, 1986). Providing that the fluctuations in free Ca2+ levels within the cell are transient, the buffering capacity of the mitochondrion may be of value in protecting the cell from cytosolic Ca2 + overload. However, changes in cytosolic Ca2 + levels are now thought to be associated with a number of pathophysiological conditions, such as that seen following reperfusion and reoxygenation occurring after an ischaemic attack or hypoxia and the 'Ca2 + paradox', all of which increase the susceptibility of the cell to Ca2+ overload (Zimmerman et al., 1967; Shen & Jennings, 1972; Jennings & Ganote, 1976; Bourdillon & Poole-Wilson, 1981; Nakanishi et al., 1982; Nayler et al., 1985; Cheung et al., 1986; Allen & Orchard, 1987; Murphy et al., 1987). Under these conditions excess Ca2+ is accumulated and retained within the mitochondrial matrix in the form of an inorganic phosphate precipitate (Denton & McCormack, 1985). Such matrix precipitation results in the loss of the steady-state distribution of Ca2+ across the mitochondrial membrane, mitochondrial swelling, loss of membrane integrity, deposition of amorphous densities in the matrix, decreased tissue high energy phosphate stores and loss of cellular homeostasis, eventually leading to cell necrosis (Schwartz et al., 1973; Regitz et al., 1984; Piper et al., 1985; Lochner et al., 1987). Recent studies have shown that the Ca2+ overload associated with myocardial damage may be reduced, and oxidative phosphorylation maintained, by the prophylactic use of Ca2 + antagonists (Fleckenstein, 1983; Baydoun et al., 1986a). More recently, studies on the Ca2+ antagonist nitrendipine and the endogenous acyl carnitine, palmitoyl carnitine (PC), have shown that these compounds have the ability to alter Ca2+ transport into the mitochondrion by promoting release of the ion from the organelle (Watts et al., 1987; Baydoun et al.,


A.R. BAYDOUN et al.

1988). In the present study, we describe the ability of Bay K 8644 to modify the energy metabolism and Ca2+ handling associated with rat heart mitochondria.


Preparation of mitochondria Tightly-coupled heart mitochondria were prepared from female Wistar rats (250-500g) according to the method of Vercesi et al. (1978). The rats were stunned by a blow to the head, bled and the hearts rapidly removed into an ice-cold isolation medium containing 210mM mannitol, 70mM sucrose, 5 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4) and 0.1 mm EGTA. The hearts were minced, washed and incubated with Nagarse (lmgg-' wet weight) for 10min at 4VC. After incubation, excess Nagarse was washed off, the tissue homogenised in the isolation medium with a glass UNI-FORM Type H homogeniser, and the resulting homogenate centrifuged at 500g for 10min in an MSE High-Speed centrifuge at 0-40C. The resulting supernatant was recentrifuged at 10,000g for 7 min to obtain the mitochondrial pellet. The pellet was washed with ice-cold buffer containing 210mM mannitol, 70mM sucrose and 5mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) to give a final concentration of 15 mg ml- '. Protein was measured by the method of Gornall et al. (1949).

Measurement of respiration Oxygen consumption was measured polarographically at 37°C with i Clark-type oxygen electrode (Rank Bros., Bottisham, Cambs., U.K.) coupled to a BBC SE 120 pen recorder, according to the method of Sweetman & Weetman (1972). The incubation medium contained 210mM mannitol, 70mM sucrose, 5mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4), 5 pM potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate and 2.0mg mitochondrial protein in a final volume of 2.0 ml. Following a one minute incubation period, State 4 respiration (substrate in excess, adenosine 5'diphosphate (ADP) absent) was initiated by the addition of 5 mm glutamate (monopotassium salt) plus 5 mm malate (sodium salt). One minute later, State 3 respiration (substrate in excess, ADP present) was initiated by the addition of 400 nmol ADP. When present, racemic Bay K 8644 (10200pM), racemic nitrendipine (25-2001uM), oxidised nitrendipine (25-200 pM) were added to the chamber one min before the initiation of State 3 respiration.

