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Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1991.60:229-255. Downloaded from by Brown University on 06/21/13. For personal use only.


Anthony Rosenzweig Cardiac UIIIit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts



Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston Massachusetts 02115




Cardiology Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115


ANF, BNP, CNP, cardiac hormones.



II. CLASSIFICATION OF CARDIAC PEPTIDE HORMONES " Type A Natriuretic Peptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type B Natriuretic Peptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type C Natriuretic Peptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... III. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF ANF GENE EXPRESSION ............................ Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ............. . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . """""""""""







Factors that Regulate ANF Gene Transcription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cis-Acting Sequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiac Trans-Acting Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IV. PEPTIDE PROCESSING AND RELEASE...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANF Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANF Rele·ase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

V. BIOCHEMISTRY OF PHARMACOLOGIC ACTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANF Receptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Physiologic Effects of ANF


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PERSPECTIVES AND SUMMARY Over the past decade, a considerable amount of research has led to the identification and characterization of a family of peptide hormones that can participate in salt and water homeostasis. Members of this family of natriuret­ ic hormones share many common features, including tissue distribution of gene expression, biosynthetic pathways, and pharmacologic effects in target organs. The prototype of these natriuretic hormones is Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF), which has also been called atrial natriuretic peptide, atriopep­ tin, and more recently A-type natriuretic peptide. Like all members of this family, ANF is produced primarily in the heart and specialized areas of the central nervous system. It is synthesized as a precursor molecule that, upon appropriate stimuli for release, is cleaved to yield a small peptide that produces vasodilation and natriuresis. The natriuretic effect results from direct inhibition of sodium absorption in the collecting duct, increased glo­ merular filtration, and inhibition of aldosterone production and secretion. Since the initial identification of ANF in 1981, there has been an explosion of infonnation on the molecular biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology of

this hormone. The genes encoding ANF from many diverse species have been cloned and characterized. The biosynthetic steps required for processing the precursor molecule into a mature hormone have been identified, and the structural features of the resultant peptide that are critical for function have been defined. Hormone interactions with ANF receptors have been eluci­ dated , and a signal-transduction mechanism has recently been proposed. These studies have not only characterized a novel class of hormones with important physiologic functions, but have also provided insights and posed questions regarding physiologic and pathologic functions of the heart. This manuscript reviews the advances made in our understanding of cardiac pep­ tide hormones and focuses on studies of ANF . Many groups have demon­ strated that the gene encoding this peptide hormone is expressed at very high levels in atrial myocytes. Ventricular ANF levels are normally low, but increase dramatically with cardiovascular diseases. While these patterns of expression have been well characterized, the molecular signals responsible for tissue-specific expression, developmental regulation, or induction of ven­ tricular expression in response to pathology have only recently begun to be defined. Atrial granules store large quantities of ANF precursor molecules, which must be cleaved to liberate the circulating hormone. Neither the cell responsible for this maturation nor the enzymes involved have been con­ clusively identified. The predominant signal responsible for ANF release is stretch; however, the signals that transduce mechanical events into in­ tracellular stimuli that release ANF are unknown. Elucidation of these aspects



of the molecular biology and biochemistry of ANF and related peptides should increase our understanding of the function of these hormones and also further our knowledge of cardiac physiology. CLASSIFICATION OF CARDIAC PEPTIDE HORMONES

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Type A Natriuretic Peptides The discovery of ANF was the culmination of many years of morphologic and biochemical analyses. In 1956 Kisch (1) demonstrated membrane-bound granules in the atria, but not the ventricles of guinea pigs . These structures appeared to be similar to secretory granules found in endocrine tissues. The presence of atrial granules was confirmed subsequently in a variety of animal species including man (2, 3); however the content of these remained unclear until de Bold et al (4) demonstrated that a granule-enriched extract of rat atrial tissue provoked a prompt, though short-lived, natriuresis in living rats. They postulated the existence of a natriuretic agent contained in the granules, which they named atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) (5, 6). Several groups subsequently isolated peptides of varying length (7-11) from rat atrial homogenates that showed natriuretic and smooth muscle-relaxant (12) activity . All ANF peptides identified shared a common amino acid sequence, which differed only in length. The precise relationship of these peptides was most clearly elucidated by molecular studies that identified and characterized the ANF gene and encoded mRNA . A single ANF gene has been identified in all mammalian species examined to date. In man this gene is located on chromo­ some 1, band p36, and is one of a syntenic group that is present on chromo­ some 4 of the mouse (13) . There is significant homology in the organization and nucleotide sequences of ANF genes from many species . In each the gene consists of three exons separated by two introns. Transcription of the ANF gene yields an mRNA species that encodes a 152-amino-acid precursor, preproANF (14-18). PreproANF contains a 24-amino-acid hydrophobic lead­ er sequence, which is probably important for the translocation of the nascent peptide precursor from the ribosome into the rough endoplasmic reticulum (19, 20). PreproANF is rapidly converted to a 126-amino-acid peptide, proANF, the predominant storage form of ANF (21), and major constituent of atrial granules. Upon appropriate signals for hormone release, proANF is cleaved into an amino-terminal fragment, ANFI-99 (22), and the biologically active hormone, amino acid residues 99-126 (11, 23, 24). The amino acid sequence of the precursor molecule proANF is strikingly homologous among many species. Differences are clustered at the extreme carboxyl terminus of the molecule, where a terminal Arg-Arg sequence that is

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1991.60:229-255. Downloaded from by Brown University on 06/21/13. For personal use only.



