Airway Complications in Relapsing Polychondritis Jibah Eng, FRCS, and Sabaratnam Sabanathan, FRCS Department of Thoracic Surgery, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, England

To analyze the importance of airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis, an illustrative case report is presented and 62 patients reported in the literature with serious airway complications are reviewed. There were 47 female and 17 male patients, with an average age of 40.3 years (range, 2 to 73 years). Patients were seen with hoarseness, breathlessness, cough, stridor, wheezes, and tenderness over laryngotracheal cartilages. Respiratory tract involvement was confirmed by conventional radiography, tomography, computed tomography, dynamic pulmonary function tests, and bronchoscopy. Corticoste-

roids and antiinflammatory and immunosuppresive agents were used in these patients. Tracheostomy was performed in 18 patients. Death occurred in 13 patients despite tracheostomy or corticosteroid therapy, or both. A detailed analysis of the clinical, radiological, and pulmonary function studies is presented, with emphasis on upper airway mechanics. The medical and surgical management options are reviewed, including the use of endotracheal prosthesis and extraluminal splinting in dynamic airway collapse. (Ann Thoruc Surg 1991;51:686-92)


elevated at 95 mm in the first hour but there was no evidence of anemia or serious leukocytosis. He was given antibiotics and physiotherapy. Over the succeeding few days intermittent attacks of dyspnea associated with cough productive of green sputum developed. A week after admission, the bridge of his nose was noticed to have collapsed. Respiratory function studies, including flow-volume loop (Fig l),confirmed expiratory airway collapse. Flexible bronchoscopy showed the presence of only three tracheal rings with tracheal collapse on expiration. Immunological investigations confirmed the presence of fetal cartilage antibodies. A diagnosis of relapsing polychondritis was made. Despite steroids and bronchodilators, his condition continued to deteriorate. Rigid bronchoscopy confirmed tracheal softening and bulging of the posterior membrane of the distal trachea and left main bronchus. A Montgomery T tube with the right limb shortened was inserted. This improved his oxygen saturation considerably. Despite this, he continued to have episodes of severe dyspnea because of his inability to clear secretions through the Montgomery T tube, requiring intensive physiotherapy and suction. He was given cyclosporin A. His condition improved, and he was fit enough to be discharged from the hospital with facility for home suction. A week later, he was readmitted in severe respiratory distress and septicemia. Chest radiography showed right lower lobar pneumonia. Urgent bronchoscopy confirmed copious secretion with evidence of collapse of the right main bronchus. The Montgomery T tube was removed and a tracheostomy tube inserted. Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation was instituted, resulting in improvement of gas exchange. He was given pulses of methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide with no response. Because of the lack of success with the Montgomery T tube, posterior membrane fixation of the tracheobronchial tree was considered.

elapsing polychondritis is a multisystemic disorder affecting cartilaginous structures and other connective tissues. Although the term relapsing polychondritis was first introduced in 1960 [l],earlier authors described cases of a similar clinical picture. The first reported case has been attributed to Jaksch-Wartenhorst [2], who described a case of polychondropathia in 1923. In 1936, Altherr [3] and von Meyerburg [4] reported cases of chondromalacia involving cartilaginous destruction of the ears, nose, ribs, joints, larynx, and tracheobronchial tree. Although reports have been sporadic, an increasing number of cases have been published since the 1960s. In an extensive review, Hermann [5] collected 452 cases in the world literature reported up to 1986. Since then, a search of the literature revealed a further 113 cases of relapsing polychondritis. Many excellent reviews of relapsing polychondritis have been published [5-lo]. We present an illustrative case report of major airway complications and an in-depth analysis of airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis and its medical and surgical management.

Illustrative Case Report A 56-year-old man was admitted with increasing dyspnea and productive cough over a 2-month period. Seven years before this he was admitted with intermittent attacks of dyspnea and arthralgia affecting both shoulders, hands, and ankles and the left hip. His pain settled with indomethacin. On this occasion, examination showed widespread wheezes associated with diffuse crackles. Chest radiography demonstrated perihilar consolidation with hyperinflated lungs. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was Address reprint requests to Mr S Sabanathan, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane, Bradford BD9 6RJ, England. 0 1991 by The

Society of Thoracic Surgeons



Ann Thorac Surg 195'1:51:686-92


3 t

Fig 1. Flow-volume loop showing expiratory airway obstruction.