Measurement of Ca2 + ion movement Ca2+ ion movements were followed at 37°C by a Corning to a Petracourt PM 10 pH meter, and a BBC SE 120 pen recorder, according to the method of Crompton et al. (1983). The incubation medium contained 250mm sucrose, 5mm succinate (Tris salt), 2mM potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate and 5mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.4) in a final volume of 10 ml. The amount of Ca2 + present as an impurity was determined before each individual study, and only those incubation mixtures found to contain Ca2+ levels below those shown to produce mitochondrial damage (sub-uncoupling levels) were used. Ca2 + uptake was initiated by the addition of 2.5 mg of mitochondrial protein. When present, ruthenium red (RR; 2-12 nM), racemic Bay K 8644 (10-100gM), (-)-Bay K 8644 (5-100juM), (-+)-Bay K 8644 (5-100gUM), racemic nitrendipine (20-100gM), oxidised

Ca2'-specific electrode coupled

nitrendipine (20-100giM), (-)-nitrendipine (20-100gM), (+)nitrendipine (20-100gM) were added one min before the addition of the mitochondrial suspension. The logarithmic responses of the Ca2+ electrode were linearised graphically according to the method of Fiskum et al. (1979). The data are the means + s.e.mean of at least four determinations in different preparations. Stimulative effects are presented as EC50 and inhibitory effects as IC50; both parameters referring to the concentrations necessary to produce 50% of the maximal effect.

Materials Analytical grade laboratory chemicals and biochemicals were purchased from British Drug Houses (Poole, Dorset, U.K.). Bay K 8644 (methyl 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-3-nitro-4-(2trifluoromethylphenyl)-pyridine-5-carboxylate) was donated by Bayer A.G., Pharmaceutical Centre, F.R.G.; Nagarse (crystallised lyophylized bacterial AL-Protease 120 x 104 PUN/g) was purchased from Hughes and Hughes Ltd. (Romford, U.K.). All other experimental compounds were kindly donated by Imperial Chemical Industries Plc, Pharmaceutical Division, Cheshire, U.K. All water soluble compounds were dissolved in distilled and deionised water at room temperature. Water insoluble compounds were dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), the final concentration of the solvent in the reaction medium not exceeding 1% (v/v). At these concentrations DMSO had no effect on either oxidative phosphorylation or Ca2 + transport.


NAD + -linked oxidation ofglutamate plus malate Racemic Bay K 8644 (10-200giM) produced a concentrationdependent inhibition of State 3 respiration in rat heart mitochondria (Figure 1). In the presence of 200pM racemic Bay K 8644 the State 3 rate of oxygen consumption was reduced from 247.2 + 11.7 to 174.4 + 0.06 ng atoms 02 min- mg-' protein (n = 5). At concentrations of racemic Bay K 8644 < 60gM the inhibitory effect was not statistically significant (P < 0.05). Over the same concentration range (10-200gM) racemic Bay K 8644 produced a concentration-dependent stimulation of State 4 respiration, the rate of oxygen consumption increasing from 33.1 + 0.07 to 187.6 + 13.3 ng atoms 02 min-1 mg'- protein (n = 5; Figure 1). At concentrations of Bay K 8644 greater than 60gM, these effects indicate a loss of respiratory control (i.e. stimulation of State 4 and inhibition of State 3 P < 0.05), a fact which was confirmed by the observation that, at concentrations >60 pM, Bay K 8644 produced a significant reduction in both the resZ 250





State 3


+Sco 200-


E 150-



mn O E c ._-






C N a) .