present in rats (14, 16, 18, 24-26), mice (27), cows (28), and rabbits (29) is absent in humans (15, 27, 30-32) and dogs (29). These dibasic residues have not been detected in purified rat atrial secretory granules (33, 34), suggesting that they are posttranslationally removed. Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) or enkephalin convertase has been implicated as the enzyme responsible for this cleavage, because it can be cofractionated with ANF-containing secretory granules in the rat (35). Phosphorylation is the other major posttrans1ationa1 modification of the prohormone, and several serine residues (36-38) have been shown to be substrates for phosphorylation within the proANF. Howev­ er, the physiologic significance of this modification is uncertain, as both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of ANF are present in atrial granules (39). The amino acid sequences of the biologically active hormone ANF99-126 are identical in all mammalian species except at residue 110, which is methionine in humans (15, 27, 30-32), dogs (29), and cows (28), but isoleucine in rats (14, 16, 18, 24-26), mice (27), and rabbits (29). Studies on ANF have delineated many molecular and biochemical features of this hor­ mone that are fundamental to understanding of structure-function rela­ t ionships that are important for the physiologic effects of all natriuretic peptide hormones . A 17-member ring that contains an intrachain disulfide bond between cysteine residues 105 and 121 is required for biologic activity (40). This structure is conserved in all members of the natriuretic peptide hormone family (Figure 1). Several other compounds that are closely related to ANF have been in­ dependently identified by several laboratories. Isolation of these new peptides has been facilitated by both molecular and biochemical features that are shared by members of the natriuretic peptide hormone family. As can be seen in Figure 1, there is a significant amount of structural and amino acid sequence homology between A, B, and C types of natriuretic hormones. Because this homology also extends to the nucleic acid level, ANF cDNAs and genes have been useful probes for identifying the nucleic acids encoding related peptide hormones. Further, these peptides all produce similar pharmacologic effects of natriuresis and muscle relaxation. Assays for novel peptides with muscle relaxant activity have led to the identification of several new members of this family. The classification shown in Figure 1 has recently been suggested by Sudoh et al (41). Hormones are grouped into the A, B, or C type based on their genetic or amino acid homology with the prototypes, ANF (A type), Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP; B type), or C type Natriuretic Peptide. Urodilatin designates a peptide identified in human urine (42) , with an amino acid sequence identical with that of ANF, although extended at the amino terminus by four residues. This addition appears responsible for reduc-




Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1991.60:229-255. Downloaded from by Brown University on 06/21/13. For personal use only.




Type A:


ANF Urodilatin




I Members of the Natriuretic Peptide Family. The structural homology between A-, B-, and C-type hormones is schematically shown. Amino acids within the l7-member ring that are identical in all natriuretic peptides are shaded. An arrow by the B-type peptides identifies the human and porcine prohormone cleavage site that yields BNP (32 amino acids) versus rat iso-ANP (45 amino acids).


ing the rate of degradation by the brush border of renal cells (43), and initially suggested that urodilatin was a novel hormone. However, recent data by Ritter et al (44) have demonstrated that ANF prohormone is synthesized and secreted by primary cultures of fetal and adult renal cells. These data imply that urodilatin may simply represent atypical processing of proANF by renal tissues. Since sodium reabsorption by the collecting duct is inhibited by ANF, production of the hormone by renal cells classifies it as a paracrine substance.



Natriuretic Peptides

Other compounds that have been isolated recently are closely related but clearly distinct from ANF (Figure 1). BNP and iso-ANP can be classified as Type B natriuretic hormones. BNP is a small peptide, which like ANF contains a 17-member ring that is formed by a disulfide bond (45, 46). Within this ring structure, the amino sequence of BNP differs from that of ANF at only seven residues. Greater divergence from ANF sequences is exhibited by the residues in the amino acid and carboxyl extensions of the molecule. BNP was initialJly identified in porcine brain based on its muscle relaxant activity, but is more abundant in cardiac atria than in the central nervous system (47). Subsequent molecular analyses have identified the comparable hormone in humans (46), rats (48), and dogs (49). The amino acid sequences of these BNPs are less conserved across species than are those of the ANFs.

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Within the 17-member ring structure of the ANF molecule, all except one amino acid residue are invariant between different species, whereas only 59% of these residues are identical in BNP molecules from different species. Greater homology exists between BNP and ANF molecules in a species than between BNP molecules from different species. The biosynthetic pathway of BNP is strikingly similar to that of ANF, and transcription yields a precursor molecule containing a hydrophobic leader segment that is cleaved to produce a prohormone. Subsequent production of the active hormone is species dependent. In humans and pig a 32-amino-acid hormone is the circulating form of the hormone (48). A functional but not circulating, 26-amino-acid species has also been detected in brain tissues of the pig (45). In rodents, mature BNP contains 45 amino acids. This peptide was independently identified by several laboratories and is also called iso­ ANP (50, 51). The amino acid sequence of iso-ANP was initially believed to be sufficiently different from that of porcine BNP to suggest that iso-ANP represented a novel hormone. However, subsequent nucleic acid sequence analyses of rat cDNA (48) and genomic clones (52) have demonstrated the relatedness of this hormone to human and porcine BNP , as well as confirmed that processing of prohormone (Figure 1, arrow) accounts for the differences in the mature hormone sizes. The nucleic acid sequence of rat BNP gene is particularly divergent from other species in exon II, which encodes amino acid residues that are involved in prohormone processing. In both ANF and BNP, a Pro-Arg sequence is important for appropriate cleavage of pro­ hormone to yield the mature peptides. In the rodent BNP gene, this cleavage sequence is located 13 residues closer to the amino terminus than in other species. Processing therefore produces a 45-amino-acid peptide, the circulat­ ing form of BNP found in the rat. Whether processing differences between species have any effect on the pharmacologic function of these molecules is unknown. A 35-amino-acid bovine peptide, aldosterone secretion inhibitory factor

(ASIF), appears to represent a third example of species-specific processing of BNP compounds (53). This molecule contains sequences identical with that found in porcine BNP, but contains three additional amino acids residues. It has been identified in chromaffin granules of bovine adrenal cells, a location that suggests that an intra-adrenal paracrine mechanism may be important for regulating aldosterone secretion.

Type C Natriuretic Peptide The newest member of the natriuretic hormone family is a 22-amino-acid peptide called Type C natriuretic peptide (CNP) (41). In contrast to other family members, this peptide terminates with the second cysteine residue that is critical for a 17-member ring structure. Preliminary data of a cDNA



encoding porcin e CNP demonstrates that a termination co do n dire ctl y follows that for cyste ine. Hence, the absence of the carboxyl-terminal residues in CNP does not appear to reflect posttranslational processing, but rather results from a uniique gene transcript.


Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1991.60:229-255. Downloaded from by Brown University on 06/21/13. For personal use only.

