A BIOMECHANICAL COMPARISON OF ELITE AND GOOD DISTANCE RUNNERS Peter R. Cavanagh, Michael L. Pollock, and Jean Landa Biomechanics Laboratory Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Institute for Aerobics Research Dallas, Texas 7S230

INTRODUCTION This paper reports the results of the biomechanical phase of a multidisciplinary study of elite distance runners.’ There are some intriguing differences between this aspect of the study and several of the physiological and medical aspects. A variable such as muscle fiber composition or maximal oxygen uptake gives us information that overwhelmingly reflects the genotype of the individual.2 The biomechanical measurements, however, are essentially quantitative expressions of running style and this factor is basically a learned response to a given set of anthropometric and physiological constraints. It is important to mention at the outset that the term “skilled runner,” which is often found in the literature, is generally used to classify athletes on the basis of average running velocity over a certain distance. It is by no means axiomatic that athletes classified as skilled according to the criterion of running velocity exhibit the best form or style. Indeed the criteria for good style that are applied by coaches still rest on somewhat of an empirical base, since sport scientists have not yet produced an adequate theoretical model to allow the effects of parameter variation to be studied. The major objective of the present study is to make a comparison between groups of elite and good distance runners on variables such as stride length and rate, lower limb kinematics, swing phase kinetics, and center of gravity motion. The sample sizes are large enough to apply statistical methods to determine if significant differences exist. The two groups were significantly different ( p < 0.02) in oxygen uptake during a standardized submaximal treadmill run at 4.47 m/sec ( l o mph). (The means for the good and elite groups were 55.6 and 52.6 ml.kg-l.min-l, respectively.) This raises the possibility that these differences may be due in part to biomechanical differences between the good and elite athletes. REVIEWOF LITERATURE Early insight into the mechanics of running was provided by Fenn 5, * and Elftman5 who produced work of outstanding quality, which was to remain unequalled for more than 30 years. Much of the literature following these landmark papers is cited in two recent reviews.6*7 Despite a considerable volume of studies on the mechanics of running, much of the work has been concerned with sprinting or with distance runners running at maximum veloci-


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ties. Few investigations have made comparisons between runners of international caliber and varsity athletes, and most of the samples used were relatively small. Hubbard in an early study hypothesized that “trained runners” would use ballistic movements more effectively than untrained runners. He also made further suggestions concerning foot posture during contact and support, which were not adequately documented. Fenn indicated that the single “outstanding” sprinter in his sample had a higher knee lift than the other athletes, a contention supported by Saito et al.’ in studies of one untrained and three trained sprinters. Miura et al.l0 have proposed that “good” distance runners can be characterized by: small vertical oscillations of the center of gravity, complete hip extension during the support phase, greater knee flexion immediately following foot strike, greater knee flexion during swing phase, and the maintenance of hip extension after takeoff. Considerable attention has been given to the combinations of stride length and stride rate exhibited at various velocities.6 In a longitudinal study Nelson and Gregor l1 found that varsity distance runners tended to decrease their stride length at a given velocity over a period of 4 years. Dillman summarized other literature with the statement that at a given speed poorer runners will tend to have higher stride rates. Complementing the scientific literature there is a considerable amount of “authoritative opinion,” exemplified by Bowerman,’* in which successful track coaches give their own personal opinions on important determinants of running style. In summary there is not a large literature base that defines differences between distance athletes of different caliber.

METHODS OF DATACOLLECTION A total of 22 distance runners were filmed at 100 frameslsecond from the front and from one side while they ran on a level treadmill at four steady speeds between 4.96 and 6.44 meterslsecond (11.1 and 14.4 mph). Only the results from the slowest speed and from the camera recording movements in the sagittal plane are reported here. This speed would represent a marathon time of 2:21:43 or a mile in 5:24. The elite sample consisted of five middle-long distance runners (mean 3-mile time 13:10.2) and nine marathon distance runners (mean marathon time 2:15:52) while of the good runners five were classified as middle-long distance (mean 3-mile time 15:16.7) and three as marathon distance (mean marathon time 2:34:40). Prior to the filming session small contrasting markers were placed on the various segment endpoints, on the shoe and over bony landmarks (FIGURE1). A total of 12 anthropometric measurements were also taken for use in predictive equations for the determination of lower limb segment weights, moments of inertia and center of gravity location^.^^^ The estimated plane of movement of the right side of the body was calibrated by filming an object of known dimensions. The subjects ran for ten minutes at a speed of 4.47 m/sec (10 mph) before filming began. The speeds were then presented in ascending order with approximately ten strides being filmed at each condition.


