NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Alzheimers Dis Res J. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 September 18.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Published in final edited form as: Alzheimers Dis Res J. 2007 ; 1(1-2): 5–12.



NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Immunization strategies which aid in the clearance of beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaques have raised new hopes for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Two particularly promising passive immunization therapies currently being investigated include intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) containing Aβ antibodies and specifically developed monoclonal antibodies for Aβ. These Aβ antibodies may reduce amyloid accumulation in the brain by binding to the amyloid peptide and drawing it in through the blood-brain barrier for subsequent removal from the capillaries. However, as this strategy aims at removing extracellular amyloid through cerebral vessels, a redistribution of amyloid pathology may manifest as increased cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). CAA occurs when Aβ becomes embedded in the walls of cerebral vessels associated with weakening of the vessel walls. Antibody mediated Aβ clearance from the parenchyma could significantly increase the Aβ burden in the vessel lumen and wall, therefore increasing the risk of vessel rupture and hemorrhage. This chapter will review the current literature on Aβ immunotherapy for AD and explore the mechanisms as well as possible risks of amyloid clearance treatment, particularly cerebral amyloid angiopathy.


As our average life expectancy increases with modern advances, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is becoming more prevalent. The incidence of AD approximately doubles every 5 years after age 65 and is rapidly approaching near 50% of persons over age 85 [1]. It would be unfortunate to extend the length of life without corresponding extension of meaningful cognitive function. AD is a neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia. Since its original description by Alois Alzheimer in 1906, this clinical syndrome of progressive cognitive decline has been correlated with the pathological findings of neurofibrillary tangles and beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaques. Novel treatment strategies, which specifically target Aβ plaques, are currently being investigated. One strategy is to reduce the production of Aβ by inhibiting the enzyme, beta-secretase, which cleaves this pathological peptide [2]; however, development of these specific enzyme-inhibitors remains particularly challenging

© 2007 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. * Correspondence: Shawn J Kile, 4860 Y Street, Suite 3700, Sacramento, CA, 95817. [email protected].

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[3]. Another approach, which appears to be more feasible at this time, is to develop methods of enhancing Aβ clearance. One such technique generating much excitement in the AD research community is immunotherapy, however we must explore the potential risks of this novel treatment before becoming prematurely zealous. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a third component of Alzheimer's pathology that may potentially be exacerbated by immunotherapy.

IMMUNOTHERAPY Evidence is mounting that immunotherapy may be an effective therapy for AD by fostering the clearance of Aβ plaques. First, in 1996–1997 Solomon et al. [4,5] demonstrated that Aβ monoclonal antibodies both prevented and disassembled Aβ fibrils in vitro. This notion of immunotherapy for AD was then further spurred in 1999 by Schenk et al. [6] who found that Aβ vaccination diminished Aβ plaques in mice. Morgan et al. then took this an additional step in 2000 and showed that mice vaccinated against Aβ maintained superior memory function with age.

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After a promising phase I human trial, the 2001 phase II trial of active immunization against Aβ42 also yielded evidence for immunotherapy as a potentially successful treatment for AD: the group of subjects who successfully developed Aβ antibodies showed not only a significantly slower rate of cognitive decline over one year compared to the placebo group, but also improvement in memory scores which positively correlated with antibody titer [7]. Unfortunately, 6% of the 298 participants who were immunized developed an aseptic meningoencephalitis and the trial was discontinued [8]. A leading theory regarding the etiology of this postvaccination meningoencephalitis is T-cell mediated inflammation triggered by the Aβ42 molecule used for active immunization [8]. One strategy to avoid this adverse inflammation is to administer the Aβ antibodies passively such as via intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG). Commercial IVIG has been shown to contain antibodies to Aβ [9,10].

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Dodel et al. [11] investigated IVIG for AD and found that Aβ levels in the CSF decreased by 30% whereas serum Aβ levels increased, thus supporting amyloid clearance theories. Dodel and colleagues also found that these patients demonstrated mean cognitive improvement (mean improvement of 3.7 points on the ADAS-cog) after 6 months of treatment. Instead of exposing a patient to a plethora of antibodies as in IVIG, another method of passive immunization for AD currently being investigated uses monoclonal antibodies for Aβ. These monoclonal antibodies can be specifically developed to bind to various epitope regions of the Aβ peptide, thus instilling differing characteristics which may alter both efficacy and adverse properties. A phase II investigation of the Aβ monoclonal antibody AAB-001 is currently underway in patients with mild to moderate AD.

