Aggressive Behavior and the Brain: A DifferentPerspective for the Mental Health Nurse Sandy Harper-Jaques

and Marlene Reimer

Mental health nurses often provide care to individuals who have the potential for aggressive behavior. The expression of such behavior is influenced by the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS). The authors present a framework to assist the reader to understand the interrelationships among the limbic system, and frontal and temporal lobes as they relate to the expression of aggressive behavior. The implications for mental health nursing practice include detecting contributing factors such as head injury, temporal lobe epilepsy, alcoholism, and dietary imbalances, and interpreting patient behaviors to colleagues. Suggestions for proactive interventions are also included.



0 1992 by W.B. Saunders

BEHAVIOR has been a dominant force in human interaction since the beginning of recorded history. Despite this longstanding familiarity with the phenomenon, knowledge about the origins of human aggression is incomplete. A perspective, often overlooked by nurses practicing in mental health, is the influence of neurological dysfunction on the expression of aggression. From time to time, individuals will experience conflict that arises from a desire by one person to convince the other that a particular point of view is correct (Maturana & Varela, 1987). Conflicts may erupt into disagreements, quarrels, and the use of physical force (Brinkerhoff & Lupri, 1988). Personal definitions of aggression vary and are influenced by past experience, beliefs, social group, and gender. For the purpose of this discussion, “aggression” is defined as a physical act of force intended to cause harm to a person or object to convey the message that the perpetrators point GGRESSIVE

From the Out Patient Program, Holy Cross Hospital, Cafgary; and the Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Address reprint requests to Sandy Harper-Jaques. M.N., 2719 Lionel Crescent SW., Calgary, Alberta T3E 661, Canada. Copyright 0 1992 by W.B. Saunders Company 06839417l92D605-0009$3.00l0



of view is more correct (adapted from Gayford, 1983; Maturana, 1988). In considering the relationship between the nervous system and aggression, two questions can be asked. First, “does the aggressive individual behave in a forceful manner in response to his/her perceptions of the situation?” The answer would seem to be yes. Second, “are the perceptions of the situation influenced by a dysfunction in the nervous system?” This second question, the more puzzling of the two, will be explored here. NEUROLOGICAL BASIS

The authors search for answers to questions about the role of neurological activity during aggressive behavior has centered on three specific areas: the limbic system, the frontal lobe, and the temporal lobe. Three neurotransmitters in particular, serotonin, gamma-amniobutyric acid (GABA), and dopamine, have also been postulated to influence the expression or suppression of aggressive behaviors. The Limbic System

The limbic system is a circuit of neural pathways formed by structures in the cortical and subcortical portions of the brain. If the brain is visualized as a sphere, the limbic system forms a helix

Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Vol. VI, No. 5 (October), 1992: pp 312-320




Frontal Lobe Motor Cortex Premotor Area Sensory Cortex Corpus Callosum Cingulate Gyrus

Cerebellum Brainstem

Fig 1.

Limbic system identified in boldface type; other brain structures labeled for reference.

of interconnected structures near the core (Fig 1). This ball encompasses the most primitive portions of the cerebral cortex, as well as the interconnected subcortical structures (deGroot & Chusid, 1988). The structures within the limbic system act to mediate primitive emotion and basic drives to produce behaviors necessary for the survival of the individual and the species. The functions include behaviors associated with eating, aggression, expression of emotion, and sexual response (deGroot & Chusid, 1988). The influence of the limbic system is exerted through the regulation of motor, autonomic, and endocrine activity. interconnections with neural pathways outside the boundaries

of the limbic system influence all areas of the central nervous system (CNS) (Damasio & Van Hoesen, 1983; Gilman & Winans Newman, 1987; Heilman, Bowers, & Valenstein, 1985). Structures commonly included in discussions of the limbic system are the hippocampus, amygdala, cingulate gyrus, and hypothalamus (Table 1; Breathnach. 1980; de Groot & Chusid, 1988). The interconnection of the various structures facilitates the ability of the limbic system to process. integrate and mediate information from the cortex. reticular formation, brain stem, and spinal cord (deGroot & Chusid, 1988). Synthesis of this information influences the emotions of the individual.