Through a right thoracotomy, the trachea was mobilized offits mediastinal bed. The trachea, which was small (12 mm in diameter), was grossly inflamed and adherent to the esophagus and the superior vena cava. The posterior membrane of the trachea was found to be folded intraluminally. Careful dissection allowed the mobilization of the trachea and both main bronchi. The left main bronchus, which was the worse affected, was found to be very soft with no residual cartilage, whereas the right was narrowed with some soft cartilage remaining. The posterior membrane of the trachea and both main bronchi was fixed with a Prolene mesh (Ethicon, Edinburgh, UK) covering half the circumference, using Histoacryl tissue adhesive (B. Braun, Germany), thus avoiding sutures to prevent any postoperative air leak. The application of tissue adhesive to the mesh resulted in a rigid sheet on solidification, thus preventing membranous invagination. Postoperatively his ventilation improved. Repeat bronchoscopy on the third postoperative day showed some inflammation of the mucosa but no collapse of the airway. This was confirmed on dynamic computerized scanning of the trachea (Fig 2), which showed no serious collapse of the distal trachea on expiration. He continued to improve and was weaned off the ventilator on the eighth postoperative day. Over the following 3 weeks he mobilized well and was discharged home on maintenance doses of prednisolone and cyclosporin A. He remained in reasonable condition for the following 2 weeks but was concerned about his collapsed nose. This was reconstructed with an iliac crest bony implant. Immediately after this procedure, he became dyspneic and went into respiratory arrest. He was therefore reventilated. Bronchoscopy confirmed worsening of the inflammation of tracheobronchial mucosa with copious thick secretions, which were aspirated. His precarious hemodynamic status required the institution of inotropes including dopamine and adrenaline. Over the following month, despite multiple changes of tracheostomy tubes, bronchoscopic clearance, and attempts at internal stenting, his condition deteriorated. Bronchoscopic examinations confirmed progression of inflammation down to lobar and segmental bronchi. He died 3 months after his


B Fig 2 . Dynamic computed tomographic scanning of the trachea (arrow) after posterior membrane fixation (A) on inspiration and (B)on expiration, showing no serious airway collapse.

initial admission. Postmortem examination confirmed extensive destruction of the tracheobronchial tree down to terminal bronchi with gross inflammation.



Review of the Literature Clinical Features Inflammation and destruction of the auricular cartilage, nonerosive arthropathy, and nasal collapse are the most common features of relapsing polychondritis [5-7]. Other structures that may be affected include the eyes [5, 61, cochlear or vestibular structures [6], cardiac valves 1111, large vessels [12], and the kidneys [13]. Involvement of the respiratory tract, although relatively unusual when the patient is first seen [6], becomes more frequent as the disease progresses. Respiratory involvement as an initial symptom has been reported in 13% [9] to 26% [8], whereas eventual involvement occurs in up to 50% of patients [6]. Respiratory tract complications account for significant increases in clinical morbidity and mortality (6, 101.

Of the 62 cases reported in the literature with serious airway involvement and sufficient details for analysis [l, 6, 7, 10, 14-28], there was a preponderance of female patients (F:M = 45:17) with an average age of 40.3 years (range, 2 to 73 years). The sex ratio is at variance with that reported in all cases with or without respiratory involvement, which have an equal sex prevalence [5]. As in other cases, patients with respiratory involvement may be at each extreme of ages. Airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis may be diffuse or localized [6] and may involve the upper extrathoracic airway, intrathoracic trachea, or even bronchi. In this series of 62 patients, however, laryngeal and upper tracheal involvement was more common, being present in 42 cases, with 18 cases involving the whole trachea and 4 involving the left main bronchi only. This may be a reflection of incomplete assessment, however, because detailed airway investigation including the use of computed tomography has revealed more extensive involvement of the lower airway even in patients not suspected of having such involvement [23]. When first seen most patients have breathlessness (n = 31), with hoarseness (n = 20), cough (n = 20), stridor (n = 13), tenderness over laryngotracheal cartilages (n = 9), and wheezes (n = 5) the other features suggesting airway involvement. Although all cases of subglottic strictures [29] and tracheal stenosis [lo] are symptomatic, lower airway disease may be asymptomatic and is found only on tomography and pulmonary function testing [29].