State 4

a) L-

ItN 0




cn o

2E Co




50 1oo 150 Bay K 8644 (pM)



Figure 1 The effect of Bay K 8644 on the NAD+-linked substrate oxidation of glutamate plus malate in rat heart mitochondria. Mitochondrial respiratory activity was recorded polarographically by a Clark-type oxygen electrode coupled to a BBC SE120 single pen recorder running at a chart speed of 3.0cmmin-1 and calibrated to give a full-scale deflection of 1OmV. The reaction medium contained 315,umol mannitol, 105l mol sucrose, 7.5pmol potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate and 7.5 jumol Tris-HCI, pH 7.4. All experiments were carried out at 37°C, and each experiment was started by the addition of 2mg mitochondrial protein to 1.5ml of the above medium. The mitochondrial suspension was allowed to equilibrate for 1 min and State 4 respiration induced by the addition of 7.5 umol glutamate plus 7.5 pmol malate. State 3 respiration was initiated min later by the addition of 400nmol ADP. When present, Bay K 8644 (15-300nmol) was added before the addition of mitochondria. Results are the means of five determinations; vertical lines show s.e.mean.




Calcium ion movements





Y 4.0-






Bay K 8644 (>M)



Figure 3a and b shows the effects of 10-1OOpM racemic Bay K 8644, (+)- and (-)-Bay K 8644 on both the total Ca2+ uptake (a) and the rate of Ca2 + uptake (b) into rat heart mitochondria. Both the isomers and the racemic mixture produced concentration-dependent increases in total Ca2" ion uptake (racemic Bay K 8644 EC50 = 18.9 + 1.4/AM; (+)-Bay K 8644 EC50 = 23.8 + 0.7/AM; (-)-Bay K 8644 EC5O = 24.4 + 1.4/uM; n = 4), but reduced the rate of ion uptake into mitochondria (racemic Bay K 8644 IC50 = 52.5 + 2.8.uM; (+)-Bay K 8644 IC50 = 55.1 + 4.7pAM; (-) Bay K 8644 IC50 = 51.1 + 3.0/AM; n=



Figure 2 The effect of Bay K 8644 on the respiratory control index and ADP:O ratios in rat heart mitochondria. Experimental conditions were as described in the legend to Figure 1. When present, Bay K 8644 (15-300nmol) was added before the addition of mitochondria. Results are the means of five different determinations and vertical lines show s.e.mean.

piratory control index (RCI) and the ADP:oxygen (ADP: 0) ratio (Figure 2). Table 1 presents a summary of the effects of racemic Bay K 8644 (10-200uM), nitrendipine (25-2001uM) and oxidised nitrendipine (25-200pM) on the NAD+-linked oxidation of glutamate plus malate. Nitrendipine (25-200/AM) produced a concentration-dependent stimulation of State 4 respiration and inhibited State 3 respiration, but did not alter the RCI or ADP:O ratio. Oxidised nitrendipine (25-200juM) was without effect on mitochondrial oxidation of glutamate plus malate over the concentration range used.


Ruthenium red (RR: 2-25 nM; a known inhibitor of the uniporter pathway; Reed & Bygrave, 1974) produced a concentration-dependent decrease in both the total Ca2+ ion uptake (IC50 = 5.2 + 0.25 nM; n = 4) and the rate of ion influx (IC5O = 4.5 + 0.37nM; n = 4). However, Bay K 8644 (1080/AM) reversed the reduction in Ca2` ion uptake induced by RR (25 nM; Figure 4). Replacement of either Bay K 8644 or RR by nitrendipine (20-10/uM) produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of both the Ca2+ influx rate from 272.1 + 12.8 to 52.1 + 5.3nmol Ca2" min-'mg-' protein (IC50 = 75.3 + 2.1/AM) and the total Ca2` uptake from 231.1 + 13.5 to 45.6 + 4.2nmol Ca2+ mg-' protein (IC50 = 92.0 ± 0.9P/M); and reduced the Ca2` retention time from 16.0 + 0.6 to 3.0 + 0.3 min. Direct studies on Ca2+ efflux revealed that racemic nitrendipine (40-120/AM) at the equilibrium point (influx rate equals efflux rate) after the mitochondria had accumulated a load of 242.1 nmol Ca2+ mg-' protein, induced a concentration-dependent stimulation of Ca2+ efflux from 2.9 + 0.05 to 114.2 + 6.2 nmol Ca2 + min 'mgprotein tEC50 = 57.3 + 1.3 /M). Comparative studies on the rates of influx and efflux of the