Table 1. The Limbic System structure Hippocampus


Memory storage and information processing



and aggressive behavior often

associated with Korsakoff’s Amygdala

Receives and interprets sensory information

Pica; hypersexuality

as seen in Kluver-Bucy

syndrome Cingulate gyrus

Receives input from other limbic structures

Disturbed affect, marked loss of ability to


Synthesizes input from all areas of nervous

Many aspects of emotional behavior such as

experience system; vital role in balance of hormones,

and express emotion

anger, placidity, and sexual activity

electrolytes, and body temperature; mediates activity of autonomic nervous system Data from Breathnach (1980), Byers and Guthrie 11984), Mesulam (19851, deGroot and Chusid (1988), Damasio and Van Hoesen 119831, and Gilman and Winans Newman.


Alterations in functioning of the structures of this system influence both the emotional experience and behavior of the individual, and may increase or decrease the potential for aggressive behavior. Limbic system dysfunction may be responsible for a range of psychiatric disorders such as panic attacks, depression, and schizophreniform conditions (Mesulam, 198.5). Damage to the amygdala and hippocampus may prevent the individual from processing cues necessary to match present stimuli with past experience. One example would be the catastrophic reactions sometimes displayed by dementia patients (LeNavenec, 1988). Hence, a situation may be perceived by the individual to be threatening when it is not (Mesulam, 1985). Conversely, lesions in the hypothalamus and septal regions may reduce episodes of fear or rage (Byers & Guthrie, 1984). Snyder (1988) proposes that aggression, in some instances, arises from abnormally increased behavioral arousal. Such hyperarousal can be the result of inaccurate interpretation of information from the environment leading to an aggressive response. Snyder suggests that this state may be due to defects in the sensory system or an inability to blend new and old information related to memory problems . The Frontal Lobe The frontal lobes, the second major area, mediate purposeful behavior, elaborate thought, and exert an initiatory influence over the limbic system (Boss & Coghlan Stowe, 1986). In essence, it is the frontal lobe where reason and emotion interact (Strub & Black, 1985). These lobes include the motor cortex, premotor area, and prefrontal area in each hemisphere. Detachment of cortical and subcortical regions of the brain has been demonstrated to lead to a separation of emotional expression from emotional experience (Heilman et al., 1985). Portions of the prefrontal area are thought to act as staging areas for information received from the limbic system (Eslinger & Damasio, 1985). Reciprocity between the staging areas of the prefrontal area and the limbic system permits regulation by the cortex of hypothalamic processes and activation of the cortex by basic drives thought to originate in the limbic system (Eslinger & Damasio, 1985). Without this two-way communication link, the areas involved have little means of influencing the other.



Damage to the frontal cortex impairs judgement. Changes in social behavior include inadequate decision-making and inappropriate conduct (Eslinger & Damasio, 1985; Tranel, Damasio, & Damasio, 1989). Bifrontal damage, as frequently seen in head injury, may result in personality changes, poor judgement, and occasional aggressive outbursts (Snyder, 1988). These outbursts are characteristically brief and unexplained, often set off by minor environmental stimuli (Silver, 1987). The Temporal Lobe The temporal lobes are intimately connected with the limbic system, actually sharing some structures such as the hippocampus. Besides interpretation of auditory stimuli, the temporal lobes play a major role in memory. Impairments and distortions in memory may also interfere with perceptual processing and integration of new stimuli (Beck, Rawlins, & Williams, 1988; Snyder, 1988). The temporal lobe dysfunction most frequently linked with aggressive behavior is epilepsy, particularly in those individuals with partial complex seizures (Cassidy, 1990). Discussions with mental health nurses have revealed a belief that individuals with temporal lobe epilepsy are more likely to be aggressive. This idea is debated in the literature. There is consensus that aggressive behavior during the ictal period is a defensive, nondirected response to attempts at restraint (Browne & Feldman, 1983; Devinsky & Bear, 1984). Postictal violence may occur while the individual is recovering from a seizure. At that point, the individual is confused and agitated. Attempts to provide assistance may be met with a defensive response (Burrowes, Hale, & Arrington, 1988). However, the relationship of electrophysiologic abnormality and assaultive behaviors during the interictal period is subject to debate. One source suggests that patient and family attitudes and beliefs about the seizure disorder can result in increased frustration for all family members. This may lead to assaultive behavior (Thompson, 1988). Browne and Feldman (1983) propose that violent behavior is more common in individuals with seizures than the general population. However, they emphasize that temporal lobe epilepsy may be a contributing factor in aggression, but it should not be considered a “cause” of violence. Cassidy (1990a) comments that “even




