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(1992) 39. su-l


Ascorbate Status and Xerostomia C.O. ENWONWU Center for Nutrition Research and Department Nashville, TN 37208, USA

of Family and Preventive


Meharry Medical College,

Abstract-Xerostomia, the subjective feeling of dry mouth, affects millions of people particularly the elderly. It is invariably associated with hypofunction of the salivary glands. The amount, rate of secretion, and composition of saliva are regulated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic receptor systems whose stimulation transmits signals through intracellular messengers (cations, nucleotides, phospholipid derivatives) to structures and enzymes within the cell. Salivary glands express a variety of cell-surface receptors including adrenergic (aand j3), muscarinic-cholinergic, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide hormone, and ATP receptors. Ascorbate which is present in salivary acinar cells in relatively high concentrations, is closely involved in many cellular functions including the metabolism of pyrimidines, intracellular calcium, the catecholamines and other neurotransmitters which regulate salivary gland exocytosis. Ascorbate-dependent carboxyl-terminal peptide a-amidation enzyme similar to the pituitary peptidyl-glycine a-amidating monooxygase, is also present in salivary glands. It is therefore not fortuitous that the seemingly unrelated numerous factors like aging, drug ingestion, pregnancy, smoking, ionizing radiation, stress, and various pathological states such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension often implicated in the causation of xerostomia, all promote increased tissue requirement for and/or depletion of ascorbate.


and oral health, particularly the susceptibility to dental caries and opportunistic infections (l-4). Dry mouth, encountered most frequently in the elderly population, is attributed by many investigators to such factors as ingestion of drugs, ionizing radiation, smoking, depression, physiological stress and several pathological states including autoimmuue disorders like the Sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipoproteinemia, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (2,3,4). Interestingly, all these conditions including aging, promote increased tissue requirement for ascorbate (5-9).

Xerostomia, the subjective feeling of oral dryness, is not a trivial complaint, and may in fact signal the presence of a serious underlying systemic health problem (1, 2). It is associated with prominent hyposalivation. Saliva contains water, electrolytes, proteins and glycoproteins, and is produced by the major and minor salivary glands. Xerostomia exerts serious negative effects on the victim’s quality of life, affecting dietary habits. nutritional status, speech, taste, tolerance to dental prostheses, psychological well-being, Date received 16 February 1992 Date accepted 1 April 1992


54 thus suggesting cellular ascorbate depletion as a unifying mechanism in the causation of impaired salivary gland exocytosis and consequently, oral dryness, by an extensive list of seemingly unrelated conditions. S&vary gland exocyiosis

Neurochemical and hormonal factors as well as dietary habits and nutritional status impact on exocytosis in the salivary glands (10-13). The amount, rate of secretion. and comnosition of saliva are regulated by both sympathetic &d parasympathetic systems (10). Salivary glands express a variety of cell-surface receptors including adrenergic (a and p), muscariniccholinergic, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide hormone WIP), and ATP receptors. The cell membrane receptors receive stimuli from neurotransmitters and transmit signals through appropriate intracellular messengers (cations, nucleotides, phospholipid derivatives) to structures and enzymes within the cells. The signal transduction mechanism involved in salivary gland regulated exocytosis is the subject of a recent detailed review (14). Norepinephrine (NE) release at nerve endings stimualtes both a- and P-adrenergic receptors with increase in CAMP (lo), while stimulation of al -adrenergic, muscarinic-cholinergic, and substance P-peptidergic membrane receptors elicits phosphatidyl-inositol 4, 5 bisphosphate (PIP)2 hydrolysis, IP3 generation and subsequent elevation of cytosolic Caz+ level (10, 14, 15). Physiologically, multiple receptor activations and interactions do occur (10, 15). Disease states, including malnutrition, which modify receptor number and characteristics, as well as the signal transductive events, will affect salivary gland exocrine function.

