brought out by a ‘ d u m m y r u n ‘ i n a whole class setting at a n earlier stuge. This not only promotes familiarization with the technique -a point of some importance as Col Rouchier-Hayes implies -but is guaranteed to produce a very lively teaching session! James

u. E . K n o x , M D E l ) . M n ,C I I B ,


Professor of General Practice, University of Dundee West Gate Iiealth Centre Charleston Drive Dundcc DD2 4AD, Scotland

Med Teach Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/07/14 For personal use only.

Towards More Effective Meetings The author of the editorial* replies: Mr Martin is clearly verj selfrighteously annoyed by m y comments o n STFM und A S M E meetings (Medical Teacher, 1980, 2, 97), but in his incoherent wrath he fails to understand the points that were m a d e in m y original c o m m r n t s . Public meetings, like books and other publications, m a y be reviewed by expert reviewers, and it is graceless to respond with a n ad hominem attack o n t h e reviewer. T h e S T F M , like the R C G P in Britain, has for years shown more signzficant, genuine, consistent, commendable interest and activity in regurd to e d u -


cation t h a n a n y other specialty g r o u p . This m e a n s that their educational meet ings should be j u d g e d , unlike those ef other specialties, hy professional rather t h a n amateur standards even they don’t always appreciate this compliment. I f M r Martin, amidst his clichis, had read m o r e carefully, he would huve realized that he has missed the point completely. There are a large n u m b e r of people with nationally and internationully recognized expertise in medical education per se, and others, t h o u g h n o n medical, with clear expertise in continuing and adult education, and in teacher training and f a c u l t y developm e n t . I t is f a i r comment that they are rarely involved in STFM education meet i n g 3 , or in those of m a n y other medical specialty groups. T h a t is t h e lack of overlap that was commented u p o n . Mr M a r t i n i c o m m e n t s o n the multidiiciplinury nature of STFM membership are irrelevant, as f e w of those concerned have signlficant educational expertise, though the): are p r a i k w o r t h y , interested and caring teachers. T h e mere assemblage of diyferent types of amateurs does not create expertise. Mr Martin i special training, according to a recent STFM publication, is in m o u n t u i n climbing, ocean sailing, .film production, and public relations. Perhaps this is why he .so muddles his c o m -

ments o n f a c u l t y development, continuing education and residency programmes - I cannot pretend to understand what h e ? saying. I i e professes difficulty in understanding “what continuing e d u cation has to do with residency programmes”. As this refers t o a statement which appears nowhere in the editorial which he is complaining a b o u t , I cannot see why he raiies t h e matter a t all. T h e first proposed guideline ‘bemuse5’ him, t h o u g h it i.s perfectly clearly e x pressed for thohe who wish to understand i t . Boring, lengthy and wholly u n s t i m u luting lectures to large, passive, captive audiences, when the same material can be more easily, cheaply, and quickly presented in written f o r m , is n massive waste of t i m e and money. If y o u add up t h e cost of even one hour of 300 d o c t o n ’ t i m e spent listening and paying intermittent attention t o a paper they could read in t e n minutes (most doctors can read quite well), it amounts to a n uwe inspiring s u m . T h e author (for Mr M a r t i n i information) has attended, planned, organized and evaluated almost as m a n y meet ings as M r Martin has written press r e leases. This is certainly not accidental.

Goals a n d Objectives At the conclusion of the workshop p a r ticipants will have acquired the knowledge and skills to design and implement a self-management model for evaluating curriculum, programmes, and teaching effectiveness in the health sciences. The workshop will be limited to 30 participants since the format of the work shop is designed to maximize audience participation and interaction.

well as a forum for the presentation of topic-oriented symposia. Further information from: RIME Conference /AAMC Suite 200, 1 I h p o n t Circle, NW Washington, DC, 20036, USA

Further information from: Howard L. Stone, PH D Office of Educational Resources 427 Lorch Street Madison Wisconsin 53706, USA

A Workshop on Self-Management: A Model for Establishing Accountability i n Health Science Education 13-15August University of Wisconsin, Madison This workshop is intended for all allied health care professionals, nurses, and physicians, who have an interest in, or assume responsibility for, planning, d e veloping, implementing and /or evalu ating health science education activities.

Medical Teacher V o l 2 h’o 3 I980

Conference on Research in Medical Education The Association of American Medical Colleges will hold its 19th Annual RIME Conference, in conjunction with its 91st Annual Meeting, on 25-30 October, 1980, at the Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC. The RIME Conference is a forum for the presentation and discussion of scientific papers concerned with the process of medical education as

7’he A u t h o r *“Towards more Effective MeetingJ“ (Medical Teacher, 1979, 1,225)

Association for Medical Education in Europe-Annual Conference 2-5 September, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Assessment of Competence in Undergraduate Medical Education Registration will take place during the morning of ~I’uesday,2 September and the first plenary session will take place that afternoon. The meeting of the Advisory Board of AMEE will take place on Wednesday 3 September. On the final day of the Conference a visit will be made to Maastricht Medical School. Further information from: Mrs Ann Combe, Administrator, AiMEE Department of Psychiatry Royal Edinburgh Hospital Edinburgh, EHlO 5HF


Association for medical education in europe-annual conference 2-5 september, nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Association for medical education in europe-annual conference 2-5 september, nijmegen, the Netherlands. - PDF Download Free
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