Overview In recent years there has been an explosive growth in our understanding of eukaryotic gene regulation (reviewed in 54). These insights have arisen largely through development of new technologies, many of which have recently been applied to understanding ANF gene expression. This undertak­ ing is of interest for several reasons beyond the intrinsic merit of dissecting the spe cif i e mechanisms involved in ANF e xpress ion First, regulation of ANF transcription appears to be an important mechanism for modulating hormone production, as peptide levels parallel mRNA abundance. In the adult, mRNA encoding ANF is found at the highest level in the atria, where it constitutes approximately 1-3% of the total mRNA (32). Ventricular expres­ ,


sion, which is approximately lOO-fold lower than that in the atria, neverthe­

less is next: in abundance of ANF message (55). Gene transcription has also been documented in a variety of extra-cardiac tissues including hypothalamus (56), pituitary (57), aortic arch (58), lung (57), and adrenal medulla (59). However extra-cardiac transcription is considerably less than even that of the adult ventricle. While extra-cardiac ANF may have important local effects, the major site of gene transcription is the heart, and ANF is a reasonable model to study the elements controlling a cardiac-specific gene.

Second, expression is strictly modulated during development. Atrial ex­ pression continues to rise during fetal and postnatal development, while ventricular expression, high in utero, falls quickly after birth (60). ANF expression is therefore a useful tool for analyzing the signals involved in early cardiac development. Third, vlentricular expression can be induced by a variety of pathologic

conditions, most notably cardiac hypertrophy. This induction has been documented both in whole animal (61-64) and cellular (65) models of hypertrophy. It is associated with myosin heavy chain isoform switching (62) and proto-oncogene expression, leading some to suggest that it may represent regression or dedifferentiation (62, 64) to a fetal pattern of gene expression. ANF may therefore provide a window on the molecular mechanisms responsi­ ble for altered gene expression and ultimately the altered phenotype of cardiac hypertrophy. It is also likely that many of the features important for the regulated expression of the ANF gene will be applicable to the B type or C type

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natriuretic hormone genes. As more of the members of this family have been identified from different tissues and species, it has become obvious that each of these hormones is expressed within certain tissues responsible for salt and water homeostasis. Cardiac and central nervous system expression has been demonstrated for all natriuretic peptide family members (41,45,56,57, 66) except bovine ASIF, which has only recently been identified in the adrenal gland. Both ANF (59) and BNP-like peptides (53) have been detected in chromaffin cells of the adrenal gland, and pathologies that alter cardiovascu­ lar hemodynamics similarly affect ventricular expression of ANF and BNP. However, it may be too simplistic to assume that these honnones are always produced in parallel. Recent data demonstrate that the induction of BNP by the ventricle in response to cardiac hypertrophy is greater than the induction of ANF (67). Hence the precise mechanisms that regulate these hormones may be different, and may indicate subtle differences in their physiologic effects.

Factors that Regulate ANF Gene Transcription A variety of stimuli can modulate ANF levels . Posttranslational effects such as peptide processing are likely to be important in regulating overall peptide levels, but are distinct from the direct transcriptional modulation involved in gene regulation. Water or sodium deprivation in intact animals leads to a reversible decrease in ANF mRNA of approximately 30-70% (67,68, 169). Correspondingly, administration of the mineralocorticoid desoxycorticoste­ rone acetate (nOCA) to adrenalectomized animals results in an increase of ANF mRNA by 70% as early as 12 hours after administration, which may contribute to thc renal "escape" from chronic mineralocorticoid cxposure (70). It is difficult to know what the direct mediators of these in vivo effects are. Alterations in atrial stretch associated with volume shifts may be impor­ tant in these models, especially since cardiocytes appear not to have mineralo­ corticoid receptors (71). In contrast, glucocorticoids and thyroid hormone increase the level of ANF mRNA both in intact animals (61, 72, 73) and in cultured cardiocytes in vitro (74-76), suggesting these are due to direct effects on gene transcription or effects on the stability of mRNA. Other data support a primary role of glucocorticoids on gene transcription. Expression of reporter genes is in­ creased by glucocorticoids when these are transcribed under the direction of ANF rather than other regulatory sequences (77). To the extent that these effects are primary, one would expect this increased gene expression to be mediated by appropriate hormone receptors that interact with specific DNA sequences, as has been demonstrated in other systems (78). A binding site homologous to the glucocorticoid receptor-binding consensus sequence has been identified in the second intron of the human gene (27). The mouse gene

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lacks this binding site (27). The rat gene contains multiple fragments with partial homology to this consensus sequence (77). Argentin and colleagues have recently reported that purified glucocorticoid receptors bind an upstream element required for hormone responsiveness in rat gene (79). Calcium plays a critical role in the electro-mechanical functioning of the heart, and recently has been shown to affect cardiac hormonal function also. Gardner and colleagues have demonstrated that extracellular calcium in­ creases the amount of mRNA for ANF by two- to three-fold in primary cardiocyte cultures ( SO). Calcium antagonists decreased ANF transcripts. Modest increases of ANF gene expression were also detected after treatment with either the calcium ionophore A231 S7, which facilitates intracellular calcium entry, or the phorbol ester 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA), which activates protein kinase C. However, the latter results did not reach statistical significance unless the two agents were used in concert. The effects of calcium on gene transcription are particularly interesting because of the stimulatory role of this ion on secretory granules. In cells with regulated s(:cretory pathways, secretory granules fuse with the cell membrane in response to a cytoplasmic messenger, usually calcium (Sl). If pharmaco­ logic agents or myocyte stretch increase intracellular calcium, both ANF release and gene transcription would be enhanced. Sorbera & Morad ( S2) have recently shown that ANF suppresses both the sodium and calcium currents in primary cultures of cardiocytes. This provocative finding suggests that ANF secretion may then provide a negative feedback mechanism for calcium-mediated ANF synthesis and release. The recently identified peptide vasoconstrictor endothelin has also been shown to increase both ANF secretion ( S3) and mRNA ( S4) in cardiocytes. Shubeita and colleagues have recently reported that endothelin-l induces a pattern of early gene expression in cardiocytes that includes not only ANF expression but also expression of the proto-oncogene, c-fos, and the im­ mediate early response gene, egr-l (S5). As seen in cardiac hypertrophy (62), the induction of ANF expression by endothelin may provide another model for the study of early cardiac gene regulation.

Cis-Acting Sequences Eukaryotic gene expression appears to be controlled to a large extent by the interaction of specific DNA sequences, often but not necessarily located adjacent to the gene, termed cis-acting regulatory elements. These sequences interact with proteins called trans-acting factors (54). Analyses of these elements in many other eukaryotic genes have provided significant insights into the molecular mech­ anisms mediating the physiologic and pathophysiologic responses of these genes. Such an analysis of ANF gene regulation is a first step toward dissecting the precise mechanisms mediating its expression.





FoslJuo Heterodimer


, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1991.60:229-255. Downloaded from by Brown University on 06/21/13. For personal use only.




