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Anxiety and Mood States in Delinquent Adolescents Frank T. Lira , Michael J. White & A.J. Finch Jr. Published online: 10 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: Frank T. Lira , Michael J. White & A.J. Finch Jr. (1977) Anxiety and Mood States in Delinquent Adolescents, Journal of Personality Assessment, 41:5, 532-536, DOI: 10.1207/ s15327752jpa4105_12 To link to this article:

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Anxiety and Mood States in Delinquent AdoBeseents FRAKK 'I. LIRA F. S. Departme21 of J,US?~CG Petersbnrg, 1'qinrz

MICEIAEE 1. WHITE HoS)~Cross C a m p . Wxnechff. New York

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and A. 3 . FIhCH, Jr. Vlrglnia 'Trzatrnecl Center f x Chiidren R~chmond,\3rgnlr,la

Sii?rmav. Srudied the :eiationship betweerr state-I:& anxiety and mood states ir. deiinquentr by &ing the State-Trai: Anxiety Inventory f'sr Ckildrer, (S74PZ) (Splelbe~per, i9??i sncl the Profile r.f Mood States (POMS) iMcNair. Lox. & DroppTernnn. 1971 1 to 41 behevinr problem adolescents who were residents of a facEty for yon?hftil offenders. Results indicated that n d e s and ferndeb die not differ significantly. The AState portion of the STAIC was corieleted sipifacan:!y with the Vigor-Acfuity and Ange~faostilitypc:iions of The P O W as weii as the Total Mood Disrurbarice index. On the orher hmd: the A-Trait porciort of :he ST'RIC was correhted significantly with the Depression-Uejectjon, the Tension-4cxie:y. and the Fatigue-Inertia portio:ls of :lie PDMS as weli as the Toral Mood Disrurbance index. Fidinps were discussed in terms of :heir relationship to previaus : c.f zffectjve st-re.: presentei; by reseaxh and ic rerms of rhe dizerencer i ~ ,-.onceptio:i Spieberger ( 1 973) and McNai. et al. jl97: ).

The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for a d j e c iivcs describing elevations ir: Children (STMC") was designed by Spiei- m s c u l o s k k t a l t ensicn ; (b) Angerberger (1993) in ar: aircmnpt I E dewlop an thostiiity, which refieds moods of anger, arixiety ssscssmexlt instrument zndogeers irritatim and a:~tipathy to\vard other to the State-Yrzit Arixiety Inventory rsersons; (c) Depression-Dejectionj w%ch (Spielbe~ger. Gorsuch, & tushene. 1990'1 indicates a mood of depression with wl.,ich is for adults. ~ ~ a i i & and y reiiabi:?- concornitm: feeiings of persona; inadeity data Cai thc STMC suggest its feasible qsacy; (dl Vigor-Activity. which reflects assessing state anxiety f& a mood characterized by ebukiience, State) and trait anxiery (A-Traitj in vigorousness and Irigh energy; (e) Fatigue:zormai {SpieIberger; 1973). delinquect Inertia, which represents :I mood charx(%elson. Kendad!, Finch, Kendall, 8i terlzed by weariness, inertia 2nd low Nelson, 19741, and emotionally disturbed energ?: lwei: (f) Confirsion-Bew2derment, popdatiom (Finch, Mo~tgomery. & which represents a mood of bewilderment Ikardorff, 1974; Montganery & Fhch, and muddleheadedness. A T o t d Mood 1974). The STAIC': '~'Pdck:is composed of Disturbance (TMD) score is derived by two separate %-item self-report scales, combining scores across the six factors. has been widely appiied to diffe-~ e n t r a ~ eThe TMD is presented as z single r i m tracsienf anxiety experienced by children specific estimate of affective state. The PBMS iest manual presents relifrom a relatively stable proneaess t o abiiity 2nd validity &ta to support its expermce anxicry ever time. The Profile of Mood States {POIVIS)~ applicsticn as a measure of fluctuating develcped Sy McKair. L o x , and Dropple- mood stares (McNair et al., 1991). A;man (lY41:), was designed to provide s thou& :be POMS is recommended fur J I G outquickiy administered. efficier:: method of assessi:zg mood stares in psyclLia~-' assessing transiect affective states. The patients, its research application with POMS, which has evolved :r^rc.rn repeated nornxd and disturbed adolescent populafactor andyses, is a 65-item, 5-point tions would seem te be justified. adjective rating scale, The POMS meaExamination oC the six POMS factors sures six identifiabie affective states: (a) suggests a reiatjonship between each facTension-Anxiety, which is defined by tor and SpieIberger's (1 973) concept of

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F T L I R A . \l.J

WHITE, and 4 . J . FIXCH. J R .

i: -7 .