Pathophysiology of Airway Involvement in Relapsing Polychondritis Respiratory disturbances in relapsing polychondritis may be the result of major airway collapse secondary to a destruction of the cartilaginous rings or narrowing secondary to inflammatory edema and cicatricial fibrosis [23]. This has been confirmed by pulmonary function studies to be predominantly due to airway abnormalities and not to the loss of elastic recoil forces of the lungs [5]. Pulmonary infections ensue from impaired clearance of airway secretion as a result of disruption of the mucociliary escalator at the site of inflammation or scarring and diminished effectiveness of cough in clearing secretions

Ann Thornc Surg 1991;51:686-92

from the lower respiratory tract as a result of dynamic upper airway collapse [22]. Tracheal collapse may occur suddenly, causing rapid death [lo]. It may also be induced by bronchoscopy or intubation [6] or by tracheostomy [14].

Radiological lnvestigations Conventional radiography and tomography have been the methods of radiological investigations for airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis. These may reveal narrowing of the trachea and the complications of airway obstruction and collapse. In recent years, the use of computed tomography has allowed better demonstration of laryngotracheal involvement [23, 281. The use of thin-section computed tomography has shown that even lobar and segmental bronchi may be involved in the disease process [28]. However, even though cartilage may be present in airways down to 1 mm in diameter, it i s of less importance for bronchial stability in these smaller pulmonary airways, which are supported by the surrounding lung, and its loss should produce little effect on pulmonary functions [IS]. Cinebronchographic studies may define collapse of airway more effectively 15, 301. In patients with stridor resulting from marked narrowing of the airway, the instillation of contrast material into the larynx and trachea may further compromise the caliber of the narrowed lumen [19]. This may result in acute dyspnea at the time of the examination. The avoidance of contrast instillation in dynamic computed tomographic scanning of the upper airway is particularly useful in such cases.

Airway Mechanics The functional effects of respiratory tract involvement depend not only on the location of the obstruction but also on whether the lesion is fixed or dynamic. The location is most important in dynamic obstruction because intrathoracic lesions behave differently from extrathoracic ones [31]. During inspiration, the intraluminal pressure in the extrathoracic airway is subatmospheric while extraluminal pressure is approximately atmospheric. This favors narrowing of the extrathoracic airway, and thus a dynamic lesion in the extrathoracic airway will cause maximal derangement on inspiration [31]. Further narrowing may occur as a result of airflow turbulence and the acceleration of the air by the Bernoulli effect [32]. On expiration, however, the intraluminal pressure is positive relative to extraluminal pressure in the extrathoracic airway, which tends to dilate the airway and obscures the presence of the lesion. Thus a variable extrathoracic lesion will cause a predominant decrease in maximal inspiratory flow. On the other hand, when the dynamic obstruction i s in the intrathoracic airway, the maximal effect occurs during expiration because during expiration the extraluminal pressure is positive relative to intraluminal pressure in the intrathoracic airway, tending to collapse such an ainvay [31]. This effect is exaggerated during coughing because a greater pressure gradient is generated after opening af the glottis [30].

Ann Thorac Surg 1991:51:686-92

The nature of the airway obstruction can be assessed by pulmonary function studies. Conventional spirometric tests have not been very helpful in distinguishing the different types of airway obstruction. The use of flowvolume curves has been helpful in many instances (33, 341. Fixed obstruction causes a significant reduction of both inspiratory and expiratory airflow [22]. A dynamic obstruction in the extrathoracic airway tends to have maximal effect on inspiration whereas a dynamic lesion in the intrathoracic airway, on expiration. This may be quantified by the ratio of the maximal expiratory to maximal inspiratory flow at mid-vital capacities [22, 341. An analysis of the flow-volume loops helps in defining the nature of the obstruction, whether fixed or dynamic, and the location, whether intrathoracic or extrathoracic. It is invaluable not only in planning management of the patients but also in monitoring progress of the disease

PI. Further assessment of the severity of airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis may be made by direct measurement of airway resistance by body plethysmography [18, 221.