discharges that are sub-convulsive can produce behavior that mimics human dyscontrol syndromes, presumably due to a phenomenon known as kindling” (p. 85). Another viewpoint, which supports the notion of interictal aggression, is that the behavior is the result of forced normalization of electrical activity of the brain (Benson, 1986; Fedio, 1986). This normalization occurs due to the use of anticonvulsants. Increasing irritability can lead to episodes of aggression. Benson has gone so far as to recommend the use of drug holidays or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to allow occasional seizures .

Devinsky and Bear (1984) studied five individuals in which aggressive behaviors were reported to occur following the onset of an epileptic focus in the temporal lobes. Assaults were observed during the interictal period. Another cluster of behaviors were increased interest in spirituality; changes in sexual intensity or orientation; and anxiety, phobias, or paranoia. These individuals were able to recall the violent episode. They took responsibility for the behavior and frequently experienced remorse or guilt. In concluding, Devinsky and Bear ( 1984) suggest that there is evidence for the development of a secondary foci following the onset of

seizures. The second foci could account for the aggressiveness. The Neurotransmitters

Most of the neurotransmitters can be classified into one of four categories: acetylcholine, monoamines, peptides, and amino acids. Changes in the balance of these compounds can aggravate or inhibit aggression. To function effectively as a neurotransmitter, a substance must be synthesized in the presynaptic neuron, released from the neuron into the synaptic cleft, bound to a receptor on the postsynaptic neuron, and then destroyed or removed from the receptor (Gilman & Winans Newman, 1987). Disruptions at any of these points will influence neurotransmitters concentrations. The neurotransmitters most frequently implicated as affecting behavior are the monoamines serotonin (5HT) and dopamine, and the amino acid GABA (Table 2). A surplus or deficit of one neurotransmitter can only be interpreted in the context of differing effects of neurotransmitters at differing synapses and the neural circuits involved in any behavior (PiacentC, 1986). Communication between neurons is accomplished via neurotransmitters crossing the synaptic cleft. Hence, commu-

Table 2. Neurotransmittars Postulated Neurotransmitter Serotonin




Normally found in high concentrations


limbic system

found in milk, beef, eggs,





Modulates violence, sleep, sensory responses,

wheat, flour, & corn; production

mood, and performance;

impaired in thiamine deficient diets,

improved behavior in aggressive patients

e.g., alcoholism

treated with supplemental

case reports of tryptophan;

dietary restriction of tryptophan

shown to

increase aggression GABA

Glutamic acid

Inhibits impulsivity and aggression similar to



Increases aggressive behavior and sexual

serotonin activity, vigilance heightens; elevated levels associated with idiopathic schizophrenia and organic delusional disorders; L-dopa in treatment

of Parkinsonism linked to

paranoid psychosis Norepinephrine


Primarily released from

Increases aggressive behavior, heightens vigilance

the locus ceruleus Acetylcholine

Lecithin; Choline salt

Deficiency (as in Alzheimer’s

disease) may

directly increase aggressive tendencies through lowered threshold for confusion and loss of recent memory Data from Spring (1986). Piacentb (1986). Cassidy (1990), Burrowes et al. (1988). Cummings (1986). Gilman and Winans Newman 11987). and Gottfries (1990).



nication between structures is affected by neurotransmitter concentrations. THE EMOTIONAL CIRCUIT