MEDKALHvKXHEsEs the controls, ascorbic acid deficient guinea pigs also showed significantly (p 4.01) reduced submandibular gland content of the vitamin, markedly increased levels of the free aromatic amino acids ‘Qr and Phe in the gland and serum, severe reduction in the activity (nmol mint g-1 tissue) of dopamine-P-monooxygenase cEC1.14.17.1) in the submandibular gland and a three-fold increase-in plasma corticosteroidlevel(l3). Tissue distribution and biological functions of


Ascorbic acid is an ubiquitous component of animal tissues where it occurs mainly in two forms, the dihydro-(reduced) and the dehydro-(oxidized) forms. Present in the tissues are enzymes glutathione: dehydro-L-ascorbate oxidoreductase (EC1 X5.1) and the NADPH-linked reductase which regenerate dihydroascorbate from the oxidized form (22). The highest concentrations of ascorbate are found in the adrenal and pituitary glands, key organs involved in maintenance of homeostasis (23). Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the adrenal gland are consistent findings in ascorbic acid deficiency (24), and associated with these is a prominent increase in circulating free cortisol (6, 13). In view of the well documented excellent correlation between plasma and saliva levels of free cortisol(25), ascorbate deficiency should also promote increased level of cords01 in the salivary gland and saliva although the latter,has not been studied. High concentrations of ascorbate have also been reported in other glandular tissues like the salivary glands (26, 27). Indeed, following intravenous administration of (1-W jascorbate to guinea pigs, the fastest uptake rates and highest retention capacity of the vitamin are exhibited by the pituitary, adrenal and submandibular salivary glands (26, 27, 28). Studies Salivary gland in ascorbate deficiency (29) demonstrate that similar to the adrenal chtcPainful swelling of the salivary glands has been maffin granules, acinar secretory granules of the rat described in severe ascorbic acid deficiency (16). parotid gland contain dihydroascorbate at concentraAmong the prominent features of experimentally in- tions much higher than in plasma, and additionally, duced scurvy in the human are manifestations of the there is a distinct extragranular pool comprising as sicca syndrome as exemplified by xerostomia, en- much as 80% of the total cellular ascorbate. Ascorbic acid defies simple definition in terms of largement of the salivary glands, keratoconjunctivitis its multiple biologic functions which have been exand arthritis (17, 18). Studies in appropriate experimental animals have tensively reviewed (8,9,23, 30-34). Ascorbic acid is demonstrated prominent edema of the tissues around important for maintenance of integrity of cell memthe major salivary glands (19), marked atrophy of the branes and optimal immune function, as well as for salivary acinar cells with widening of the interlobu- the metabolism of several nutrients and nonnutrients, lar septa (20, 21), and an equally significant reduc- including drugs. Many roles of this important antition (-55% compared with animals pair-fed adequate oxidant nutrient derive from its ability to donate elecascorbate diet) in flow rate of stimulated saliva in trons while itself undergoing reversible oxidation (23, ascorbic acid deficient animals (13). Compared with 30, 33). Formation of the neurotransmitters NE and


serotonin is influenced by ascorbate (32, 33). Ascorbic acid is required for optimal activity of the pituitary peptidyl-glycine a-amidating monooxygenase that functions in post-translational processing of secretory polypeptides within neural and endocrine secretion granules (31, 32, 34). The peptides that are am&ted by this enzyme include substance P and VIP (34), which are among the important well-studied neurotransmitters in salivary gland exocytosis (10). Perhaps of more relevance, although not yet fully explored, is the observation that acinar cell secretory granules from parotid gland contain a carboxylterminal peptide a-amidation enzyme with close resemblance to the pituitary enzyme in its ascorbate and copper requirements, pH dependence, and kinetic properties, as well as its predominant location in the secretory granules (35). Ascorbate promotes an increase in acetylcholine receptor number and distribution in certain cells and this is believed to occur through transcriptional regulation (36, 37). Similar to findings of acetylcholine and noradrenaline release from ascorbic acid-treated, Caz+ -stimualted rat brain synaptic vesicles, studies also demonstrate that cholinergic nerve terminals contain ascorbate which induces Ca2+ -dependent release of acetylcholine and ATP from isolated synaptic vesicles of Torpedo ocellata (38), an observation suggestive of a possible role for this vitamin in maintaining the balance between vesicular and cytoplasmic pools of acetylcholine within the nerve terminal. Equally relevant to the subject of this paper are reported observations of involvement of ascorbic acid in the metabolism of cyclic nucleotides (33, 39). This vitamin is also believed to function as an endogenous cytosolic inhibitor of ATP-supported mitochondrial Ca2+ -transport (40). Tenenhouse and Afari (41) suggest that mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake prevents an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and thus antagonizes the effects of secretagogues on exocrine tissues. Conclusion The current officially recommended daily allowance for ascorbic acid in the US is 60 mg, with a suggested higher intake (100 mg/day) for smokers and an increment of 10 mg/day for pregnant women (42). Such values have however been challenged as very low (43). What is however clear is that many factors promote an increased requirement for this vitamin. Among these factors are various physiological stresses, smoking, exposure to ionizing radiation, drug ingestion, as well as a whole series of pathological states like diabetes mellitus, cancer, hyper-