Bronchoscopy Bronchoscopy is useful in elucidating the nature and severity of airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis. It does carry a serious risk, however. Deaths have occurred during the procedure [16]. The margin of safety that exists in a patient with chronic asphyxia is very narrow indeed [14]. Bronchoscopy may reveal severe inflammation of the trachobronchial tree [25] or collapse of the major airways, which open easily on passage of the bronchoscope but collapse on withdrawal [17].

Diagnosis, Pathology, and Etiology of Airway Involvement in Relapsing Polychondritis There are no laboratory tests specific for relapsing polychondritis. Diagnosis therefore depends on the clinical features, which have been well described [5, 61, including its association with the involvement of the ears, nose, joints, skin, and special organs including the major vessels, eyes, heart valves, kidneys, and the brain. McAdam and associates [6] established the diagnostic criteria for relapsing polychondritis. There is increasing evidence of the immunological nature of this disease with demonstration of antibodies to type I1 collagen [35] and cellmediated immunity [36]. The observation of a placental transfer of relapsing polychondritis with an affected child and subsequent recovery of the offspring suggests an important role of the antibody in this condition [37]. A case of hydralazine-induced relapsing polychondritis has been reported [21]. Experimental animals demonstrated collapse of cartilage after intravenous injection of papain [38] and sensitization to type I1 collagen [39]. Biopsy of cartilaginous lesions in relapsing polychondritis reveals loss of basophilic staining of matrix, associated with infiltration of polymorphonuclear leucocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, and plasma cells [5, 61. On electron microscopy, the chondrocytes contain large quantities of lysosomes, lipid, and glycogen. Such cells



and adjacent collagen may be destroyed and replaced by small electron-dense granules and vesicles that vary in size, shape, and density [5]. Tracheal mucosa frequently appears edematous. Its cartilaginous rings show changes ranging from mild inflammation to total resorption by granulation tissue [5]. Further laboratory investigations may reveal an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, moderate leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, eosinophilia, and normocytic and normochromic anemia [5]. An elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a direct index of the activity of the disease and is a guide in controlling dosage of drugs [20]. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be normal, however, in patients with relapsing polychondritis [6]. Urinary analysis may reveal an elevated level of acid glycosaminoglycans [40].

Differential Diagnosis of Airway Involvement in Relapsing Polychondritis In addition to relapsing polychondritis, tracheal stenosis may result from trauma associated with endotracheal intubation, infections and noninfectious granulomatous reactions in the mediastinum, neoplastic disease, the use of P-blockers, the saber-sheath trachea associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica differentiated by calcified mucosal nodules projecting into the lumen of the trachea or main bronchi [5]. Airway collapse may result from idiopathic tracheomalacia, compression of trachea by goiter, emphysema, or congenital chondromalacia of the trachea. The association of airway involvement with the other features of relapsing polychondritis suggests its diagnosis on clinical grounds [6].

Medical Management Most cases of relapsing polychondritis can be managed medically, even in patients with airway involvement. The mainstay of treatment remains corticosteroids. Most patients first receive moderate doses and may require large doses during periods of intense disease activity [6]. In the respiratory tract, corticosteroids have been noted to help the acute laryngeal inflammation that may occur early in the disease but do not help in the later-developing loss of cartilaginous support [5, 61. Corticosteroids were used in all the patients analyzed in this series of 62 patients. Milder disease may be managed with the use of dapsone, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents 151. Success has also been reported with the use of immunosuppressive agents including azathioprine [6, 22, 271, cyclophosphamide [5], 6-mercaptopurine [6], penicillamine [27], and cyclosporin A [6, 411. Cyclosporin A has been shown to be effective in reversing airway narrowing when steroids and cyclophosphamide are ineffective [41]. Because antibodies seem to be important in the pathogenesis of the disease, plasmapheresis may have a role in the management of these patients [24].

