JOURN4L OF DIALYSIS, 1 ( 7 ) , 697-703 ( 1 9 7 7 )

Ren Fail Downloaded from by University of Otago on 12/31/14 For personal use only.

AMINO ACID LOSS DURING HEMOFILTRATION H. Mann Department of Internal Medicine I 1 Techn. University of Aachen Goethestrasse 27/29 5100 Aachen, German Federal Republic

ABSTRACT Loss of free amino acids during hemodiaf i 1 tration therapy. was investigated in 5 dogs. Hemodiafiltration was performed with a cellulose-acetate membrane with a limit of molecular separation at MW 19,000. The concentration of amino acids was investigated in ultrafiltrate and in blood at the beginning and at the end df di af i 1 tration. Loss of amino acids in the ultrafiltrate was seven times as much as free amino acid content o f plasm, whereas amino acid concentration in plasma decreased only slightly (20 X ) . Applying these results to hemodiafiltration in man, it is concluded that loss o f amino acids in hemodiafiltration i s not greater than in conventional hemodialysis therapy.

INTRODUCT f ON The mean molecular weight o f amino acids is 140 (extremes 75 and 240). Hence all amino acids permeate the membranes used

in dialysis (membranes such as phane and the more permeable membranes used in hemdiafiltration).

The molar concentration of

amino acids in the plasma o f uremic patients is very low compared

697 Copyright 0 1977 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Raened. Neither this work nor any put may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfdming. and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in vrriting from the publisher.



Table I

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Solute urea creatinine uric acid p ho spha te glycine glutamic acid cyst ine glucose




ml ml ml ml

200 m g / l O O I0 mg/lOO 168 10 mg/lOO 95 6 mg/100


32000 p ~ o i / i

8000 PAOl/l 5900 f l I o l / l 10000 pNol/l


300 pNol/l

240 180

100 pMol/l


50 pNol/l

70 mg/100 ml

3800 pMol/l

w i t h s o l u t e s normally excreted by t h e kidneys such as urea and c r e a t i n i n e (Table I ) .

Since i n h e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n , mass trans-

p o r t through t h e membrane i s brought about by t h e pressure depende n t amount o f u l t r a f i l t r a t e and n o t by a c o n c e n t r a t i o n difference o f s o l u t e s on b o t h sides o f t h e membrane, as i n d i a l y s i s , i t can be expected t h a t w i t h h e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n , amino a c i d s may be exc r e t e d t o a g r e a t e r e x t e n t than i n conventional d i a l y s i s therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS Loss o f f r e e amino acids was i n v e s t i g a t e d i n uremic dogs


- 25


H e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n was performed w i t h a 1 M 2 c e l l u -

lose-acetate membrane.

The l i m i t of molecular separation of t h e

membrane was MW 19,000.

I n these experiments blood f l o w was 50

80 ml/min and u l t r a f i l t r a t e f l o w about 50 ml/min.


The d i l u t i n g

f l u i d was added t o t h e blood before e n t e r i n g t h e u l t r a f i l t e r . Fran these data t h e clearance o f a l l penneable substances can be c a l c u l a t e d as 30 ml/min.

During a 3

- 5 hr.

average u l t r a f i l t r a t e o f 13.4 l i t e r s was obtained. sponds t o 3 . 3 l i t e r s / h .

treatment, an This corre-



Two days prior t o hemodiafiltration the animals d i d not i n gest food. In 5 experiments concentration o f amino acids was fnvestigated i n arterial blood before starting, d u r i n g and a t the end of

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each hemodiafiltration, and i n the u l t r a f i l t r a t e (Technicon Analyzer).


The results are sumnarized i n Table 11. All data are means of a l l experiments.

In the f i r s t column the normal values for

nonuremic man are shown.

Compared w i t h the values o f the uremic

dogs before starting hemodiafiltration (Cbo)

there are no appreci-

able differences except for a higher Concentration of cysteine and threonine i n the dog. During hemodiafiltration there is a decrease i n the concen-

tration of most amino acids fran s t a r t (Cbo) t o the end of treat-

ment (Cbl). Mean decrease i n concentration is fran 305 mg/l t o i.e. about 20 X .

238 mg/l

Plasma alanine and tyrosine, on the

other hand, increased during hemodiafiltration. In the ultraf i l t r a t e there i s about half the concentration of amino acids as i n plasma.

T h i s corresponds t o the expected concentration after

diluting the blood entering the ultrafilter w i t h the diluting fluid.

Thus, penneation of amino acids through the membrane is

not limited. Their clearance is 28.9 ml/min and corresponds t o the theoretically expected clearance of 30 ml/min.