55 tension, hypercholesterolemia, and autoimmune disorders (6-9, 3 1,44). Overproduction of reactive oxygen radicals is a major problem in many autoimmune diseases (45) and also during irradiation (6, 46). and these conditions consume high amounts of ascorbic acid (6, 30, 47). Tissue ascorbate level generally declines with aging, a phenomenon noted in the free-living elderly in several countries (5,6,30). Suter and Russell (5) have reported that up to 25% of the free-living elderly in the US are vitamin C deficient, and depending on race and income level, 23%-42% of the elderly surveyed in HANES I had ascorbic acid intakes less than 30 mg/day. The features of ascorbate depletion include hypofunction of the pancreas and thyroid (6) as well as very prominent increase in circulating levels of glucocorticoids (6, 13). These changes are reported to impair salivary gland exocytosis (11). Evaluation of the importance of adequate ascorbate status on salivary gland function should also take due cognizance of the vitamin’s interactions with other essential nutrients. Vitamin C has protective effects against deficiencies of vitamins A, D, and E, for example. Intestinal absorption of these fat-soluble vitamins is closely linked to the pathways of dietary lipid absorption in which the bile salts play an essential role. Studies by Ginter (8) in ascorbic acid deficient guinea pigs indicate significant reduction in cholesterol transformation into bile acids, resulting from impaired activity of hepatic microsomal cholesterol 7 a-hydroxylase (ECl. 14.13.17), the rate-limiting step in bile acid synthesis. Defective utilization of ingested viatmins A and D, regardless of its cause, is known to produce significant reduction in saliva flow rate (11, 41,48,49). Xerostomia, the subjective feeling of oral dryness, resulting from a severe reduction in saliva flow rate, is a common problem particularly among the aged (50). The most frequently reported causes of dry mouth include autoimmune disorders such as Sjogren’s syndrome, drugs that inhibit salivary gland exocytosis, irradiation to the salivary glands and several physiological as well as pathological conditions (1, 2, 50). All these observed causes of xerostomia are major ‘consumers’ of tissue ascorbate stores and they are indeed among the factors frequently reported to increase tissue requirements for this nutrient (6-9, 30, 44, 47). Ascorbic acid status has extensive interactions with the metabolism of several hormonesheurotransmitters as well as with the intracellular messengers invovled in signal transductive events in salivary gland exocytosis. These observa-

56 tions lend support to the hypothesis that cellular depletion of ascorbate serves as the common link beWeen the long list of seemingly unrelated conditions variously implicated in the genesis of xerostomia. Acknowledgements The preliminary work which led to the formulation of the hypothesis in this report was supported by Kraft General Foods Foundation, Glenview, Illinois. Preparation of this publication was supported in pan by NIH Grant ROl DEG9653-01 from NIDR. The author also wishes to acknowledge the excellent secretarial assistance of Mrs Iori Shamblin.

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T, Lumikari

secretimof salivaand

Ascorbate status and xerostomia.

Xerostomia, the subjective feeling of dry mouth, affects millions of people particularly the elderly. It is invariably associated with hypofunction of...
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