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Proximal Regulatory Element

Glucocorticoid Responsive Element Distal Regulatory Elemeot

Figure 2 Regulation of ANF gene expression. A 3000·base·pair region (enumerated as in Ref. 77) located 5' of the rat ANF cap site is schematically shown. Cis-acting sequences and related trans-acting factors that have been identified as important for modulating ANF gene expression are indicated and detailed in the text.

The structural organization of the ANF gene has been highly conserved through evolution (27). The gene is composed of three exons separated by two introns. The proximal flanking sequence upstream of the transcription initia­ tion site is schematically shown in Figure 2. This region contains elements characteristic of eukaryotic promoters including a TATAA box approximately 30 bp upstream of the transcription initiation or CAP site (77). This sequence is essential for transcription of many eukaryotic genes and has recently been shown to bind the trans-acting factor TFIID in other systems (86). By convention, base position is given with respect to the initiation site so that the TATAA site approximately 30 bp upstream or 5' of this would be given as -30 bp. To identify the other sequences important for ANF transcription in the rat gene, Seidman et al (77) attached portions of the 5' flanking sequence to the prokaryotic reporter gene, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). These constructs were then transfected into atrial or ventricular cardiocytes. S ince CAT is not found in mammalian tissues, its presence provides an easily assayed indicator of whether the ANF sequences attached can direct transcrip­ tion (87-89). A construct with 2.4 kb of 5' upstream sequence contained sufficient information to direct high-level, atrial-specific transcription in pri­ mary cardiocytes (77). Constructs containing less than I kb of upstream sequence produced less CAT activity, indicating the presence of one or multiple cis-acting regulatory element(s) between -2.4 and -1.0 kb. More recently these results have been extended to analyze sequences more proximal

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1991.60:229-255. Downloaded from by Brown University on 06/21/13. For personal use only.



to the initiation site. Internal deletions of constructs that contained at least 2.4 kb of 5' sequences were studied, and important regulatory sequences between -137 and ·-693 bp were identified (89). Deletion of these proximal regula­ tory sequences reduced ANF gene transcription by 20- to 30-fold. These studies indicate that regulation of the ANF gene may involve sequences that are proximal as well as distal to the promoter apparatus (77 , 89; Figure 2). In addition, Argentin et al have found two regions that are important to regulat­ ing ANF expression (79). These elements, located at positions -136 to -700 bp and -1000 to -1600 bp, further delineate the boundaries of the proximal and distal regulatory elements. These studies have also identified a region that is necessary for glucocorticoid responsiveness that resides between -700 and -1000 bp. In the human gene , LaPointe et al (90) found that 409 bp of upstream sequence was sufficient to direct tissue-specific expression in primary car­ diocyte cultures. Deletion analysis further demonstrated that this human cis-acting element corresponded in location to positions - 389 to - 191 in the rat gene. The human gene element appears to be able to direct transcription in both atrial and ventricular cells but not in several nonmyocardial cell types. Wu and coUeagues found that the corresponding region of the rat gene was unable to direct atrial transcription in primary culture of rat neonatal car­ diocytes (91), suggesting that unlike those sequences that encode the hor­ mone, ANF gene regulatory regions have evolved considerably between these species. Within the regulatory region of the human ANF gene, an 18-bp binding site was identified by DNaseI footprinting and methylation in­ terference experiments (91). This small region is homologous to the se­ quences in the rat ANF gene, at positions -1220 to -1203 pb, which is encompasst�d in the distal regulatory region identified by others (77; Figure 2). It is therefore possible that some similar cis-acting elements have a different structural organization between rat and human. The importance of those sequences identified in the human ANF gene has been confirmed by Field. A segment of human ANF gene containing 423 bp of regulatory sequences was sufficient to target expression of the SV-40 large T antigen in a transgenic mouse model (92). This study further delineated that these sequences promoted atrial-specific expression, as expression of the oncogene by transgenic animals produced marked hyperplasia only of the right atrium, while the left atrium remained relatively normal in size. To further elucidate the regulation of rat ANF expression, Seidman et al (93) created transgenic mice carrying a construct containing 2.4 kb of 5' flanking sequence in front of the bacterial reporter gene CAT. The tissue and developmental regulation of the ANF transgene could then be followed by assaying CA.T activity. These in vivo studies support the earlier findings in cardiocytes:: 2.4 kb of upstream sequence is sufficient to direct high-level,

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atrial-specific , and developmentally appropriate transcription. Of interest, the developmental expression pattern of the rat transgene was quite different from that of the endogenous murine ANF gene. While murine ventricular ANF mRNA content remained constant from gestational day 15 through adulthood, transgene expression as reflected by CAT activity fell dramatically between one and seven days after birth. This decline parallels that seen in native rat ventricular ANF expression (60). The dominance of the rat pattern suggests developmental differences between mouse and rat are due to the cis-acting regulatory sequences rather than trans-acting factors. These studies also demonstrated a low level of hypothalamic CAT activity, corresponding to the low level of mRNA for ANF detected in rat hypothalamus (56, 66), suggest­ ing that these 2.4 kb contain cis-acting elements important for transcription in brain as well as the heart.

Cardiac Trans-Acting Factors Cis-acting regulatory elements generally work by binding proteins called trans-acting factors to modulate transcription. The cis-acting element identi­ fied by LaPointe et al in the human gene (90) appears to interact with a cardiac-specific nuclear protein. The cis-acting element can direct transcrip­ tion in both atrial and ventricular cells but not in several nonmyocardial cell types. These data further suggest the existence of other protein(s) to account for the difference between atrial and ventricular expression. Argentin et al (79) recently reported that a cardiac-specific nuclear protein binds the rat proximal and distal (Figure 2), and the human cis-acting control element. The relative abundance of this protein appears to correlate with the level of ANF expression in cardiac tissues during development. This protein may play a role in differential expression of the ANF gene between atria and ventricles . The molecular basis for ventricular ANF gene expression is poorly un­ derstood. Prior to birth , ventricular myocytes produce both ANF mRNAs and hormone (60). ANF gene expression declines rapidly at birth, but recurs in response to cardiac hypertrophy (62). Whether this phenomenon represents a compensatory response to the hemodynamic changes that accompany cardiac disease or simply a part of a phenotypic response to pathology is unknown. Cardiac hypertrophy is a particularly important stimulus for ventricular induction of ANF. Understanding the mechanisms by which this induction occurs may provide insights into the molecular basis of this important pathologic process. There has been speCUlation that the regression to an early pattern of gene expression seen in hypertrophy may involve proto-oncogenes (reviewed in 94). Izumo et al have shown that cjos and c-myc increase early and dramatically in cardiac hypertrophy due to aortic constriction (62). Other investigators have also found increased c-fos expression in in vivo and in vitro models of hypertrophy (63, 68, 95-98). This increase precedes the increase in

