Amines in the Marking Fluid and Anal Sac Secretion of the Tiger, Panthera tigris G lyn R. Banks, A lan J. Buglass, and Jo h n S. W aterhouse Anglia Polytechnic University, East Rd., Cambridge, CB 1 1 PT, U.K. Z. Naturforsch. 47c, 618-620 (1992); received March 12, 1992 Amines, Anal Sac Secretion, Marking Fluid, Scent-Marking, Tiger Analysis of the marking fluid of two tigers (one Bengal and one Sumatran) by GC using an amine-specific column and a nitrogen-specific detector has shown the presence of the follow­ ing amines: ammonia, methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, triethylamine, propyl­ amine, and butane-1,4-diamine (putrescine). In contrast to previously published reports, we were unable to detect 2-phenylethylamine. The anal sac secretion was found to have a similar amine content.

Introduction Tigers use a variety o f scent-m arkings in the wild. Sm ith et al. [1], on the basis o f their field studies o f tigers in N epal, list several m odes o f scent-m arking: scrapes, scats, anal sac secretion, urine stains on trees and shrubs, claw -raking and cheek-rubbing. T he m ajor purpose o f these m ark ­ ings seems to be for the establishm ent an d m ainte­ nance o f territo ry [1]. A n o th er form o f scentm arking, n o t m entioned explicitly in the above re­ p o rt, has been described by Schaller [2] and by B rahm achary an d D u tta [3 -5 ], and is considered by the latter au th o rs to be semiochem ically the m ost significant m ethod o f m arking. This com ­ prises a w hite fatty fluid, term ed ‘m arking fluid’ [3 -5 ], w hich is sprayed at an angle as a jet, inde­ p endent o f urine, from the u rinary tract o f b oth m ale an d fem ale tigers w hen the hind leg is raised [4], This action deposits the m arking fluid on vege­ ta tio n 1- 1 .3 m above the ground. As p ointed o u t [5], there has been som e confu­ sion in the literature betw een anal sac secretion an d m arking fluid, even tho u g h they are distinctly different in ap p earance and origin. D eposits o f anal sac secretion are described as being d a rk and w axy w ith a distinctive o d o u r [ 1 ], w hereas m arking fluid is w hite an d m uch m ore m obile w ith an amm oniacal o dour. A nal sac secretion is deposited w ith faeces; an d as there is no connection between the anal gland and the urinary tract, there is no Reprint requests to Dr. J. S. Waterhouse. Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, D-W-7400 Tübingen 0939-5075/92/0700-0618 $01.30/0

w ay in w hich an al gland secretion can be em itted w ith urine. U rine, on the o th er hand, m ay contain sm all am o u n ts o f m arking fluid [4], A nalysis o f steam distillate extracts o f m arking fluid from b o th m ale and fem ale tigers using TLC an d p aper chro m ato g rap h y has been carried out [3, 4], The chro m ato g ram s revealed the presence o f several am ines, o f w hich 2 -phenylethylam ine was rep o rted to be the m ajor com ponent in each ani­ m al. O ther am ines identified were butane-1,4-di­ am ine (putrescine) and pentane-1,5-diam ine (cadaverine) as well as am m onia [5]. N o analytical w ork on the an al sac secretion o f the tiger has yet been published. As p art o f o u r long-term interest in the com posi­ tion o f sem iochem ically im p o rtan t glandular se­ cretion o f m am m als, we have analyzed b oth the m arking fluid and anal sac secretion o f the tiger specifically for the presence o f am ines, and we present here o u r prelim inary findings. Materials and Methods M arking fluid from tw o female tigers, K iaw ang (Bengal) and Suzy (S um atran), were collected from their enclosures in L ondon Zoo, R egent’s P ark. A nal sac secretion from tiger K iaw ang was o b tained directly from the anal sac while the ani­ m al was anaesthetized. All sam ples were stored at - 1 5 °C until analyzed. A nalyses were carried out on a V arian 3700 gas ch ro m ato g rap h equipped w ith a glass colum n (2 m long, 2 m m ID ) packed w ith 60/80 C arb o p ack B /4% C arbow ax 20 m / 0.8% K O H (Supelco). The detector was a th e r­ m ionic d etector for the specific detection o f n itro ­ gen. Sam ples ( ~ 100 mg) o f m arking fluid and anal

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G. R. Banks et al. ■Amines in Tigers


sac secretion were dissolved in 0.05 m N a O H so lu ­ tion (1.0 ml), an d 4 jil injected o n to the colum n. The colum n tem p eratu re was held at 50 °C for 2 min, an d was then raised to 210 °C a t 50 °C /m in. The nitrogen flow rate w as 30 m l/m in.