Table 1 The effect of Bay K 8644 and selected Ca2 + antagonists on the NAD+-linked substrate oxidation of glutamate plus malate by rat heart mitochondria

Mitochondrial respiration (ng atoms 02 consumed min- mg-' protein) State 4 State 3


(±)-Bay K 8644 Control


50/AM 100/AM 200/AM Verapamil Control

100/AM 400/LM 800/AM

Diltiazem Control



Respiration ratios ADP: O RCI

33.1 + 0.7 42.9 + 1.94 45.6 + 4.26 101.0 + 6.60 187.0 + 13.3

247.2 + 11.7 222.1 + 7.1 189.3 + 8.6 179.6 9.5 174.4 + 0.06

5.3 ± 0.45 5.91 + 0.38 4.24 + 0.26 2.06 + 0.12 1.1 + 0.03

2.75 0.03 3.0 +0.05 2.92 + 0.05 2.29 + 0.10 1.3 + 0.15

31.9 + 1.8 33.2 + 1.7 42.0 + 2.6 51.5 +4.0

255.4 + 17.4 242.7 + 20.8 184.9 + 12.4 119.0 + 3.9

4.6 + 0.36 3.8 ± 0.24 2.5 0.14 1.4 0.04

2.9 0.06 2.9 + 0.07 2.8 ± 0.08 1.7 + 0.09

28.4 + 1.4 28.4 + 1.4 32.7 ± 2.1 53.3 + 2.7 75.9 + 5.1

246.1 + 233.3 + 232.1 + 219.2 + 149.7 +

14.3 19.6 16.9 13.8 8.3

5.0 0.22 4.3 ± 0.24 4.3 ± 0.31 2.7 _ 0.15 1.4 0.11

2.9 + 0.07 2.7 + 0.10 2.6 ± 0.10 2.4 + 0.09 1.8 + 0.07

222.2 + 11.7 220.0 + 10.1 211.4 + 13.7 194.5 + 9.0

5.8 + 0.20 5.8 + 0.14 5.0 ± 0.30 5.1 + 0.49

3.0 +0.05 2.9 0.06 2.86 0.11 2.9 0.06

245.5 + 9.5 241.5 + 10.0

5.91 ± 0.02 5.8 + 0.03

3.0 + 0.06 2.9 + 0.03

800/AM 1600/AM (±)-Nitrendipine 26.0 + 1.0 Control 26.9 + 1.8 25/AM 33.1 + 1.8 100/AM 35.8 + 2.2 200juM Oxidised nitrendipine 27.5 + 1.5 25/AM 29.0 + 1.0 200/AM


Experimental conditions were as described in the legend to Figure 1. When present, Bay K 8644 (18.75 nmol), verapamil (150-2000nmol), diltiazem (150-2000nmol), nitrendipine (37.5-300nmol) and oxidised nitrendipine (37.5-300nmol) were added individually before the addition of mitochondria. Results are the means + s.e.mean of five different determinations. RCI = respiratory control index.


A.R. BAYDOUN et al. 120


450 -2









CJ) 350-



3O 00EQ 350-








H 0


C RR 0






b 300 .i-




E .

250 -

Figure 4 Effect of Bay K 8644 on ruthenium red induced Ca2+ efflux. Experimental conditions were as described in the legend to Figure 3. Ca2 + efflux was initiated by the addition of ruthenium red (250 pmol) to mitochondria preloaded with Ca2 . When present, racemic Bay K 8644 (100-800 nmol) was introduced into the reaction chamber together with ruthenium red (250pmol). C represents the total Ca2" uptake under control conditions and RR in the presence of ruthenium red and no Bay K 8644.

