British Journal of Anaesthesia 1992; 69 (Suppl. 1): 63S-68S



These drugs are thought to act by highly selective and potent antagonism of 5-hydroxytryptamine 3 (5HT 3) receptors in the brain, with a high density of 5HT 3 receptors occurring in the area postrema and the nucleus tractus solitarius, equating with the chemoreceptive trigger zone. In experimental animals given cisplatin, 5-HT3 antagonists administered selectively into the area postrema, produced a significant antiemetic effect compared with controls [18]. Additionally, an increased turnover and release of 5-HT from enterochromaffin cells in the small bowel of the ferret when treated with cisplatin [15] suggests that this might contribute to the emetic effect, possibly by stimulating vagal afferent fibres which in turn cause 5-HT release in the area postrema. It has been postulated, therefore, that the 5-HT3 antagonists may act peripherally in the gastrointestinal tract in addition to having a central site of action within the brain [53]. Known side effects of 5-HT3 antagonists include headache, light headedness, a warm sensation in the epigastrium, flushing and constipation. Indeed, in a study of 10 healthy male volunteers who received ondansetron in relatively high doses [11], Gore and

colleagues concluded that the drug slowed colonic transit, as gastric emptying and small bowel transit time were unaffected while whole gut transit time was significantly prolonged; they suggested that ondansetron might even be a useful anti diarrhoeal agent. PHARMACOKINETICS

Ondansetron may be administered either orally or i.v. The tablets contain 4 mg or 8 mg of ondansetron base as the hydrochloride dihydrate [29]. Studies involving healthy, young, male volunteers have shown that oral bioavailability in man is approximately 60 % (single oral or i.v. 8 mg doses produce peak plasma concentrations of 30 ng ml- 1 and 80 ng ml- J , respectively), with the peak plasma concentration occurring at about 1.5 h after oral administration [4]. Ondansetron is bound to plasma proteins to a moderate extent (70-76 %), with a relatively large volume of distribution of approximately 160litres. Its terminal plasma half-life is approximately 3 h, with only 5 % being excreted unchanged by the kidneys. The major route of excretion is by hydroxylation followed by glucuronide or sulphate conjugation in the liver; most of these inactive metabolites appear in the urine [47]. Clearance is 541 ml min- 1 and is reduced with increasing age, resulting in increased oral bioavailability because of reduced first pass hepatic metabolism, and a prolonged half-life of 5.4 h in those more than 75 yr of age. There is also a significant difference between the sexes, with clearance of the drug occurring more slowly in women than in men [45]. The United Kingdom data sheet for ondansetron states that the dose should be limited to 8 mg in 24 h in those with moderate or severe hepatic impairment, but it is considered unnecessary to vary dosage regimens according to age or sex. The i.v. preparation [30] is an isotonic aqueous solution containing ondansetron hydrochloride dihydrate 2 mg ml- 1 buffered to pH 3.5 with sodium citrate and citric acid monohydrate, with a shelf life of 3 yr. It is compatible with 0.9 % sodium chloride, 5 % glucose and Ringer's lactate solution, and can be administered either by slow i.v. injection or by infusion.

(Br J. Anaesth. 1992; 69 (Suppl. 1): 63S-68S) KEY WORDS

Antagonists, miscellaneous: 5-HTs. Vomiting: nausea.

D. RUSSELL, F.R.C.ANAES., G. N. C. KENNY, B.SC.(HONS.), F.R.C.ANAES., M.D., University Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G31 2ER.

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Postoperative nausea and vomIttng (PONV) are distressing side effects of anaesthesia and surgery, with a high incidence after gynaecological surgery [19, 35] and after strabismus surgery in children [21,26]. An incidence as great as 83 % has been reported in female patients after major orthopaedic surgery [22]. Of the antiemetic agents currently available to treat PONY, droperidol would appear to be the most efficacious [22, 35], but despite prophylactic droperidol2.5 mg 10 min before the end of general anaesthesia for major gynaecological surgery, more than 30 % of patients still complained of postoperative emesis [35]. The quest for more effective antiemetic drugs, without the potential for sedative or extrapyramidal side effects has led to the recent development of a relatively new class of drugs, of which ondansetron, granisetron, tropisetron and dolasetron are examples.