7 a0


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Table I1 UF

normal values m a n mg/l

‘bo mg/l








288.6 84.8

2.5 2.9


17.4 12.4

3-5 5.8 27.1 7.3 9.8 15.4

21.5 6.3


30.7 14.3 2.2 5.3 17.7


9-2 27.1


Se 1:




9.1 7.1 13.2

4.7 9.3 19.6 20.3 5.8 11.3 52.6 30.6

Ala kt3 ASP




His OrIl

Ileu Leu


Met Phe The Val


3.2 9.5 19.4 79.9



4.2 I .o 10.0

14.5 41.5 178.2 15.3 69.4 55.7 13.7 143.4






9.1 8.2 2.8



6- 9 12.9 77.3 3.5 11.5 34.2



3.1 13.3 I .I


3.1 5.5


12.9 4.5 6.8



41.5 73.8


773-1 60.4

90.8 252.3 203 7

From the amino acid concentration (CUF) and the amount of the u l t r a f f l t r a t e the quantity o f amino acids eliminated per hemodiaf i l t r a t i o n can be derived (UF).

I t is about seven times the quan-

t i t y of amino acids i n one l i t e r o f plasma, i.e. seven times as

much a s the entire quantity o f plasma amino acids i n the dog. Average amino acid loss was 2.07 g during 4 hrs. o f t r e a t ment or about 0.5 g/h. DISCUSSION To evaluate the importance o f amino acid loss i n hemodiafil-

t r a t i o n i t is necessary t o compare amino acid loss i n hemodiafilt r a t i o n w i t h amino acid l o s s In conventional d i a l y s i s therapy and



w i t h normal amino acid loss i n the urine.


I t is also necessary

to apply the results found i n the dog t o the human. Normal mean daily amino acid excretion i n man i s 2.2 g (1.3 3.2 9).

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During 6

- 12 hrs.


o f hemodialysfs by several authors

loss of amino acids of 4.5

- 10.0 g has been described,

average 8.5 g per dialysis run or 1.2 g/h respectively. According to Salisbury the distribution of amino acids i n plasma i n dialyzed and nondialyzed uremics is not different from normals. Rubini and Gordon found no change i n the amino acid spectrum

during dialysis, although the amino acid loss was e i g h t times

greater than the total plasma content. From these results i t can be concluded that the amino acids eliminated from plasma during dialysis are replaced instantly from the intracellular space. loss of about 1

- 2 g/h

T h i s also is the reason why amino acid

throughout one dialysis run is very con-

stant. Similarly, i n our experiments i n dogs, the concentration of free amino acids decreases only about 20 X, although seven times as

much amino acids have been excreted by hemodiafiltration as were i n plasma.

T h i s result also corresponds to the results ,found i n h e m -

dialysis therapy (7). Since the amino acid concentration i n blood i n our experiments corresponds t o the amino acid concentration i n man, our results i n the dog can be conditionally applied t o man.

If these results

are t o be applied t o the conditions i n hemodiafiltration i n man,



d i f f e r e n t clearances induced by d i f f e r e n t f l o w r a t e s o f blood and d i l u t i n g f l u i d necessary f o r e l i m i n a t i o n o f h i g h e r q u a n t i t i e s o f urea and c r e a t i n i n e i n man must a l s o be considered. T h i s may be i l l u s t r a t e d by an example:

Blood f l o w o f 200

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m l / m i n and u l t r a f i l t r a t e f l o w o f 200 ml/min when s u b s t i t u t i n g the d i l u t i n g f l u i d before the u l t r a f i l t e r (or u l t r a f i l t r a t e flow o f 100 ml/min when s u b s t i t u t i n g t h e d i l u t i n g f l u i d behind t h e u l t r a f i l t e r ) induces a clearance o f urea and amino acids o f 100 ml/min.

H e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n therapy i n t h i s way i s necessary t o

e l i m i n a t e t h e s o l u t e s normally excreted by t h e kidneys such as urea and c r e a t i n i n e (2,4).

Considering t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n of

h e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n i n man w i t h a constant amino a c i d c o n c e n t r a t i o n i n plasma o f about 300 mg/l throughout t h e t i m e o f treatment, i t can be d e r i v e d t h a t t h e r e i s a 1.8 g/h l o s s o f amino acids.


corresponds t o t h e l o s s o f amino a c i d s found i n hemodialysis (1,3,


A l t o g e t h e r l o s s o f amino ac ds i n h e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n

does n o t appear t o be g r e a t e r than i n hemodialysis. I f one decides t o conduct h e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n i n man w i t h a

clearance o f 50 ml/min, as done by Q u e l l h o r s t e t al.,

t h e amount

o f amino a c i d s l o s t i n h e m o d i a f i l t r a t i o n would be s m a l l e r than i n hemodialysis. F i n a l l y , t h e question may be considered whether t h i s l o s s o f amino acids d u r i n g a r t i f i c f a l kidney therapy must be replaced i n t h e d i l u t i n g f l u i d o r not. i n hemodialysis therapy.

T h i s question can be answered j u s t as I n our experience, w i t h r e g u l a r p r o t e i n

d i e t s , most p a t i e n t s g a i n weight and g e n e r a l l y have no symptoms o f



I t therefore appears unnecessary as a rule

protein deficiency.

t o add amino acids t o the diluting fluid. T h i s a d d i t i o n would certainly raise the price of the diluting fluid considerably.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,

Sonderforschungsberei ch 109.



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Amino acid loss during hemofiltration.

JOURN4L OF DIALYSIS, 1 ( 7 ) , 697-703 ( 1 9 7 7 ) Ren Fail Downloaded from by University of Otago on 12/31/14 For personal use...
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