200 -



10 20 4060 80

Bay K 8644 (WM)



E0) s

100 -


50 -






Bay K 8644 (IXM) Figure 3 Effects of Bay K 8644 and its isomers on Ca2t influx rate (b) and total Ca2t uptake (a) in rat heart mitochondria. Mitochondrial Ca2" movements were monitored by a Coming Ca2"-specific electrode coupled to a Petracourt PMl0 pH meter and a BBC SE 120 pen recorder. The reaction medium contained 2500panol sucrose, 50imol succinate (Tris salt), 20jumol potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate and 50manol Tris-HCl, pH 7.4. (a) Cat' uptake was initiated by the addition of 2.5mg mitochondrial protein to 10ml of the reaction medium at 37°C. When present, 100-1000nmol racemic Bay K 8644 (0), 100-1000nmol (-)-Bay K 8644 (A), or (+)Bay K 8644 (U) were added to the reaction medium before the initiation of Ca2+ uptake. Results are the means of five separate determinations and vertical lines show s.e.mean.

ion show that, at a concentration of 68.8 + 1.7jpm racemic nitrendipine, the rate of Ca2 +influx equalled the rate of Ca2t efflux. At this concentration of racemic nitrendipine, the influx rate was stimulated by 68.4%, indicating that the predominant effect of nitrendipine is the stimulation of Ca2+ efflux. Replacement of racemic nitrendipine with either the (+- or the (-)-isomer produced quantitatively similar effects on mitochondrial Ca2t efflux (EC50(+)-isomer = 56.6 + 1.1 jim; EC50(-)-isomer = 59.8 + 2.5,UM). In contrast, the inactive oxidised nitrendipine (20-100pm) produced no effect on either Ca2 + influx or efflux. Discussion

A common feature of the Ca2t antagonists is their ability to inhibit the slow transsarcolemmal Ca2 inward current (Godfraind et al, 1986) as a result of the blockade of voltageoperated channels (VOCs) in the plasma membrane. Clinically, these compounds have been shown to protect against some of the deleterious effects, such as mitochondrial damage

and dysfunction, which result from cardiac ischaemia and following reperfusion (Jennings et al., 1985). In contrast, some analogues of these compounds, the so-called Ca2+ channel agonists, have the ability to increase transsarcolemmal Ca2t current. Such a compound is the dihydropyridine Bay K 8644, an activator of VOCs (Schramm et al., 1983). Direct studies on the changes in mitochondrial function by these agents are limited, although the following Ca2t antagonist effects having been demonstrated: prevention of mitochondrial swelling (Matlib, 1985), inhibition of total Ca2t uptake (Leblondel & Allain, 1984), inhibition of the Nat! Ca2+ antiporter system (Wolkowicz et al., 1983) and stimulation of the Nat/Ca2+ antiporter (Baydoun et al., 1989b). Autoradiographic and electron microscopic studies have confirmed that diltiazem, verapamil, nifedipine, bepredil and nitrendipine all accumulate within the mitochondrial matrix, suggesting a possible intramitochondrial site of action for these compounds (Sato et al., 1971; Nakajima et al., 1975; Lullman et al., 1979; Pang & Sperelakis, 1983; Tagami et al., 1985). The data presented here now identify a possible intracellular site of action for Bay K 8644. Concentrations of racemic Bay K 8644 ( 1 mm Ca2t can result in 'massive loading' of mitochondria, causing uncoupling and irreversible damage to the organelle (Lehninger et al., 1967). Previous studies with Ca2t modifying agents have shown