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FIGURE 1. Subject running on the treadmill showing a similar field of view to that of the movie camera. Subject is wearing an accelerometer at the waist. Results of these studies are not reported here.


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33 1

METHODSOF DATAANALYSIS The coordinates of the projection of the body markers on a sagittal plane for one complete running cycle (right foot-strike to next right foot-strike) were obtained from a Bendix digitizing system and were subsequently processed by a digital computer with plotting facilities. To enable comparisons to be made between runners with slightly differing cycle times, the data were subjected to time dilation by linear interpolation so that each complete running cycle was represented by 98 equally spaced data points. Time information was obtained from light markers placed on the film edge by LEDs driven by a crystalcontrolled oscillator. To obtain information concerning the vertical movement of the center of gravity from data of only one side of the body it was considered inaccurate t o use approximations of hidden data points. An assumption of left-right symmetry was therefore made and a complete set of coordinates for the left (hidden) side were generated by making the right side coordinates relative to the head marker and specifying these as the relative coordinates of the left side one-half a running cycle later. Considerable motion of the hip marker was detected and this was corrected on the data from each frame of film by constraining the trunk segment to remain the same length throughout the running cycle. The new location of the hip marker was therefore at a fixed distance from the head marker along the line joining hip and head markers. Dempster’s l5 coefficients were used to ascribe relative masses to the 11 body segments used in the analysis. To determine net muscular torques at the hip and knee joints during the swing phase the methods described in a previous investigation of walking l6 were used. The equations of motion for the thigh and a combined shank and foot segment were derived from the free body diagram shown in FIGURE 2. Clauser’s equations were used to obtain estimates of segment weight and center of gravity locations and Drillis and Contini‘s l4 coefficients of 0.25 and 0.303 were used for the radii of gyration of the thigh and combined shank and foot segments, respectively. RESULTS Stride Rate and Stride Length

Stride length was defined as the distance between successive ground contacts of the right and left feet, and stride rate as the total number of right and left foot-ground contacts per minute. Relative stride length was calculated as the ratio of stride length to trochanter height. Since the speed of the treadmill was known, stride length and stride rate could be calculated by estimating from film the time taken for approximately 10 strides. The mean values and standard deviations for these stride parameters are given in TABLE 1. As a group the good runners took both longer strides and longer relative strides than the elite runners, resulting in mean stride frequencies that differed by over 9 strides per minute. The level of significance of these differences ( p = 0.064) was however greater than the a level established for this study (a I0.05). TABLE 1 also shows values for times of swing, flight, and support. These data were obtained from the single cycle of running for which coordinates were obtained. These differences were not significant at the 0.05 level.


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FIGURE 2. Free body diagrams for the thigh (above) and for a combined shank and foot segment. The net torque due to muscular activity at the hip (TI) and knee (T9)are shown in the positive direction at the proximal end of the limb (i.e., positive torque tends to flex the hip and extend the knee).


Elite n=14 Good n=8

Stride Length (meters)

Relative Stride Length t



(0.17) 1.64 (0.16)


Stride Rate (steps/ min)

Swing Time (msec)

Flight Time (msec)

Support Time

191.0 (10.74) 182.0 (8.80)

43 1 (31.3) 45 8 (31.2)

120 (14.0) 130 (16.7)

205 (11.6) 20 1 (5.4)

* None of the means are significantl) different at the 0.05 level. Values in parentheses represent the standard deviation. t Relative stride length= 100 x (stride length/trochanter height).