The interconnections of the limbic system and prefrontal area of the frontal lobe provide a communication link between the cognitive processes of the frontal lobes and the emotional processes of the limbic lobe. Disconnection of the circuit has been shown to result in a variety of problems, including aggression (Damasio, 1985). The phrase “the emotional circuit” has been chosen to describe the relationship between these two regions of the brain. This circuit can be thought of as an open system, in which the overall functioning is greater than the functioning of the individual structures. The interaction of the emotional circuit is hypothesized to determine the meaning given to a particular situation. Such meaning will be influenced by the individual’s current physiological capability to analyze incoming messages with stored memories and beliefs. With aggressive individuals, meaning given to a particular circumstance may be altered from that person’s usual perceptions or from the norm accepted by the social context. This alteration may contribute to assaultive behavior. One example of pervasive disruption of the emotional circuit is Alzheimer’s disease, in which there is widespread degeneration and atrophy of cortical neurons. The associated cognitive impairment, loss of memory and emotional control, and impairment of judgement contribute to sudden impulsive acts of aggression. These individuals are often seen to strike out in unfamiliar situations that they perceive as threatening. Loss of emotional control with explosive outbursts may be even more pronounced in patients with dementia secondary to multiple infarcts depending on the location of the infarcts. Multiinfarct dementia arises from many small emboli or strokes, often secondary to hypertension. The onset may be more abrupt and the effects on behavior more variable than those seen in Alzheimer’s disease (Petrie, 1984). NURSING IMPLICATIONS

The human response of aggression is multidimensional. Having considered the interrelationships of the structures of the brain, the mental health nurse can incorporate research findings and theory to expand the repertoire of approaches. Areas of importance for mental health nursing prac-


tice are comprehensive history taking, proactive interventions, and the interpretation of patient behavior. HISTORY TAKING

Nurses can play an important role in identifying factors that may contribute to aggressive behavior. Those that are most relevant to the mental health nurse are head injury, alcohol and drug use, nutritional status, and temporal lobe epilepsy. Head injury

Irritability and aggressive outbursts are common sequelae of traumatic head injuries, particularly when the frontal lobe has been involved (Silver, 1987). Juvenile delinquents have been found to have more frequent history of head injury than the general population (Otnow Lewis, 1983). Even minor injuries such as concussion or perinatal insults may lead to minimal brain dysfunction (MBD). Episodic dyscontrol syndrome is often seen in those with MBD, especially when the lesion is in the dominant hemisphere of the frontal lobe (Burrowes et al., 1988; Flor-Henry, 1983). These individuals demonstrate recurrent episodes of rage and violence. When assessing the patient, the nurse can seek specific information regarding history of head injury, repeated falls, or other circumstances suggestive of minor head trauma such as being “knocked out” in fights or contact sports. Alcohol and Drug Use

The astute mental health nurse will watch for indications of alcohol and drug use and abuse, which increase the potential for aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior associated with substance abuse tends to be linked with three stages: during intoxicated, during withdrawal, and later from accumulative residual effects (Piercy, 1984). The drugs most often implicated are (1) sedative effect of depressant agents, such as alcohol and diazepam; (2) stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamines, caffeine, and nicotine, (3) hallucinogens such as PCP, LSD, and marijuana; and (4) narcotits .

The use or withdrawal from combinations of such drugs exacerbate the risk of aggressive behavior (Piercy, 1984). Recent discontinuation or noncompliance with certain prescribed medications should also be explored because of their potential effects on aggressive behavior. For ex-