MECHANISMS OF AΒ CLEARANCE BY IMMUNOTHERAPY The molecular mechanism of Aβ clearance by IVIG was studied in vitro by Istrin and colleagues in 2006. Similar to earlier investigations of immunotherapy, they found that the

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antibodies in IVIG disassembled the Aβ fibrils and enhanced their clearance. APOE and APOJ have been proposed to bind to Aβ for bi-directional transport across the BBB [12].

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Furthermore, Instin et al reported that IVIG enhanced microglial migration and lead to the phagocytosis of Aβ. This proposed mechanism involving Aβ antibodies crossing the BBB to bind Aβ plaques and subsequently activate microglia was also supported by Bard et al. [13] who conducted ex vivo assays demonstrating that these antibodies can cross intact BBB. The microglia are also thought to eventually deposit the Aβ into the vascular lumen [14]. DeMattos et al. [15] offered another mechanism of Aβ clearance by passive immunization. They proposed that Aβ antibodies do not cross the BBB, but instead stay in the peripheral blood and lower free serum Aβ. This is thought to cause a net efflux of Aβ from the brain parenchyma into the vessels; thus this is referred to as the “sink” hypothesis.

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A neuropathological examination of three AD patients who were immunized against Aβ in the halted phase II active immunization trial (whose deaths were not attributed to the immunization) revealed remarkable clearance of cortical Aβ [16]. Interestingly, the pathologists also observed phagocytosed Aβ within microglia. However, all three cases were notable for CAA. Another pathological investigation of a fourth immunized patient from the same active immunization trail (whose cause of death was “failure to thrive”) also demonstrated a relative absence of Aβ plaques but the presence of CAA [17].


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Up to 20% of all non-traumatic hemorrhagic infarcts in the elderly are due to CAA, and some degree of CAA is present at autopsy in nearly all AD patients [14, 18]. Nakata-Kudo et al. [19] performed gradient echo MRI on 50 AD patients and found microbleeds in 16.7% of the AD patients (without cerebrovascular disease) compared to no microbleeds in the control group. Approximately 20% of AD cases have “severe” CAA, in which circumferential amyloid deposits are present in many cerebral vessels. Olichney and colleagues reported that not only do AD cases with severe CAA have an increased risk of cerebral hemorrhage [20], but they also have a greater than two-fold increase in the prevalence of microinfarctions and other ischemic lesions [20,21]. Interestingly, the severe CAA cases did not have increased severity of dementia, compared to AD cases with milder CAA [21]. Perhaps this is related to CAA being primarily composed of the Aβ40 peptide [22], whereas the primary peptide in parenchymal plaques is the less-soluble Aβ42 peptide. Greenberg and colleagues [23] reported that 47% of patients who presented after a cerebral hemorrhage thought to be due to CAA showed MRI evidence of additional microhemorrhages over a 17 month follow-up. Greenberg and colleagues [24] have also suggested that these recurrent microhemorrhages may contribute to cognitive decline in AD. It is also very conceivable that CAA could contribute to decline in AD via ischemic mechanisms (e.g. granular cortical atrophy due to multifocal microscopic infarctions). CAA occurs when Aβ becomes embedded in the walls of parenchymal arterioles and capillaries or leptomeningeal vessels resulting in weakening of the vessel walls [25]. This predisposes the cerebral vessels to hemorrhage.

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Rensink and colleagues [25] reviewed four theories for the deposition of Aβ in the vessel wall, stated briefly below:

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Transfer of Aβ from the blood into the vessel wall occurs due to disruption of the BBB (possible causes of impair BBB include head trauma, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, stroke and Aβ itself);


Production of Aβ is produced intrinsically by smooth muscle cells of the vessels;


Neuronally produced Aβ is drained in the interstitial fluid along peri-arterial spaces [26] and then internalized into smooth muscle cells via APOE (this pathway may be protective means of Aβ clearance, which becomes pathologically saturated in AD thus leading to CAA);


Vascular changes associated with aging such as thickening of the basement membrane may contribute to Aβ deposition in the vessels.