Cavanagh et af.: Biomechanical Comparison


The range of stride lengths led to a variation of over 42 strides per minute in the whole sample at the same running speeds. The range of leg lengths was also considerable, however, and an important difference between groups existed in the stride-length-leg-length relationships. The correlation between these two variables was 0.67 for the elite group but -0.10 for the good runners. These results indicate that regardless of leg length, the good runners tended to take long strides while the elite athletes took shorter strides, which were better related to their leg lengths. The longitudinal study of Nelson and Gregorll has indicated that at the same velocity good college distance runners tended to shorten their strides over a four year period during which their performance improved. The work of Hogberg 7 has also shown that in a single subject oxygen intake increased at over twice the rate at stride lengths above the optimum value than at stride lengths below this value. It would therefore appear safer to understride than overstride and it seems likely that the good group in the present study were doing the latter. The results presented here suggest that those of Miura l o et al. were biased by the fact that their trained runners were running faster than the untrained runners leading to the erroneous conclusion that the longer stride lengths were advantageous.

Angular Kirieriiatics

The mean patterns of hip and knee joint motions are shown in the thigh-knee diagrams of FIGURE3. The conventions used for angles and an analysis of the use of angle-angle diagrams are given by Cavanagh and Grieve.IS These diagrams show that there is a remarkable similarity between good and elite runners with only slight differences during the swing phase distinguishing the two groups. It is apparent that considerable hip extension occurred before foot-strike and that knee flexion had also begun before contact with the ground was made. Following foot-strike, 25 degrees of knec flexion occurred while the thigh was maintained at the same orientation of about 30 degrees to the vertical. It is interesting to note that the knee was never fully extended throughout the running cycle and at the end of the support phase knee extension was almost the same as the value at foot-strike. Toe-off occurred at this point of maximum knee extension and during the early part of the swing phase, the knee flexed while hip flexion did not begin immediately. Maximum knee flexion during swing was approximately 120 degrees and occurred as the thigh was some 25 degrees in front of the vertical. The latter part of the swing phase was characterized by knee extension about a static and then slightly extending hip. These mean curves have been redrawn in FIGURE 4, together with bands representing & 1 standard deviation and the total range encountered. The variances are, in general, smaller during support than during swing. However, it should be noted that two variances are shown on each diagram-one for knee and one for thigh angle-and the angle with smallest time derivative tends to dominate the visual representation shown. Particularly notable is the large range of knee flexion during swing exhibited by the elite runners. This was due to two athletes, one middle-long distance and one marathon distance, who almost touched their buttock with the heel during swing phase. To emphasize the similarities betwecn the groups in the coordinated patterns


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of hip and knee motion, four postures stated by previous investigators 9 * lo,lo to distinguish runners of different ability have been shown in FIGURE5. These include maximum knee flexion during support and swing, maximum hip flexion during swing and the position of the limb at foot-strike. No significant differences exist between groups in the joint angles at these points in the cycle reinforcing the similarity expressed in the thigh-knee diagrams.


EX. 20


40 60








reo r n -40 -20 EX.







(0 E G)

FIGURE 3. Mean thigh-knee diagrams for the good and elite groups. One complete running cycle is shown starting at foot-strike (f.s.) on the right side, proceeding through right toe-off (t.0.) and contralateral foot-strike and toe-off (c.f.s. and c.t.o., respectively). When motion at the ankle joint is considered, the mechanism of the longer stride of the good runners becomes apparent. The ankle-knee diagrams shown in FIGURE 6 reveal the similarities during early and middle support that existed in the thigh-knee diagrams. However, in the final phases of plantar thrust the groups separate clearly with the good runners plantar flexing, on average, 10

Cavanagh et al.: Biomechanical Comparison



2s 'Q *I P

1/11 gj :::

Em -2m * v)


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................ .:.:.:.~.:.~~...~.~.,.~.~ ...:.:.: ELITE