that all compounds tested, with the exception of nitrendipine or its oxidised form, inhibit mitochondrial respiratory activity (Baydoun et al., 1986a,b). These inhibitory effects were evident at concentrations of 100pUM, and result from non-specific membrane disruption consequent upon a 'detergent-like' effect on the mitochondrial membrane (Helenius & Simon, 1975) and the resultant collapse in the electrochemical gradient. Other workers have indicated that verapamil and diltiazem may reduce the capacity of mitochondria to produce ATP, either as a result of the accumulation of the catabolites of adenine nucleotides (Nigdikar et al., 1986), or by a reduction in mitochondrial oxygen demand (De Jong et al., 1984). Studies on mitochondrial Ca2+ transport with the same concentration range used in the resipiratory studies indicate a number of effects specific to Bay K 8644 and the Ca2+ antagonist tested. Both racemic Bay K 8644 and the (+) and (-Y)isomers were able to increase the total Ca2+ uptake into tightly coupled cardiac mitochondria, in the same concentration range which has previously been shown to increase mitochondrial respiration. This increase in total Ca2+ uptake did not occur as a result of an increase in the uptake rate, but rather as a result of a gradual accumulation of the ion due to a change in balance between ion influx and efflux. The proven ability of RR to stimulate Ca2+ efflux (Reed & Bygrave, 1974) was therefore used to confirm this change in balance by the addition of Bay K 8644 to mitochondria preloaded with Ca2+ causing the blockade of the dye-induced Ca2 + efflux. These findings, together with those on mitochondrial respiration, indicate that Bay K 8644 induced Ca2+ uptake is related to a stimulation in State 4 respiration and/or inhibition of the Ca2+ efflux pathway following blockade of the Na+/Ca2+ antiporter. The former would, however, appear to be unlikely in view of its inability to act as an alternative respiratory substrate, or to stimulate key citric acid cycle enzymes (Fox et al., 1989), thus indicating that stimulation is a direct result of Ca2+ uptake. This is in direct contrast to the stimulating effects seen with nitrendipine or palmitoyl carnitine (Baydoun et al., 1988). With the exception of oxidised nitrendipine (Baydoun et al., 1986a,b), all other compounds tested caused inhibition of the rate of Ca2 + influx into cardiac mitochondria. In these studies, RR was confirmed to be a non-competitive inhibitor of the electrophoretic uniporter pathway associated with influx (Reed & Bygrave, 1974; Jurkowitz et al., 1983), and


nitrendipine to be a stimulator of efflux by a specific activation of the Na+/Ca2" antiporter (Baydoun et al., 1986b; Lukacs & Fonyo, 1986). Unlike RR, verapamil-'and diltiazeminduced inhibition of influx was not accompanied by efflux (Reed & Bygrave, 1974) indicating decreased uniporter activity, and not direct inhibition resulting from a possible decrease in membrane potential. The decrease in membrane potential results from incorporation of the antagonist into the lipid phase of the membrane producing a 'detergent-like' effect. The concentrations used in the transport studies show that the Ca2 + influx pathway is more sensitive to changes in oxidative phosphorylation, and that changes in influx are not secondary to the uncoupling of oxidation from phosphorylation (Baydoun et al., 1986ab). Previous pharmacological studies with Bay K 8644 have shown it to be an activator of L-type Ca2+ channels associated with plasma membranes, to relax smooth muscle and to produce either negative or positive inotropy. The data presented here, therefore, indicate an intracellular site of action for Bay K 8644, different modes of action for the antagonists, and differences in stereospecificity for the action of dihydropyridine with respect to the plasma membrane (Vaghy et al., 1988) and the inner mitochondrial membrane. In these studies, the different effects may also be divided into subgroups of similar action (verapamil/diltiazem; nitrendipine; Bay K 8644) which are similar to those subgroups previously identified for K+-depolarised smooth muscle (Spedding & Berg, 1984; Spedding, 1988), and more recently for liver cells (Thurman et al., 1988). Further analysis of these data shows that the mode of action of Bay K 8644 on the Ca2+ efflux pathway is directly opposite to that of the endogenous Ca2 + channel agonist palmitoyl carnitine (Baydoun et al., 1988), whilst plasma membrane studies suggest a similar mechanism of action for these compounds (Spedding & Mir, 1987). Thus, we conclude that the effects of Bay K 8644 at the level of the mitochondrion are to increase mitochondrial Ca2+ by inhibition of the Na+/Ca2" antiporter without disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential, resulting in an overall reduction in available cytosolic Ca2 . The authors are grateful to Bayer A.G., F.R.G., for the gift of Bay K 8644.

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Bay K 8644, modifier of calcium transport and energy metabolism in rat heart mitochondria: a new intracellular site of action.

1. The dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel agonist Bay K 8644 (10-200 microM) produced a concentration-dependent increase in State 4 respiration in the rat h...
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