
set in a short time after admission. The commenced at about 8 a.m., and reaction set in at about 12 o'clock, the body becoming warm and the pulse strong. He had some sleep at 2 p.m., and made water at 2 a.m.





following morning. Marked improvement was visible after the secretion of urine. In fact, on the 11th, with the exception of weakness, nothing remained of the disease. Four days afterwards he was discharged from the hospital, when he felt sufficiently strong to walk home slowly. The last case was treated yesterday. The patient was a chuprasee of the Magistrate, living in the next compound. The man fell ill at midnight on the 18th, but I did not hear of it till 4 p.m. on the 19th. At this time his pulse was perceptible at but the body had the wrist, commenced getting cold; has had ten conjee-water stools. The vomited matter

ACETIC ACID IN CHOLEEA. By R. C. CHANDRA, Assistant-Surgeon, Sontual Pergunnahs. The treatment of cholera by acetic acid, suggested by Dr. Medical Gazette, Greene in the September number of the Indian the test by the profession. deserves, I think, to be put to When I perused Dr. Greene's article, it struck me that, from its acetic acid may do good by counstrong antiseptic property, of the cholera miasm in the influence morbific the teracting blood. Besides, being a stimulant of the cutaneous and renal the capillaries, it may, by equalizing the circulation, prevent under the poison whilst it is being system from succumbing Civil

eliminated. I do not intend, however, to discuss in this place about the nature of the cholera poison, or the modus operandi of acetic acid in its treatment; I simply hasten to state that I have commenced testing this novel treatment. Although the trial was a short time ago, and the number of cases treated


the result obtained has been sufup to date is very limited, ficiently encouraging to induce one to persevere. Dr. Greene states of having treated 37 cases, including those three who had a dose each of per-chlorodyne before coming to him. Amongst these four deaths occurred, giving a percentage of mortality of 10'8, which is a very good return for cholera From the 10th of this month up to yesterday, that is, within the last ten days, 19 cases, admitted without selection, have been treated with acetic acid under my direction, and of this number one died and 18 recovered, giving a percentage of mortality of than half the mortality in Dr. Greene's cases.


Five of these cases were treated at Deoghur, and the other 14 at Eohun, about three miles from here. The first case was treated in the Deoghur Charitable Dispensary, of a


that lie


attacked with


on the night of the 9th, and when morning, he was fast getting into pulse wa3 barely perceptible, cold, respiration slow, and breath

next he came to hospital the state of collapse. His a


and extremities very










Cramps had set in, and the patient complained of a peculiar burning pain in the abdomen, which made him roll about in bed. The linger and toe-nails were blue ; had become perfectly deaf since mid-day, and head symptoms were coming on. An ounce of vinegar with an equal quantity of water was given at once. This appeared to act like a charm. The pain in the abdomen disappeared in a very short time, and jactitation ceased. Within half an hour the pulse became full and strong, and the temperature of the skin, which had commenced getting cold, rose almost to fever height. This was followed by a gentle warm perspiration all over the body, after which the patient fell asleep. Acetic acid mixture was continued every hour during the night; At midnight the patient passed water very copiously, and again early in the morning. At 8 a.m. to-day he appeared to be well in every respect, except weakness. He was asking for food, and said he had recovered his hearing altogether : in fact he was cured. The acetic acid mixture was stopped, tonic mixture given instead, and rice boiled very soft with milk


allowed for food.

The other three cases the town, and it

was one




of these who died.

to be remarked that this fatal


did not

ought, however, give a fair chance

to the treatment, which was commenced when the moribund condition. He got ill at about midday the news of which was not brought He was then found in at night.

treated in



man was



the 16th, to the Native Doctor till 10-30

a perfect expired two hours afterwards, after having cally three doses of the mixture.


state of coma, and swallowed mechani-

The remaining fourteen cases occurred amongst the coolies working on the Railway line at Rohun. Cholera first broke out amongst a gang at a place four miles distant. Owing to several deaths having occurred, the agent of the contractors had the but the disease still lingered amongst men moved to Eoliun,

them; six fresh



tractor's Native Doctor






treated and




the routine

and four out of the six died. Hearing that tendency to spread, I asked the agent's (Mr. Charles Hampton's) permission to have all new cases treated with acetiu acid, after having explained to him my views of the treatment. Mr. Hampton has naturally a liking for the science of medicine, and takes great interest in all medical and surgical investigations. He readily fell in with my views, and requested me to leave written instructions with his Native Doctor how to conduct the treatment. Accordingly, commencing on the lltli, fourteen new cases were treated according to was quite as bad as my directions ; and although the disease these cases were in a of the and although majority before, regular state of collapse when the first dose of the medicine was given them, it is a gratifying fact to state that they recover-



the disease had

ed. the


a wonderful moral effect on the minds of few days before they were nearly panic-struck,

This result had






.October 1, 1866.] and

several of them


seriously contemplating making good they

"clear bolt" to their homes ; but now they are in very spirits, and when I visited them yesterday whilst at work, a

to me very highly about the nya dawai. With reference to the treatment of these nineteen cases, the following facts deserve to be recorded :?


1st.?The persons who underwent the treatment were of all

ages and of both sexes. 2nd.?Most of them were in a state of dose of the medicine was given. ?

3rd.?Reaction set in from half to six and with it the warmth of the skin.


when the first

hours; pulse returned,

cases progressed so far as to proskin, which, however, recovered its healthy temperature on the breaking out of a gentle warm perspiration or the secretion of urine. 5th.?A short time after the setting in of the reaction, a quiet refreshing sleep came on. 6th.?Free secretion of urine took place from six to eighteen

teh.?The reaction in



feverish heat of the

hours after the commencement of the medicine. 7th.?Convalescence commenced on the second


of the


8th.?'The return of appetite has been,

as a rule, slow. certainly favourable, but the trial as yet has been too limited to permit of any safe deductions being drawn as regards the efficacy of this treatment. I purpose carrying on the investigation, and whatever result I shall obtain will be duly communicated ; but at the same time I hope that some of my professional brethren in other parts of the country, when an opportunity presents, will also give this treatment the

The above results

benefit of




Deoghue, 20th September,



Acetic Acid in Cholera.

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