Surgical Ma nagement Tracheal cartilage may suddenly collapse, causing rapid death [lo]. Early tracheostomy has been recommended in



patients with airway obstruction from relapsing polychondritis, but this is likely to benefit only patients with localized subglottic involvement [MI. It has been found, however, that endoscopy and intubation are fraught with hazard, may precipitate a sudden marked increase in dyspnea, and have led to death on occasion. Early tracheostomy should therefore be performed if indicated rather than procrastination with bronchoscopy or intubation [6]. Tracheostomy itself may carry a serious risk by inducing fatal airway obstruction [14]. The small glottis resulting from cartilaginous destruction may make intubation difficult during anesthesia. A small endotracheal tube may have to be used. Once this has been achieved, adequate ventilation may be maintained even in patients with complete reversible airway collapse by the use of positivepressure ventilation. This then allows careful assessment of the airway and planning of further medical and surgical management. Although major advances have been made in the surgical management of tracheal tumors and strictures by resection and reconstruction [42], the results of surgical excision of inflammatory lesions are not good [43]. Surgical resection of subglottic strictures has been attempted in 2 cases [15, 261 and appeared to produce good results. Both patients still required intensive medical therapy, however, and 1 required the insertion of a Montgomery T tube.

Use of Endotracheal Prosthesis The use of the Montgomery T tube [44] and its modifications [45] has allowed greater flexibility and success in the management of neoplastic, postintubation stricture, and anastomotic complications. Its use in patients with airway collapse and narrowing secondary to relapsing polychondritis is still relatively rare. For patients requiring prolonged tracheostomy, however, the insertion of an endotracheal stent allowed the retention of voice. Its use up to 4 years has been satisfactory. Unfortunately, progression of disease, as in the case of tracheomalacia, resulted in four deaths out of 5 patients with an intraluminal stent for airway collapse [45]. The possible displacement of the stent may lead to asphyxia1 crisis. Its erosion through the tracheal wall into the innominate artery has caused death from massive hemorrhage [44]. Irritation of the mucosa causing ulceration and granulation tissue formation and aspiration pneumonia when the upper limb projects through the vocal cords are other known complications [46]. Inability to cough effectively due to length of the tube leads to retained secretion and infection. Septicemia may result, as in our patient.

Airway Splinting Dynamic obstruction from central airway collapse in relapsing polychondritis may be amenable to airway splinting [MI. Bronchoscopic assessment of such patients may reveal the prolapse of the posterior membraneous wall [24]. External splinting by suspension to vascular adventitia and percutaneous sutures has been successfully used in airway collapse from tracheomalacia after thyroidectomy [47]. Success in circumferential and posterior mem-

Ann Thorac Surg 1991;51:6136-92

brane stabilization has been described for airway collapse from tracheomalacia [47] and emphysema [48]. The extent of stabilization required, either posterior membraine or total stabilization, may be determined by the extent 01 the disease [48]. In many cases, support of the posterior membrane suffices [49]. There is a danger in converting the trachea into a stiff, rigid tube, which may be catastrophic in terms of airway clearance [49]. Support of the cartilaginous tracheal rings without the posterior membrane has also been used in tracheal collapse in emphysema [50]. The materials used in splinting include pericardium, dura mater, and skin grafts [51]. Gore-Tex mesh has been found particularly useful [51, 521. To avoid the use of sutures on the posterior membrane, which may lead to air leak, tissue adhesive has been applied successfully [ 521. The use of tissue adhesive by itself has been found not to be sufficient [53]. In the presence of extensive tracheobronchial involvement in relapsing polychondritis, external airway splinting is the treatment of choice. This can be achieved through a right thoracotomy, which allows access to the trachea and both bronchi. Posterior membrane fixation using tissue adhesive [54] can be effectively achieved.