FIGURE5A. Comparison of mean values of good and elite runners in two postures during the support phase; at foot-strike (above) and at the point of maximum knee flexion. degrees more than the elite athletes ( p I 0.002). The mean posture of the lower limb for the two groups at the instant of toe-off has been reproduced in the diagram. It is interesting that the differences in stride length are achieved with apparently similar motion at the hip and knee joints and a marked difference at the ankle joint. The differences in ankle joint motion persist through the swing phase until foot-strike when a higher rate of dorsiflexion in the good runners results in both groups achieving more similar ankle angles at foot-strike. The good runners exhibit considerably more variability in ankle joint angles than the elite runners (FIGURE 7) in both plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. Vertical Motion of the Center of Gravity

The subjects were in general asymmetric in the motion of their centers of gravity, casting some doubt on the assumption of symmetry of limb motion used in the calculations. Since the head and trunk together weight the location of the center of gravity by over 5 5 % , it is the motion of these segments that still indicate an asymmetric gait despite the assumptions made. The schematic

Cavanagh et al. : Biomechanical Comparison


diagram in FIGURE8 indicates the method of analysis. The mean rise in the center of gravity per stride was taken as the average of the rise from both right and left legs. An index of asymmetry was obtained by dividing the mean rise by the range of vertical excursion-leading to a value of 1.0 for perfect symmetry and a value less than 1.O for an asymmetric pattern. Present results confirmed the observations of Fenn that most of the flight phase was spent in descent, since take-off occurred just before the peak of vertical oscillation was reached. A comparison of the two groups revealed that the good athletes had slightly, but not statistically significantly, greater amplitude of vertical oscillation (mean values 8.0 cm and 7.6 cm for good and elite groups, respectively). When power output against gravity is calculated (per kilogram of body weight), the two groups have virtually identical mean values (2.37 watt.kgl and 2.36 watt.kg-l). This is due to the elite group exhibiting a 5 % greater stride rate and a 5% smaller vertical oscillation than the good runners. The total range of values for mean oscillation in the present study was only 3.1 cm (6.2 to 9.3 cm). The two groups were significantly different, however, in their indices of asymmetry ( p < 0.05). The elite athletes tended to be more symmetrical than




FIGURE5B. Similar comparison of two postures during the swing phase; the point of maximum knee flexion (above) and maximum hip flexion (below). None of the differences are significant. (a 5 0.05).

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the good runners (mean values were 0.73 and 0.8 for the index of asymmetry in the good and elite groups, respectively). Net Torques Due to Muscular Activity

The calculated values for the torques during the swing phase due to muscular activity at the hip and knee joints revealed closely similar mean patterns between the two groups of runners (FIGURES 9-12). The phasing of applied

-E L I T E - - -6000 EX.



F L.



30 BE


70 90 IK) A N K L E A N G L E IOEG.)

I30 0.F:

FIGURE6. Mean ankle-knee diagrams for the good and elite groups. Diagrams begin at foot-strike on the right side (f.s.) and describe one complete running cycle through toe-off (t.o.), contralateral foot-strike (c.f.s.), and contralateral t o e 4 (c.t.0.). torques is rather similar to that discussed in the literature.G.20*21At toe-off there is a torque tending to flex the hip while at the knee some runners exhibit a net flexor torque and some a net extensor torque. This is generally followed in the first third of the swing phase by a torque tending to extend the knee joint (FIGUREl l ) , after which there appears to be a phase of little or zero torque at the knee, which some investigators have termed a ballistic phase.21 In late swing the dominant action at each joint reverses being flexor at the knee joint to retard the rapidly extending leg, and flexor at the hip joint. None of the diBerences in peak torque values after toe-off were significantly different between groups.

. . 2,

. ,






30 CF.

130 0.E





. 50 70 90 110 ANKLE ANGLE (DEGJ GOOD





FIGURE7. The same mean ankle-knee diagrams shown in FIGURE6 with 2 1 standard deviation (horizontal shading) and the range (dot shading). The solid circles represent the same cycle landmarks shown in FIGURE 6.

FL .

