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ANF expression (99). The product of the c-fos proto-oncogene appears to function as a transcription factor (99). It does not bind DNA alone , but forms a heterodimer with the product of the c-jun proto-oncogene (99-101). Of interest, c-jun expression has recently been shown to increase dramatically in an in vitro model of hypertrophy (96). The fos/jun heterodimer can then stimulate transcription by binding to a specific site, called an AP- l site (99, 102). Rosenzweig et al have recently identified a region within the proximal cis-acting fI!gulatory element of the rat ANF gene with significant homology to the consensus AP-l sequence (103; Figure 2). Becausc of the exquisite specificity of these protein-DNA interactions, it cannot be assumed to actually bind the fos/jun heterodimer. However, recent experiments demonstrate that in vitro translated fos/jun heterodimer does in fact specifically bind this site in gel-retardation assays (103). Since expression of these proto-oncogenes in­ creases dramatically in hypertrophy before increases in ANF expression , interaction of these known transcriptional activators with this site provides a likely mol,:!cular mechanism underlying increased ANF expression in hypertrophy. This argument is strengthened by the recent observation by Chien et al that a cis-acting element located at position -648 of the rat ANF gene responds to a-adrenergic pharmacologic agents that produce some of the features of hypertrophy (104). This hypertrophy-responsive element maps to the same location of the AP-l site, within the proximal regulatory element. Further characterization of the genetic elements that are responsible for atrial-specific expression of the ANF gene and ventricular induction in re­ sponse to pathology should increase our knowledge of the molecular basis for cardiac gene expression. These data should also provide new insights into the role of this hormone in myocardial function. Is ANF one of a group of cardiac genes that are coordinately regulated in response to development and patholo­ gy? It was recently discovered that the early pattern of gene expression critical to development of skeletal muscle can be controlled to a large extent by a single master gene, MyoD. which appears to encode a trans-acting transcrip­ tional factor (105). Transfection of a fibroblast cell line with the cDNA for this gene alone is sufficient to cause the fibroblast to metamorphose into a primitive muscle cell. It is reasonable to think cardiocyte development may involve similar master control genes. Since ANF is expressed as part of the early pattern of cardiac gene expression, it may be useful in seeking the cardiac equivalent of MyoD. If ANF is one of several cardiac genes expressed in a coordinated pattern, identification of this group should provide insights into the interactive role of these gene products in cardiovascular function. Delineating the molecular basis for regulated expression of the ANF gene should provide new tools to answer these questions. Substantial progress has recently been made in understanding the control of



ANF gene expression. There appear to be multiple elements involved in the constitutive expression, hormone responsiveness, and pathologic induction of ANF. We hope that further elucidation of the details of these processes will continue to provide insights into the physiologic and pathophysiologic molecular biology of the heart.

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After ANF messenger RNA is translated, the nascent peptide undergoes a complex process of posttranslational modifications, which ultimately results in the secreted hormone. This process has been extensively reviewed recently (106, 107) and is summarized here. Similar to other peptide hormones, ANF is initially translated as a pre­ prohormone. The 24 amino-terminal residues likely constitute a hydrophobic leader sequence (l08) involved in peptide transport and packaging. This segment is cleaved to yield the prohormone pro-ANF, which is the principle storage form. Of interest, neonatal atria and ventricles secrete ANF via differen t pathways (109). Atrial cells store ANF at high concentration in secretory granules, which provided one of the first clues to the endocrine function of the heart ( l , 2, 4). This stored hormone is then available for regulated, bolus release in response to appropriate secretagogues. Ventricular cells are virtually devoid of granules, and appear to secrete ANF con­ stitutively (109). Because ventricular myocytes do not appear to store signifi­ cant quantities of the hormone, gene transcription and translation in these cells result rapidly in hormone synthesis and release. ANF provides the first example of tissue-specific alternative secretory pathways involving a single peptide hormone (109). Further understanding of these processes may shed light on the developmental differences between atrial and ventricular cells.

ANF Processing Three major types of posttranslational modification have been implicated in the processing of ANF. The first is formation of an intrachain disulfide bond between cysteines 105 and 121 to form the 17-member ring structure (Figure 1) that appears essential for bioactivity of ANF (110). Second, ANF can act as a substrate for phosphorylation, and both the phosphorylated and un­ phosphorylated forms are found in atrial secretory granules (111). The physi­ ological significance and precise site of phosphorylation remain unclear. Third, processing involves three possible cleavage events. As mentioned above, the leader segment of preproANF is probably cleaved during transla­ tion to yield proANF. In several species, although nucleotide sequences predict two arginines immediately after the tyrosine residue at position 126, purified proANF lacks these Arg residues (33). There are two possible

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explanations for this. Either these residues are never translated, or they are rapidly cleaved to generate ANFl -126. Thibault et al (34) have recently identified multiple different molecules immunoreactive with antibodies di­ rected against different parts of proANF. One of these molecules appears to be intact ANFl -128. The authors speculate that this is cleaved in situ by carboxypeptidase E, which has been detected in atrial granules (112). The most important posttranslational modification of proANF is cleavage to produce ANF99-126, the principle, bioactive, and circulating form of the hormone (24). While a dibasic Arg101-Arg102 site exists within the mole­ cule, cleavage of prohormone occurs exclusively at the more proximal monobasic site, Arg98-Ser99. Despite the wealth of data regarding other aspects of ANF biosynthesis, the cell type, intracellular site, and enzyme responsible for prohormone cleavage remain uncertain. Whole animal studies and isolated perfused hearts have demonstrated release of ANF99-126 (22, 113). In contrast, studies with primary neonatal cardiocyte cultures released only the larger proANF species (114). This dichotomy suggested that cleavage might occur in nonmyocyte cells. Recent­ ly, neonatal cardiocytes cultured in the presence of dexamethasone have been demonstrated to cleave ANFI-126 to release ANF99-126 015, 116). Dexa­ methasone was found to stimulate ANF processing and secretion in a dose­ dependent, reversible manner (117) in both atrial and ventricular cells. Appropriate processing of proANF by cardiocytes supplemented with steroids suggests that prohormone cleavage is a myocyte function and that the enzyme responsible for this is induced by dexamethasone treatment. Several proteolytic enzymes have been suggested as candidates for proces­ sing proANF to ANF. Both kallikrein (118) and thrombin (22) can catalyze this reaction in vitro, but their physiologic relevance is uncertain. Three serine proteases have been purified from atrial tissue, two of which appropriately yield ANF99-126. One of these, called atrioactivase (119), is present in the microsomal fractions of bovine atria, while the other has been detected in bovine secretory granules (20). Cathepsin B, a lysosomal protease, has recently been localized in rat atrial secretory granules and could also play a role in catalyzing this reaction (121). If the cleavage enzyme is located in atrial granules, a mechanism must exist for preventing cleavage until appro­ priate stimuli for hormone release are present, as granules contain pre­ dominantly proANF. Whether one of these enzymes is physiologically impor­ tant for prohormone cleavage, as well as how this important processing step is regulated, r'emains an area of active research.