ample, antidepressants, cx,-agonists such as clonidine, and B-blockers such as propranolol (Inderal; Ayerst) are known to suppress the activity of the excitatory catecholamines such as norepinephrine and dopamine (Cassidy, 1990b). In contrast, fluoxetine (Prozac; Lilly) and lithium enhance the availability of serotonin by inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitter (Cassidy, 1990b). Some anticonvulsants, particularly the ones affecting the limbic system, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol; Geigy), have been shown to reduce aggressive behavior. This is particularly apparent in patients with neurological dysfunction, even when frank seizure activity has not occurred (Cassidy, 1990b). Given the high risk of seizure activity among most patients with a cerebral insult through trauma, stroke, or tumor, many such patients are on prophylactic anticonvulsant therapy for up to 1 year postinsult. The nurse may predict a greater potential for aggressive behavior when there is a history of abrupt discontinuation or erratic compliance in individuals who are already vulnerable with impaired information processing. Alcohol is still the most frequently implicated when discussing aggressive behavior (Piercy, 1984). The effect that alcohol has on behavior and mood depends on the concentration of the alcohol in the body, the diet of the individual, the pattern of drinking, the previous experience of drinking, and the environment in which the drinking takes place (Burrowes et al., 1988; O’Sullivan, 1984). As a contributing factor to aggressive behavior, alcohol impacts the nervous system by three mechanisms: intoxication, withdrawal, and alcoholic dementia (Korsakoff’s syndrome) (Petrie, 1984). Piercy (1984) cites a typical scene in Western movies “where the bad guys drink in the saloon before leaving to kill the good rancher and ravish his beautiful daughter” (p. 130) as an example of the conscious use of alcohol as an intoxicant for its disinhibiting effect on cortical control. Less common and less well understood is alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication in which a dramatic change of behavior, usually involving violence, is seen following ingestion of a moderate amount of alcohol. The discomfort associated with withdrawal may contribute to consciously mediated aggressive acts associated with demands for alcohol. In those patients who experience alcohol withdrawal delirium, aggressive behavior may be seen in response to distorted perceptions associated with hallucina-

tions and paranoid delusions. Permanent cortical damage resulting from prolonged alcohol abuse, as seen in Korsakoff’s syndrome, is a contributing factor to aggressive behavior through the effects of memory disturbance, dementia, and agitation on the ability to interpret and cope with incoming stimuli (Petrie, 1984). Nutrition During the process of the initial assessment, the nurse can note aspects of physical appearance and behavior that may indicate poor nutrition. Research reports (Spring, 1986; Strain, 1981) point to an interrelationship between nutrition, brain function, and behavior. In particular, there is evidence to suggest that dietary deficiencies will influence the production of neurotransmitters which, in turn. influence CNS functioning (Conlay, 1988). Deficiencies may occur as the result of metabolic error, malabsorption, or dietary deficiency. Alcohol is one factor in the deficient use of available nutrients because of gut irritation, poor digestion, malabsorption, or metabolic inefficiencies. Excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to protein malnutrition, multiple vitamin deficiencies, and mineral depletion (Burton & Foster. 1988). Although single vitamin deficiencies are rare, deficiencies of two particular vitamins influence the production of the neurotransmitters previously discussed. Niacin deficiency may be seen in individuals who are indigent or have long-standing poor dietary habits, are afflicted by diseases that interfere with appetite, or are chronic alcohol abusers, as well as in some forms of drug therapy (Burton & Foster, 1988). Effects on the CNS can include disorientation, confusion, anxiety, fear, and paranoia. Sources of niacin include meat, fish, poultry, whole grain bread, and enriched cereals. Thiamine is the second vitamin that is most often deficient due to inadequate diet. Early manifestations of deficiency include neurasthenia, characterized by irritability, poor memory, and an inability to concentrate (Burton & Foster, 1988). Prolonged use of alcohol can block up to 70% of the uptake of thiamine. Some features of the patient’s presentation may appear to be symptoms of Korsakoff’s syndrome, but will be quickly corrected by administration of thiamine (Iber, 1988). It too is found in whole grain breads and enriched cereals, as well as in pork, liver, and legumes.




may also assist the patient to maintain a balanced diet within a limited budget.

One of the amino acids that acts as neurotransmitter precursor, tryptophan, is vulnerable to dietary changes. Tryptophan competes with other diet derived amino acids to cross the blood-brain barrier. It is found in the brain in higher concentrations following the ingestion of a highcarbohydrate meal than it is after a high-protein meal. The presence of proteins increases the competition for the movement of amino acids across the blood brain-barrier (Fernstrom, Wurtman, & Hammarstrom-Wikland, 1979). The production of the neurotransmitter serotonin is dependent on the concentrations of tryptophan in the plasma. Increased levels of tryptophan have been correlated with reduced insomnia and improved moods in depressed patients. Alterations to the diets of patients may help to increase the availability of necessary neurotransmitter precursors. However, the population cared for by the mental health nurse is often disadvantaged in many ways, not the least of which is possessing the knowledge and financial resources to maintain adequate nutrition. The nurse is presented with the challenge to help patients to consider the role of nutrition in reducing symptoms. The nurse