?fro ...... ...... ...... RANGE

-~ - . -








FIGURE8. A schematic diagram of the vertical movement of the total body center of gravity with respect to an external reference frame. Mean vertical motion per stride was calculated as ( H 2 + H 3 ) / 2 . The value ( H 2 + H 3 ) / 2 H 1 was used as an index of asymmetry.






+ ( ~ 2 n3)




FL. 40







40 60 80 SWING TIME(%)


FIGURE9. Mean net torque at the hip joint due to muscular activity for the two groups during the swing phase. A positive torque tends to flex the hip.

Cavanagh et al. : Biomechanical Comparison


It should be pointed out that while the phases of activity were similar to those previously reported, there is a surprising variation in the magnitude of peak torques reported by various investigators. Plagenhoef,*O for example, cites values in excess of 800 Nm for peak hip flexor torque at toe-off, and Dillman 21 reports values of 270 Nm for knee-extensor torque at toe-off. Whereas the ~

:i......... .:.:.:.: z..:.
















40 60 80 SWING T I M E 0


FIGURE 10. The same data as shown in FIGURE 9 with the addition of fl standard deviation and the range.

subjects in these two studies were running faster than those in the present study, the instantaneous values cited would appear to be close to or above the maximal steady isometric torques that these joints are capable of producing.:? While it is known that eccentric muscle activity can generate values higher than isometric values,*:’ it would seem unlikely that running requires such a maximal activation of the lower limb muscle mass during the swing phase.


Annals New York Academy of Sciences S U M M A R Y AND DISCUSSION

It is apparent that only minor differences have been located between the two groups of athletes in the present study. These have centered principally around the longer strides being taken by the good athletes and concomitant changes in variables associated with this increased stride length. The good athletes also tended to be more asymmetrical than the elite athletes in their vertical motion. There are several limitations to the present study that must be considered in the interpretation of the results. Firstly, the subjects were filmed during treadmill running, and as Dillman has pointed out, there is by no means a consensus of opinion regarding the similarities or differences between treadmill and overground running. The problem is further complicated by the fact that there were differences within the present group of subjects in familiarity with running on the treadmill. Some athletes had previous experience and were at ease with the procedure while others were experiencing treadmill running for the first time. This may have affected the patterns of motion recorded. Also, only motion in the sagittal plane has been considered in this report and a more complete analysis would consider motion in all three planes. The basic question still remains: Is efficient running a function of good style, a function of subcellular biochemistry, or some weighting of both, and what other factors are important? It is unfortunately not possible to give a definitive answer from this study. However, the lack of major significant differences in the biomechanical variables between the two groups leads one to believe that both the good and elite groups of athletes contain a similar range of running



40 EX'




, 20










FIGURE 11. Mean net torque at the knee joint due to muscular activity in the swing phase for both groups. A positive torque tends to extend the knee.

Cavanagh et al. : Biomechanical Comparison



-40. -60FL .



....... ELITE 20










40i 1


40 60 80 SWING TIMEW


FIGURE 12. The same data as shown in FIGUREI 1 with the addition of deviation and the range.



styles. The possibility must therefore be proposed that some of the elite runners have form or style that is worse than runners classified as good in the present study. The technique of multiple regression analysis appears to be promising for the identification of which of the many variables studied in all aspects of this present multidisciplinary project are important for efficient running. The comparative approach used so far will not, by itself, identify aspects that make up good form in distance running. It is hoped that future work with this present data base will lay the ground work for such a statement. It is also likely that factors that currently elude precise measurement are important for efficient running. Notable amongst these are storage and recovery of elastic energy following heel contact mentioned by Fenn and confirmed experimentally to be important more recently by Cavagna 24 and A ~ m u s s e n . ~ ~


Annals New York Academy of Sciences REFERENCES

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A biomechanical comparison of elite and good distance runners.

A BIOMECHANICAL COMPARISON OF ELITE AND GOOD DISTANCE RUNNERS Peter R. Cavanagh, Michael L. Pollock, and Jean Landa Biomechanics Laboratory Pennsylvan...
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