ANF Release The primary stimulus for ANF secretion appears to be atrial distention or stretch (Figure 3). Katsube and colleagues found that increases in right atrial



Atrial Stretch Glucocorticoids Adrenergic Agonists Endothelin Calcium

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Ventricular Hypertrophy



Natriuresis Figure 3


Aldosterone Inhibition



Mechanisms of ANF release and resulting physiologic effects. Factors that act as

secretagogues for ANF are detailed in the text and may also promote the release of BNP (67) and CNP. These hormones cause natriuresis and vasodilation by receptor-coupled guanylate cyclase activation ( 1 50). The mechanism(s) by which ANF inhibits aldosterone secretion may involve inhibition of adrenal calcium channels (177).

tension due either to vasoconstriction or water immersion in anesthetized rats

ANF release (122). Left atrial pressure as ANF release, suggesting that the right atrium produces most of the ANF released in response to volume expansion. In humans and dogs, ANF secretion is in­ creased by left atrial hypertension caused by mitral valve obstruction ( 123, 124). Canine studies have also demonstrated that this release was not neurally produced a significant increase in

reflected by left ventricular end diastolic pressure did not correlate with

mediated, since neither bilateral cervical vagotomy nor beta blockade pre­ vented the response, suggesting it is a direct effect of stretch of the atrial wall. Discrimination between the effects of atrial volume and pressure is particular­ ly difficult, because in most models used these parameters tend to change in

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parallel. Mancini and colleagues (125) studied cardiac tamponade in an open-chest dog model to address this issue. They demonstrated that cardiac tamponade that increased right atrial pressure without affecting atrial volume did not induce ANF release. Furthermore, intra-atrial pressures did not corre­ late with ANF levels. These data suggest that atrial volume is a more potent stimulus for ANF release than is pressure. In vitro models have confirmed these interpretations. Schiebinger & Linden (126) measured ANF secretion while the resting tension of explanted rat atria was adjusted. Threefold increases in resting tension resulted in a 35% increase in immunoreactive ANF. Moreover, these results were not due to adrenergic or cholinergic influences from endogenous nerve endings, since they were unaffected by pharmacologic blockade of these systems. Taken together, these data suggest that atrial distention, especially right atrial, is the primary stimulus for ANF secretion and the mechanism of the hormone's responsive­ ness to changes in intravascular volume status. The intracellular signals that transduce atrial stretch into ANF release have not yet been established. A variety of humoral factors have been implicated as secretagogues of cardiac sources of ANF (Figure 3). These include adrenergic agonists (127), glucocorticoids (117), endothelin (83), acetylcholine (128), and calcium (117). Experiments testing the effects of these agents in intact animals are often difficult to interpret because the agents themselves invoke a complex array of hemodynamic responses, which can affect ANF release. For this reason, their direct effects on cardiocyte secretion may be best studied in models employing perfused explants or primary cardiocyte cultures. The latter system is complicated by the fact that cultured cardiocytes do not fully process ANF unless glucocorticoids are included in the medium. Therefore, many but not all studies addressing ANF release in cardiocyte cultures have employed dexamethasone treatment so that the prohormone is cleaved to ANF99-126 as in vivo. This treatment may, however, influence the results in nonphysiologic ways. Furthermore, most but not all of these studies have used neonatal rather than adult cardiocytes. These differences may be impor­ tant when attempting to understand occasionally conflicting results. Norepinephrine, an adrenergic agonist with both a and {3 properties, has been shown to stimulate ANF secretion from isolated, perfused rat hearts (127). This effect appeared mediated via a-adrenergic receptors, since it is induced by phenylephrine but not isoproterenol and is blocked by phentola­ mine. A selective a2 agonist, BHT-920, had no effect, suggesting involve­ ment of al receptors. These results have been confirmed and extended using cardiocytes cultured in glucocorticoid-containing, serum-free media (129). In this system phenylephrine-stimulated ANF secretion was not blocked by the (3-adrenergic antagonist propanolol, but was decreased in a dose-dependent manner by the ai-adrenergic receptor antagonist, prazosin. Activation of