-, :.>). Tf-!e POhfS 2nd :he STAEC 1ve:i. ad1nkisreTt.S il: ;;:iduj:1 j y & : f~ i.~ft!:re: ; C four ' J L S ~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ The I I I S STAIC . ivss sdmii-;isrercd 2s opposed rL: ST.U . . i i wzs iicri;ipsted ths: rns::!' p x ~ ~ c ~ p x : : ~ would eIlcounTt . . -- . T'sblc 2 pi]es:ilis sxreist1;sr; ?d.:f~i,'lenls be:wec.n 30th pcx+o!lz of :he ST.-ZIC and POhlS faLr;)rs x,yilcl: :nai? arid ,. . Iernaie psrticipari~sive:~ tornbiwci. The A - S r ~ t zportiari 01' sigrLifwirh each orhi.!-. The res;~I:!: of rhe presml s1;ldy sag%st a c!~se re!a;ionsi:ip betwe.:; b h l facrnrs ~ and a x x i z r ~ . .E x l ; POMS fa - refiect more enduring affective responses than A6tat.e. Such affective responses reach trait proportions by A-Trait criteriz. Other investigators hwe similarly cast doabt on the h c t u a ? l n g natxre of some or the POMS factors. C o s t z n t i ~ i ,Davis,

traits which are :eiativeiy imper~icpusto fiuctuatiofi. References @as:anecia, Pi., McCandiess, a. R., 6: Paierrno, D. S. The cziniidren's form of the Manifest Acxie~y Scaie. Child Developmerrr, 19%; 27, 317-216. Costantini. 4. F., David, 3.. Brum, 4. R., & Eervclino. A. Personality an5 mood coirePates o f . Schednk of ' ~ e c e n t Experience ! 1973 , 3%. scores. ~ ~ c h n l n g i c aReports,

I I43-iI5C I'inch, A. 3.: tr., Kenddk. P. C.. d hfuntgmnery. L. I-.. M;tlri&meneinnaLity

of anxirty


cbddrerr: Fac:er slructure of thc Zkiidren's Manifest Anxiety Scale. .iourria: of A bnorted positive sig~ificantcorreiations bemal Q;ir'~i P ~ y c h o b 1974, ~ ~ . Z 331-336. tween Confusion, Tension, Fatigue. and Fin& A. J., Jr., Montgomery, L. E.; & U e z dorff, P. 4.Reliability of state-rrair anxie~y TMD POMS scales and life changes with emotionally disruf8ed chiidren. Joz~rnal experienced by college students over a cjf A bnonrzd Child PsychoIo.~, 1974, 2, two- to threeyear time period. These 67-69. scales comprise four of the five POM Jastil;, 3. F.; & Jastak, S. R. Wide .Range scaks wkiich are presently %und ro correiZchJe~:enzen: Test Mmztial. WiL.i.mgron. Delauare: Guidance Rssocia!es For Delalate signii"lcaniIg~with the A-Trait scale of wire, In:.. 1976. the STAIC, D. M., i o n . M., 6: Droppienag, t. F. A third expianstlop; entails the c o : ~ hlcNw. Mamiul for thc of Mood Stti~cs,S m lrasi between the test situation and the Diego: Educationai and Induarisl T'esung IIfe stylc ef the behavior problem adolesService, 1991. cents under study. Par:icigaats emerged Montgo:nery. L. E., C Finch. A. 3.. 9r. Validity of two measurey of anxie?y in children. from theatering hostile ecvirironmeilts. it Jozrrt~ai o,i' A bnormai Child P s ~ d i o i q p . is unlikely that their ra:.ultip:oSlern 1974. 2.193-198. ,~uines .-. could provide ernotkcnal support Nelson. W. M., 111. Rendali, P. C., Firmch. .4. J.. fir.. or comfort to cour;ier the impact of d;$y Jr., Ken&&, hf. S.. 6: Neison; S. E. Anxiety snd locus of confici: in delinquents. Jowval environmenral stress which may evoke oJ -4hrzormni Chiid Psylrolog', i974. 2, such ~ndrrring ematiord responses as 245-279. depression. confusion and weariness or Fuioff, M. I).. Kelnran. FI. C., & Frerik. J. D. f't~tiguc.The nornxtive sarnpiing of McCornforr, effecti~enessand self-awareness as who criteria of imp:ovement in psychother:tpy. Nair st 2.1. (1971) included s~rb~ecrs American Jmvna? of Exychiafr~j,1954, t'r'l, m.y k d w experienced these emotioczd 343-351. respmses as rransient slaaes triggered by C. D. Frelinivaty Manual f b r the interLmirteni ar;xie@-evoking situstions Spielberger, Stare-7mi: Anxien, h v e n tory f i r ClziJdren and reliwed by psychslogical intemen{'Row i Feel Qz~estionnaiw';', Palo Alto. ricn 31 siru:;tior,al changes. CaYiorcia. Consulting Psvchobgists Prsss, 1973. The findings of :his investigation indicate a need for extending the POMS Spielberger. C. D., Gorsuch, X. L.. & Lushene. R. E. M a n i d for the State-Trait .4n.xier.y starrdardization sampie ::,include normal, Questiocnaire). I ? a ~ e n l o ~(Self-Evaluztinn s deiinquent and emorionally disturbed Pals Aka, Cdlforniz: Consulting Psy chubadolescent popuiations. Results further g i s s P~ess.1970. suggest a discrepa:q betweeri the con- Taylor: 3. A. -4 personaliry scale of rnanifes: mxiety . Journal qf A bwrma! nrzd Socia: cepts of state and !reit factors held by Psyckolcae;~.1953,4i): 285-290. Spielberger (I973) arld Mchiair e: ai. (1991). U'hiie McNair et aI. (B971 j con- trank T .I,ua. PhD LJ*S. Depl. of Justice sider POMS responses t o reflect fluctuat- Federal Correctmnai institution ing emotional srates. cia the basis of the Petersbug. Virginia 23803 findings of tihis investigation, these Received: Jafiuary 31%I977 factors meet STAEC criteria for enduring Revised: March 8: 1977

Brauc, and lervolim (1 9'74) demonstra-

Anxiety and mood states in delinquent adolescents.

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