Results and Discussion The gas ch ro m ato g ram from a sam ple o f m a rk ­ ing fluid from K iaw ang (collected 7 .1 1 .8 9 ) is show n in Fig. 1. The identities o f the am ines were determ ined by com p ariso n o f retention tim es w ith those o f authentic sam ples. T he m ajo r am ine in the secretion is trim ethylam ine, w ith a significant am o u n t o f butane-1,4-diam ine an d sm aller am ounts o f m ethylam ine, dim ethylam ine a n d triethylam ine. In stark co n tra st to previously p u b ­ lished w ork [3, 4], the c h ro m ato g ram show s only a possible h in t o f 2 -phenylethylam ine at a reten tio n time o f 12 m in. T o check th a t we h ad n o t m issed this am ine, 2-phenylethylam ine (0.5 mg) w as a d d ­ ed to a sam ple o f m ark in g fluid ( 1 0 0 m g) a n d the m ixture analyzed u n d er the sam e conditions. T he resulting ch ro m ato g ram is show n in Fig. 2, in which the large peak due to 2 -phenylethylam ine has a reten tio n tim e o f 12 m in. This result clearly shows th a t 2 -phenylethylam ine is n o t p resen t in this sam ple o f secretion to any significant extent. A second sam ple o f secretion tak en from th e sam e tiger a t a later d ate (21.2.91) revealed th e sam e suite o f am ines, the m ain difference betw een the

Elution time [ min ]

Fig. 1. Gas chromatogram of marking fluid from tiger Kiawang collected 7.11.89. Compounds identied as fol­ lows: 1, ammonia; 2, methylamine; 3, dimethylamine; 4, trimethylamine; 5, propylamine; 6, triethylamine; 7, butane-1,4-diamine.

Elution time [ min ]

Fig. 2. Gas chromatogram of marking fluid from tiger Kiawang collected 7.11.89 with added 2-phenylethyl­ amine (compound 8). Compounds 1 - 7 as in Fig. 1.

two sam ples being the reduced am o u n t o f b utane1,4-diamine in the latter (Fig. 3). T he reason for this difference is n ot certain, b ut it does indicate th a t the com position o f secretion from an individ­ ual does vary. The chro m ato g ram o b tained from the m arking fluid o f tiger Suzy is show n in Fig. 4. This is alm ost identical to the ch ro m ato g ram o f the first sam ple taken from K iaw ang, despite the fact th a t the anim als were from different sub­ species, and again, there is no indication o f 2 -phenylethylam ine. Fig. 5 shows the ch ro m ato g ram o btained from the anal sac secretion o f K iaw ang. A lth o u g h this

Elution time [ min ]

Fig. 3. Gas chromatograph of marking fluid from tiger Kiawang collected 21.2.91. Compounds 1 - 7 as in Fig. 1.

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G. R. Banks et al. ■Amines in Tigers

Elution time [ min ]

Fig. 4. Gas chromatogram of marking fluid from tiger Suzy. Compounds 1 - 7 as in Fig. 1.

d ark, waxy m aterial is so different in its ap p ear­ ance from the w hite, m obile m arking fluid, it has an am ine profile th a t is strikingly sim ilar to th a t o f the latter. O ne o f the few differences is the pres­ ence o f a significant am o u n t o f iso-butylam ine in the anal sac secretion. A gain, 2-phenylethylam ine was n ot observed. The great sim ilarity in the am ine contents o f the m arking fluid an d anal sac secretion was unexpect­ ed and surprising, an d it raises the question o f the relationship betw een these tw o excretions, seem ­ ingly so different in b o th appearance and m ode o f deposition. D o they carry the sam e sem iochem ical message? It is also difficult to u n d erstan d the great discrepancy betw een our results and previously published rep o rts [3 -5 ] concerning the presence o f 2-phenylethylam ine in the m arking fluid. A l­ though o u r w o rk and previous studies [4] show th a t some v ariatio n is to be expected betw een indi­ viduals an d over tim e for the sam e individual, the dichotom y regarding 2 -phenylethylam ine w ould seem to be to o great to be explained in these term s. It m ay be th a t the absence o f 2-phenylethylam ine in o u r tigers reflects a m etabolic difference be­ tween them a n d the tigers previously studied in India [3 -5 ].

A cknowledgemen ts Elution time [ min ]

Fig. 5. Gas chromatograph of the anal sac secretion of tiger Kiawang. Compounds 1 -7 as in Fig. 1; 9, iso-butylamine; 10, pentane-1,5-diamine; 11, butylamine.

[1] J. L. D. Smith, C. McDougal, and D. Miquelle, Anim. Behav. 37, 1 (1989). [2] G. B. Schaller, The deer and the tiger, Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago 1976. [3] R. L. Brahmachary and J. Dutta, Z. Naturforsch. 3 4 c , 632(1979).

W e are grateful to D r. C hris F aulkes o f L o ndon Z oo for supply o f m arking fluid and anal sac secre­ tion.

[4] R. L. Brahmachary and J. Dutta, Am. Nat. 118, 561 (1981). [5] R. L. Brahmachary and J. Dutta, in: Tigers o f the world (R. L. Tilson and U. S. Seal, eds.), pp. 2 9 6 302, Noyes Press, New Jersey 1987.

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Amines in the marking fluid and anal sac secretion of the tiger, Panthera tigris.

Analysis of the marking fluid of two tigers (one Bengal and one Sumatran) by GC using an amine-specific column and a nitrogen-specific detector has sh...
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