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ai-adrenergic receptors may not fully account for all signalling of ANF release, because the {3 agonist isoproterenol actually inhibited the phenyl­ ephrine-stimulated ANF secretion by as much as 50%. The effect of {3adrenergic stimulation on basal ANF secretion was not tested. The diverse effects of a- and {3-adrenergic agonists are mediated through different second-messenger systems (reviewed in 130). {3 agonists lead to activation of adenylate cyclase, increased cAMP levels, and subsequent activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A. Stimulation of a-adrenergic receptors induces hydrolysis of membrane-associated phosphotidylinositol, 4,5-bisphosphate to yield inositol phosphate (lP3) and diacyl glycerol (DAG). IP3 stimulates intracellular calcium release; DAG activates protein kinase C. A large variety of pharmacologic agents that directly influence these two systems are available. The effect of many on ANF secretion has been tested, and in general the results are consistent with predictions based on the different effects of a and {3 agonists. The phorbol ester TPA, which directly activates protein kinase C, stimulates ANF release in both perfused heart preparations (128) and cardiocytes cultured with (129) and without (131) glucocorticoids. In contrast, forskalin, which activates adenylate cyclase and indirectly protein kinase A, inhibited ANF release from noncontracting cultured atrial myocytes (l32). Membrane-permeable analogs of cAMP had a similar effect (129, l32). The role of intracellular calcium in stimulating ANF release is particularly inportant because of its role as a second messenger, independent of the phosphoinositol system. Calcium fluxes are critical for both the electrical and mechanical functions of the heart. The calcium-channel agonist, BAY K8644, has been demonstrated to increase ANF secretion both in cultured cardiocytes (131) and isolated, perfused hearts (133). This effect was blocked by the calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine, in both studies. Similarly, secretion in isolated heart preparations increased in response to the calcium ionophore A 23187 (128), an effect that was synergistic in combination with the phorbol ester, TPA. Similarly, Sei & Glembotski (134) found in neonatal atrial cultures that both phenylephrine- and endothelin-induced stimulation of ANF secretion was dependent on intracellular calcium. Stimulation of ANF secretion could be maintained in extracellular calcium concentrations as low as 2 J-tM; however, reduction to 2 nM decreased phenylephrine or endothelin­ induced secretion. Treatment of cultures with BAPTA/acetoxymethyl ester, an intracellular calcium chelator, or ionomycin abolished this stimulation. Interpretation of these experiments is complicated by the chronotropic and inotropic effects of these agents, which may contribute to ANF secretion. To discriminate between these effects, Iida & Page (135) utilized primary car­ diocyte cultures that had been paralyzed with tetrodotoxin. In this system, extracellular calcium did not affect ANF secretion as it did with spontaneous­ ly contracting myocytes. Moreover, treatment of cardiocytes with ryanodine

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to inhibit sarcoplasmic reticulum release of intracellular calcium did not affect ANF release under these conditions. Furthermore, the same investigators have reported that forskolin reduced ANF secretion in nonbeating cardiocyte cultures (132). Recently, Uusimaa and colleagues (136) have been able to use fluorescent calcium indicators to observe intracellular calcium changes during a variety of pharmacologic manipulations on myocardial cells cultured on microcarriers. In these studies , although KC1-induced depolarization and BAY K8644 pro­ duced significant increases in intracellular calcium, they had little effect on ANF release. In contrast, even under these conditions, TPA was able to stimulate ANF secretion, confirming the importance of the protein kinase C system. This work is in agreement with that of Greenwald and colleagues (137), who found that although stimulation of ANF secretion by osmotic stretch is associated with increased intracellular calcium , such stimulation is actually increased in calcium-free medium or when intracellular calcium stores are chelated. These studies suggest that ANF release does not require calcium and may be inhibited by it. Methological differences, particularly with regard to the species and age of myocytes examined, may explain some of the differences in results . Never­ theless, although some issues remain unresolved, there appears to be growing consensus on certain points. First, the primary and physiological stimulus for ANF secretion is stretch of the atrial cardiocyte. Neurohumoral secretagogues appear to exert their effects largely through the protein kinase C system. Furthermore, activators of protein kinase A can actually inhibit release under a variety of conditions. Future investigations will be necessary to elucidate the precise mechanism of stretch-induced secretion and the role that calcium plays in mediating these effects. Molecular studies have identified low levels of ANF mRNA species from a variety of t issues, including lung, central nervous system, adrenal, and renal tissues. While stretch or distention is the critical stimulus for ANF release from the heart, humeral factors may be particularly important for ANF release from noncardiac sources. Unfortunately, both the quantities of ANF produced and localization of hormone expression to specialized cells within noncardiac tissues have hindered definition of the stimuli that are important for release from these tissues. BIOCHEMISTRY OF PHARMACOLOGIC ACTIONS

ANF Receptors As with other peptide hormones, ANF exerts its effects by binding specific membrane-bound receptors. Two types of ANF-specific receptors have been identified in target tissues: two different guanylate cyclase-linked receptors that appear to mediate most of ANF 's biological effects, and a clearance

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receptor. Initial characterization of ANF receptors involved photoaffinity labeling and affinity cross-linking studies (138-141). Functional evidence of multiple subpopulations was provided by examination of binding of a variety of truncated ANF analogs to bovine aortic smooth muscle cells (142). These studies demonstrated that biologically active ANF peptides bound specifically to cells and stimulated cyclic GMP (cGMP) accumulation (Figure 3). Howev­ er, biologically inactive ANF analogs also bound specifically to membrane receptors w ithout stimulating cGMP accumulation. Moreover, binding of these inactive analogs did not antagonize the cGMP response to biologically active ANF species. This suggested the existence of at least two sub­ populations of specific ANF receptors. Most tissues express ANF clearance or s ilent receptors (142), which do not mediate known physiologic effects of the hormone. In vivo experiments, however, suggest that these receptors may play an important role in regulating plasma ANF levels by affecting storage and clearance (143). Proof of distinct ANF receptors was provided by the purification (144-148) and subsequent cloning, sequencing, and expression (149-152) of three distinct receptors: two guanylate cyclase-linked receptors (120-- 1 40 kDa) present as single-chain polypeptides, and one clearance receptor (60--70 kDa) that forms homodimers. The high-molecular-weight ANF receptor copurifies with a functional guanylate cyclase activity (147, 148), and amino acid sequences deduced from cDNAs encoding these molecules suggested the existence of both an extracellular ligand-binding domain and an intracellular guanylate cyclase catalytic domain (150). The bifunctional nature of this receptor was conclusively demonstrated by expression of an ANF receptor cDNA in cultured mammalian cells , which conferred both ANF-binding and guanylate cyclase activity (150). The same molecule also contains a cytoplasmic domain with structural homology to protein kinase, which appears to function as a regulatory element (153). After deletion of this k inase-like domain, guanylate cyclase activity becomes independent of ANF binding. It appears that the kinase-like domain may repress guanylate cyclase activity until ANF binds the extracellular domain (153). The guanylate cyclase-coupled ANF receptor initially isolated has been used to idcntify additional members of thc guanylate cyclase/natriuretic pep­ tide receptor family in man (151) and rat (152). In rat, these receptors have been termed GC-A and GC-B in order of their discovery (152). A third ANF receptor (180 kDa) has been identified in rat adrenal cells that has partial nucleotide sequence homology to the GC-A receptor (154), and may represent another member of this family . In man, the comparable receptors are referred to as ANP-A and -B; ANP-C denotes the human clearance receptor (151). In both species, the intracellular regions are quite similar (73-74% amino acid identity), but the extracellular regions diverge considerably (43-44% identi­ ty) . Consequently , the receptors have different specificities for natriuretic