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As immunotherapy for AD aims at clearing extracellular amyloid through cerebral vessels, a redistribution of the amyloid pathology could manifest itself in the form of even higher rates of CAA. Antibody mediated Aβ clearance from the parenchyma could significantly increase the Aβ burden in the vessel lumen and wall, therefore increasing the risk of vessel rupture and hemorrhaging. As noted above, neuropathology of AD patients from the phase II Aβ42 active immunization trial showed reduced Aβ42 plaques but persistent CAA [16,17]. In a different subject actively immunized against Aβ42 in this same trail, Ferrer and colleagues [27] observed similar findings of Aβ42 plaques reduction and additionally found evidence of multiple microhemorrhages due to CAA. Although the main Aβ species in CAA is Aβ1–40, Attems et al. [28] noted that both Aβ40 and Aβ42 contribute to CAA in the leptomeningeal and cortical arterial vessels. They further suggested that capillary CAA is mainly characterized by Aβ42 deposition. This may explain why clearance of Aβ42 from the cortex may cause a redistribution phenomenon of saturated vessel Aβ load, i.e., CAA.

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Pfeifer et al. [29] further investigated this possible relationship between immunotherapy and CAA. In a mouse model of AD (APP23 transgenic mice), they studied the effects of passive immunization against Aβ (at the N terminus) and found that the immunized mice had a greater than two-fold increase in CAA-associated hemorrhages. They found an inverse correlation of significantly decrease in Aβ42 plaques in the cortex and increased amyloid in the vessel walls with associated hemorrhages. It was noted that Aβ40 showed no significant change. Other researches have also found that antibodies directed against N terminus of Aβ were associated with CAA microhemorrhages, however Racke et al. [30] demostrated that antibodies directed against central domain of Aβ were not associated with CAA microhemorrhages. Asami and colleagues [31] investigated a C terminus Aβ antibody and

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suggested that this may render Aβ42 more soluble while inhibiting the deposition of both Aβ42 as well as Aβ40. Theoretically, this may also be a means of reducing risks associated with immunotherapy such as exacerbation of CAA

STRATEGIES TO MINIMIZE CAA RISK WITH IMMUNOTHERAPY While immunotherapy seems to be effective in clearing Aβ plaques and even improving cognitive function, it also seems to carry an increased risk of CAA. So how do we proceed from here? First, we need to attempt to identify those at highest risk for hemorrhage. Secondly, we need to continue our efforts to find safer methods of administrating immunotherapy, such as developing new, more specific Aβ antibodies.

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After a review of the literature, the following is a list of probable or potential risk factors for CAA: advanced, severity/stage of AD [32], presence of vascular disease [33], prior hemorrhage (clinical or subclinical identified with gradient echo MRI), APOE2 [16] and APOE4, especially ε4 homozygotes [34]. We should perhaps have a higher threshold to pursue immunotherapy in this group and, of course, this group should be thoroughly educated about the potential risks of TIA and stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic) before immunotherapy is elected or implemented. The following is a list of possible protective strategies: more specific monoclonal Nterminus antibodies [35], central (instead of N terminus) domain anti-body [30], C terminus antibodies [31], different adjuvants [32], altering pulse rate possibly with exercise [36], and the development of novel medications to specifically reduce CAA and/or the associated risk of hemorrhage. Greenberg and colleagues [37] have conducted a phase II study of a low molecule weight candidate agent, tramiprosate, which may reduce the risk of hemorrhage for cerebral amyloid angiopathy.


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This is a very exciting time for the development of anti-amyloid therapies, such as immunotherapy, for AD. These have the potential to not just ameliorate symptoms, but could actual reverse the underlying disease. Thanks to significant recent advances in neuroimaging, we now have available relatively non-invasive methods to track amyloid deposition throughout the brain with in vivo amyloid imaging methods such as PET scanning with Pittsburgh compound B (PIB) [38]. What remains unproven is that removing Aβ plaques and reducing the extracellular brain amyloid will, in fact, translate to robust clinical improvement or reversal in disease. Neuropathological studies have shown that the density of pre-synaptic terminals correlates more strongly with dementia severity than does amyloid burden [39], or even the extent of neurofibrillary tangles. Some recent basic research suggests that intracellular amyloid metabolism and trafficking may be more critical to AD pathogenesis than is extracellular amyloid. To summarize, immunotherapy has provided much new hope for the treatment of AD. The preliminary clinical data look encouraging. However, with the reduction of Aβ plaques there appears to be an elevation of CAA with the associated potential risks of cerebral hemorrhage or infarct. We have reviewed possible mechanisms for Aβ clearance with immunotherapy as

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well as the mechanisms of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Possible strategies to minimize the risk of CAA in AD patients being evaluated for immunotherapy were offered.

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NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript Alzheimers Dis Res J. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 September 18.


Immunization strategies which aid in the clearance of beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaques have raised new hopes for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). T...
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