Prognosis of Patients With Airway Involvement in Relapsing Polychondritis In most patients with relapsing polychondritis, it is probably reasonable to evaluate the upper airway with a combination of techniques including computed tomography, bronchoscopy, and flow-volume loops [55]. Although most patients with relapsing polychondritis have features of multisystemic, multiorgan involvement, airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis can olccur without apparent clinical involvement of the ear or nasal cartilage [55]. Airway involvement has been the main cause of death in most series reviewed [l,6, 9, 101, lbeing involved in up to 50% of patients. However, some authors reported death from respiratory tract involvement in1 only 10%of their patients [8]. In general, it can be accepted that the high frequency of respiratory involvement, in up to 50% of patients [6], accounts for substantial morbidity and mortality in patients with relapsing polychondritis. Survival rates of 74% at 5 years and 55% at 10 years have been reported [8]. Young patients with laryngotracheal involvement when first seen have a worse prognosis than those in whom respiratory signs developed later in the course of the disease as they do not respond as well to steroids [27]. In this review of 62 patients with respiratory tract involvement, death occurred in 13 (20%),6 of whoml died at or after tracheostomy and 4 despite prolonged steroid therapy, confirming that disease progression may occur even with steroid treatment.

Summary Relapsing polychondritis is a disease manifested by recurring episodes of inflammation in cartilaginous tissues throughout the body. The coexistence of various rheu-


Ann Thorac Surg 1991;51:68&92

matic and autoimmune disorders in 30% of patients has led to the suggestion that an immunological dysfunction may be involved in the pathogenesis of relapsing polychondritis. These disorders include systemic vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosis, Behcet’s disease, ankylosing spondylitis, and Reiter’s disease [5]. The disease is characterized by episodic painful inflammation of the cartilage, most commonly in the outer and inner ear, nose, costochondral junction, and a variety of joints, and in some cases it involves the cartilage of the respiratory tract [56]. In about a third of cases, the disease begins with the involvement of the pinna, which is eventually affected in 86% of the patients [56]. Cauliflowerlike ears result from recurrent inflammation, scarring, and retraction. The nasal cartilage is involved in about three quarters of the cases, typically resulting in a saddle nose deformity. The diagnosis of relapsing polychondritis can be made on clinical grounds when three or more of the following features are present [6]: (1)bilateral auricular chondritis, ( 2 ) nonerosive, seronegative inflammatory polyarthritis, (3) nasal chondritis, (4)ocular inflammation, (5) respiratory tract chondritis, and (6) audiovestibular damage. Although the disease is thought to be rare, more than 600 cases of relapsing polychondritis have been reported in the world literature. It has been reported predominantly in white patients but has been described in all races. There is an equal sex prevalence with the majority of cases appearing in patients between the ages of 40 and 60 years [5]. In this analysis of patients with serious respiratory tract involvement, there is a female preponderance, although the ages of the patients correspond to those reported generally. Respiratory tract involvement from airway narrowing or collapse occurs in up to 50% of patients with relapsing polychondritis [6], although when first seen they may not have symptoms referable to the upper airway. The presence of hoarseness, cough, breathlessness, stridor, wheezes, and tenderness over the laryngotracheal cartilages suggests the possibility of airway involvement. Adequate assessment using conventional radiography, tomography, computed tomography, dynamic pulmonary function studies (especially flow-volume curves), and bronchoscopy is necessary before a rational therapeutic option is arrived at. Most patients with airway involvement respond to medical therapy with corticosteroids and antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive agents. Localized strictures are treated by dilation and stenting or resection and anastomosis. Reversible airway collapse can be managed, in carefully selected patients, by the use of extraluminal splints, particularly posterior membrane stabilization performed through a right thoracotomy. The use of tissue adhesive in such a procedure not only obviates the use of sutures, which can lead to air leak, but also allows a firmer posterior membrane fixation on solidification. In conclusion, in select patients with airway collapse caused by extensive tracheobronchial involvement in relapsing polychondritis, posterior membrane fixation in addition to immunosuppressive therapy should be the


treatment of choice. Tracheostomy alone without continuous positive airway pressure has no role in such cases. The problems with intraluminal stents mean that these have a very limited role in the long-term management of such patients. Exacerbation of immune response may follow operation on cartilaginous structures including the nose and, hence, this is best avoided.

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41. 42. 43.


45. 46.


48. 49.

50. 51. 52.

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Airway complications in relapsing polychondritis.

To analyze the importance of airway involvement in relapsing polychondritis, an illustrative case report is presented and 62 patients reported in the ...
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