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peptide binding. ANF is more potent than BNP in stimulating the guanylate cyclase activity of GC-A; the reverse is true of GC-B (152). ANP-A responds to both ANF and BNP; ANP-B responds preferentially to BNP (151). To date, a receptor with highest affinity for CNP has not been identified. Several lines of evidence suggest that our understanding of ANF receptors and how they mediate ANF ' s biological effects is incomplete (Figure 3). First, although the guanylate cyclase-associated receptor has been identified in and isolated from the adrenal cortex ( 139, 140, 146, 148), the inhibition of aldosterone production by ANF is not mediated through cGMP (155). It is not clear whether these effects are mediated by an undiscovered receptor or as unknown activity of the previously described receptors . The recent identifica­ tion of aldosterone secretion inhibitory factor (53) in bovine adrenal cells suggests that paracrine mechanisms may be important for aldosterone inhibi­ tion. Second, ANF binding inhibits adenylate cyclase through inhibitory G-proteins ( 1 56) , but the precise receptor unit involved and the biological significance of this interaction remain a mystery . Third , another receptor type that exists as a 70 kDa monomer has been described in rat thoracic aortic cultured smooth muscle cells (157). The abundance of these binding sites in the face of low cGMP stimulation led the investigators involved to postulate these receptors may be linked to an alternative signal transduction system (157). It may be, however, that these receptors represent another fonn of the clearance receptor.

Physiologic Effects of ANF It is ironic that the renal effects of ANF (so important to its discovery that they provided its name) remain controversial both in terms of their precise mech­ anism and their physiological importance. It is clear that acute administration of exogenous ANF results in natriuresis and diuresis. These effects are cGMP mediated (158, 159; Figure 3). ANF increases the glomerular filtration rate (160, 161), but this rate does not always correlate with the natriuretic and diuretic effects (162), suggesting a tubular effect is involved . Microperfusion studies do not detect a direct effect of ANF on proximal tubule transport (163), suggesting a distal segment may be involved . In addition , ANF inhibits aldosterone synthesis and secretion, which will also promote natriuresis (see below). The importance of ANF in the physiological maintenance of body fluid and sodium homeostasis is still debated (for recent discussion see 164, 165). One strong argument against a major role for ANF is that although ANF levels usually correlate with natriuresis, they do not always do so. As noted above, a mitral valve obstruction model in the dog results in left atrial hypertension and increased circulating levels of ANF (124). This increase occurs even if the hearts are denervated. However, neither the increase in urine flow nor sodium

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excretion occur in the denervated model, suggesting that ANF does not account for the effects elicited during left atrial distention. Furthermore, chronic infusions of ANF have produced no or unimpressive changes in renal sodium excretion (166, 167). The counterargument would be that this homeostasis is controlled by multiple interacting factors of which ANF is but one and that ANF may be necessary but not sufficient to induce diuresis or natriuresis (164). Experimental approaches to these questions may now be achieved using molecular biologic techniques to produce animals lacking or overproducing ANF. Homologous recombination provides a method for genetically engineering an animal w ithout endogenous ANF. While this technology has been successfully applied to the study of several other genes (168), animals deficient in ANF have not yet been produced. An alternative approach to delineating the function of a particular peptide is to study the effects of its overproduction. Steinhelper and colleagues have recently reported the genera­ tion of transgenic mice with elevated plasma ANF concentrations (169). In these animals, hepatic production of an ANF transgene was directed by either the transthyretin or albumin promoters and resulted in immunoreactive ANF

increases of 2-1O-fold. Essentially normal fluid and electrolyte homeostasis was maintained, which argues against a central role of ANF in water and sodium homeostasis. However, the mice with the highest ANF levels were significantly hypotensive. Perhaps the pharmacologic renal effects that led to ANF's discovery are less important physiologically than, for example, its hemodynamic effect. ANF is a potent vasorelaxant in large arteries ( 1 2); the relaxation appears to be endothelium-independent and mediated through cGMP (171). However, the acute hypotensive response to ANF appears to be due to decreased cardiac output resulting from reduced preload and consequently stroke volume ( 167 , 172). Rather than an effect on venous capacitance, this preload reduction may be mediated by reduced net capillary absorption ( 1 73). Thus ANF alters the extracellular fluid distribution to favor interstitium over plasma. In sheep, after five days of ANF infusion, these initial effects were superseded by a decrease in total peripheral resistance accounting for the continued hypoten­ sive effect (167). In transgenic mice overproducing ANF, the mechanism of hypotension has not yet been determined (169). These studies of artificially increased ANF suggest it could play a major role in the maintenance of normal blood pressure. Hemodynamic homeostasis is a complex, imperfectly understood process. The renin-angiotension-aldosterone pathway plays a major role in this proc­ ess, and ANF interacts w ith both renin and aldosterone. ANF inhibits renin release from juxtaglomerular cells (174, 175). This inhibition correlates with increases in cGMP, is potentiated by a cGMP-phosphodiesterase inhibitor,


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and is undermined by the cGMP-inhibitor , methylene blue (174), all of which suggest it occurs by a cGMP-mediated pathway consistent with the guanylate cyclase-associated receptor. ANF also inhibits aldosterone synthesis and release (155 , 176). In contrast to renin , however , alterations in cGMP do not account for this inhibition (155). This effect of ANF must therefore be mediated either through an as yet undiscovered receptor population or through the previously described receptors utilizing a different signal transduction pathway. Barrett and colleagues (177) recently showed that ANF differential­ ly affects two populations of voltage-dependent calcium channels that may be involved in sustaining aldosterone secretion. It seems possible that the demonstrated inhibition of one of these channels could contribute to inhibition of aldosterone secretion (Figure 3). The effects of ANF on adrenal cells is also demonstrated by the transgenic mice generated by Steinhelper et al (169). Overproduction of ANF actually causes marked hyperplasia of the zona glomerulosa and approximately twofold increased aldosterone levels . While it

is possible that chronic hypotension could induce a secondary hyperaldosteronism even in the presence of increased ANF, preliminary results suggest plasma renin activity is normal (178, 179). If the renin level is in fact normal , it would appear the increased aldosterone levels must be mediated through a novel mechanism. Further studies on these mice should provide invaluable information for elucidating these complex , interacting endocrine functions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the American Heart Association (CES) and National Institutes of Health grants HL02228 (AR), HL41474, and HL19259 (CES). Literature Cited 1. Kisch,

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Atrial natriuretic factor and related peptide hormones.

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