the Sautosh Golokenath Charitable Dispensary an out-door patient for treatment of Ins certain illness on the 27th of March 1892, at 10 a.m. On questioning him about his complaints, he told me that at an uncertain interval of hours or days he feels something in his throat which obstructs and causes difficulty in uttering words; hence he groans and utters an indistinct sound by fits and starts like that of a dog, and this is shortly followed by insensibility which lasts for some minutes, during which he remains unconscious of all round him. His eyes are found congested, pupils dilated, aud if he is in standing posture, falls to the ground and throws out froth from the mouth. The tongue never comes out of the mouth, nor is it cut by the teeth. The relatives of the patient gave no history of epilepsy or his ever having any habit of bad practice. To my utter astonishment a quarter after ten o'clock suddenly the boy begau to throw his arms aside, turn his head round, sometimes staring with rolling and congested eyes as if in a fit of great anger, make a groaning sound, aud soon after began to make a horrible sound exactly like the barking of an ordinary stray dog, falling immediately after into a state of temporary insensibility, which soon passes, and the patient is restored to health. At first I was at a loss to make any definite diagnosis, but what struck me was the patient's complaining of having something in his throat which I took to be globus hystericus, and by the geueral appearance of the young boy I came to the conclusion to be a case of hysteria. Accordingly I gave him a full dose of pot. broAnother difficulty in my way of treatmide. ment was that attendant with the hysteria there was a continuous and most obstinate form of hiccough with which the patient had been troubled since many months, abating only during sleep. After a careful consideration of the case I gave him the following mixture :? as


Pot. Bromide Tr. Hyoscyami

Spt. Chloroform Sytup Rose Aqua ...

Mft. Mist



















3ss. 5ss. 5ss. 3ii 5i

To my unexpected satisfaction and to the surprise of the relatives the patient improved much, the interval between the fits was considerably increased, and the hiccough was much less

troublesome. After six


I added




of the tinc-

ture of musk with the above mixture and continued the mixture for a week more, after which



Asst. Surg 11., Santosh Gololienath Dispensary,


Bankobehari Chackravarti, fair Brahmin boy of 16, apparently in good health, came to a

the patient himself came to me and reported that lie is nearly cured, and that he gets calm sleep at night, and is only very seldom troubled with the hiccup. I advised him to take only milk aud butter with rice for his diet and keep his bowels regular, and he did so for a fortnight. He began to take




medicines twice a day only, and in the course of mouth lie was perfectly restored to health without liaviug the slightest trace of his peculiar disease. The peculiarity in this case was the angry mood of the patient and the barkings like those of a dog which are alone sufficient to mislead this case to be one of a medical man to take hydrophobia. I have never seen in my practice a similar case of hysteria, nor have I read in auy book; therefore I think this statement is a sufficient apology for its publication for the information of my professional brothers and col-






A Peculiar Form of Hysteria in the Male.

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