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Individuals who present with a history of violent episodes may also have a history of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). By adding questions about TLE to the nursing assessment, this factor may be discovered. An example is an adolescent who was placed in a residential treatment setting as a means of helping him control his aggressive behaviors. A review of past records revealed an electroencephalogram (EEG) report diagnosing a temporal lobe lesion. Some of the young man’s behavior was corrected with medication. In persons presenting with a history of seizure activity, the nurse should be alert to epileptogenic factors in the recent history such as sleep deprivation, excessive ingestion of alcohol or caffeine, and intense emotional stress (Grant, 1985; Santilli & Sierzant, 1987). Individuals with identified lesions or dysfunctions in the limbic system, temporal lobe, or frontal lobes may exhibit behaviors or report experiences that may be labeled “a psychiatric problem.” The nurse who understands the

Table 3. Proactive interventions Characteristics

Patient Profile


Example Male (22 years) admitted threatening fights,



heavy alcohol

past, he played hospitalized


with recent

use; and in the



for a head injury



and impulsive, appreciation



of behavior;

slow in complex






observe for triggering plan for positive








on valproic

drugs cause weight


Prior to had been “up”


effects include



serum levels to determine

(no unsupervised


poor hygiene;


Some symptoms

skin and hair, skin lesions


nights in the hostel;

on areas exposed







she is fearful

food or medications.

spends when of injesting


membranes increased

and tongue; salivation;



and anxiety;


and paranoia.





acid; establish


occasional symptomatic



dose of valproic

side untoward

risk for seizure


3 homeless,

GABA levels, she

effects include


and assess


acid; gain so




acid elevates


36 hours.

skips doses. Female (35 years),


select target



has used the drug erratically;

by frequent


to decreased

for alcohol

of the emotional




aide, works controlled



since age 14, complex



for thiamine

Female (27 years), primary




Obese; sleep pattern



may contribute


poor ability to generalize,

age 19. Example

Head injury


may be due to dietary particularly


of oral or subcutaneous may be necessary;


a well-balanced

diet that contains

150 g of protein

and 3,500 calories.

100 to




potential effects of these lesions will be better able to plan interventions that will assist the patient and family to adapt to his/her changed state. PROACTIVE INTERVENTIONS

Taking this information into account, the nurse has a greater range of proactive interventions to reduce potential for aggression. The nurse now has the option to intervene at several points (Table 3). INTERPRETATION OF PATIENT BEHAVIOR

Of equal importance is the interpretation of the patient’s behavior to colleagues and family members. In both authors’ experience, the patient who is rude, interpersonally unsophisticated, and who does not “learn” more acceptable behavior, is often labeled as “noncompliant” or “difficult” by the treatment team. Staff feelings of frustration with these patients may be manifest in brief interactions and/or simply ignoring the patient. This withdrawal by staff may increase the patient’s clumsy, often aggressive attempts to be acknowledged. In the end, staff may provide intense interest only when aggressive behaviors reach crisis proportions. CONCLUSION To this point, most of what is known about the neurological basis of aggression has been drawn from other disciplines. There is a paucity of nursing research or anecdotal literature regarding neurological functioning and aggressive behavior in the population cared for by mental health nurses. This mirrors the paucity of interventions available to respond to the needs of this population. However, greater understanding of the influence of the emotional circuit on assaultive behavior will enhance clinical practice by giving the nurse an alternate perspective when relating to the client with a history of aggressive behavior. REFERENCES Beck, C.M., Rawlins, R.P., &Williams. S.R. (1984). Mental health-psychiatric nursing: A holistic life cycle approach. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Company. Benson, D.F. (1986). Interictal behavior in epilepsy disorders. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 9(2), 283-291. Boss. B.J., & Coghlan Stowe, A. (1986). The neuroanatomical and neurophysiological basis of learning. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 18(S), 256-264. Breathnach, C.S. (1980). The limbic system, 1980. Journal of the Irish Medical Association. 73(9), 331-339.

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Aggressive behavior and the brain: a different perspective for the mental health nurse.

Mental health nurses often provide care to individuals who have the potential for aggressive behavior. The expression of such behavior is influenced b...
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