TABLE 1. Efficacy of three sequential 0.15 mg kg- 1 doses of ondansetron i.v. administered at 4-hourly intervals, compared with six 2-3-hourly doses of metoclopramide 2 mg kg- 1 i.v., in preventing emesis during the first 24 h after high-dose cisplatin chemotherapy. *P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001 compared with ondansetron [16]

Ondansetron Metoclopramide

en =

Patients experiencing emesis (No. ('/0)) No episodes 1-2 episodes Less than 3 episodes 3-5 episodes More than 5 episodes (treatment failures) Median time to onset of emesis (h)


en =


54 (40%) 34 (25 '/0) 88 (65 %) 19 (14%) 29 (21 %)

41 (30%)



30 (22%) 71 (51 %)* 18 (13 %) 49 (36 %)**

Radiotherapy Radiotherapy, particularly total body irradiation or when centred on the upper abdomen, is also a potential cause of emesis [6,42,43]. Hunter and colleagues [20] administered granisetron 40 J.lg kg- 1 i.v. to 32 patients before single fraction total body irradiation and found that 18 patients (56.3 %) experienced no nausea or vomiting, and an additional four patients experienced only minor nausea. Priestman and colleagues [44] described a multicentre, randomized trial comparing the efficacy of ondansetron with metoclopramide in 82 patients after single exposure, high-dose radiotherapy to the upper abdomen. Ondansetron 8 mg or metoclop rami de 10 mg were administered orally in a double-blind study 1-2 h before radiotherapy, and three times daily for 5 days thereafter. Ondansetron initially proved superior to metoclopramide, with none of the ondansetron group vomiting on day 1, and only one patient experiencing an episode of retching, compared with 30 % of the patients who had received metoclopramide who experienced three or more emetic episodes. On days 2 and 3, the superior efficacy of ondansetron just failed to reach statistical significance, while on days 4 and 5 of the study period, the incidence of nausea and vomiting was low in both groups. The results of further comparative studies are awaited with interest. SIDE EFFECTS

In addition to the side effects mentioned above, rare hypersensitivity reactions may occur and selflimiting disturbances ofliver biochemistry have been reported in patients receiving ondansetron in conjunction with chemotherapeutic agents [34]. This has occurred in up to 6 % of patients receiving agents other than cisplatin, and in up to 16 % of those receiving cisplatin [49]. Serum bilirubin concentration may increase to twice the upper limit of normal, with aminotransferase concentrations increased up to threefold normal values. It is unclear, however, if this is a direct consequence of the 5-HT 3 antagonists or if it is caused by the chemotherapeutic agents themselves [49]. Of particular interest to the anaesthetist are cardiorespiratory effects and CNS effects such as drowsiness or the occurrence of extrapyramidal reactions. Conahan and colleagues [5] stated that 5-HT is thought to produce 5-HT 2 mediated vaso-

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Chemotherapy Until recently, high-dose metoclopramide regimens were considered to be the most effective means of preventing nausea and vomiting in patients receiving chemotherapuetic agents [14, 16]. However, metoclopramide 2 mg kg- 1 i.v., administered every 2 h for 10 h prevented emesis during the first 24 h in only 38 % of patients who had received cisplatin [13], a drug associated with a particularly high incidence of emesis [54]. Emesis, although usually less severe, can persist for up to 1 week after each dose of cisplatin [27], and is clearly a cause of much morbidity. Hainsworth and colleagues [16] carried out a randomized, parallel group, multi centre trial where patients were given either ondansetron or metoclopramide as antiemetic prophylaxis before their first course of cisplatin. Three hundred and seven patients received either ondansetron 0.15 mg kg- 1 i.v. every 4 h for a total of three doses, or metoclopramide 2.0 mg kg- 1 i.v. every 2 h for three doses, then every 3 h for a further three doses. The first dose of each drug was given 30 min before the first dose of cisplatin. A significantly greater number of the patients treated with metoclopramide were considered treatment failures, experiencing more than five emetic episodes (periods of vomiting or retching) in the first 24 h (table I). Significantly more of the patients who received ondansetron experienced two or less such episodes, while in the first 6 h after chemotherapy, 58 % of the metoclopramide patients had one or more episodes of emesis, while only 9 % of the ondansetron group were affected. They concluded that in the doses used, ondansetron was significantly more effective than metoclopramide in the prevention of emesis associated with cisplatin administration. Marschner [36] described a similar study involving 75 patients who received their first doses of 5fluorouracil, doxorubicin or epirubicin and cyclophosphamide as combination chemotherapy for breast carcinoma. They were given either ondansetron 4 mg i.v. and 4 mg orally before chemotherapy, followed by 8 mg orally three times a day for at least 3 days, or metoclopramide 60 mg i.v. and

20 mg orally, then 20 mg three times a day, again, for at least 3 days. Complete control of emesis during the first 24 h was achieved in 66 % of patients in the ondansetron group compared with only 27 % of those who received metoclopramide. Similar comparative studies of ondansetron and metoclopramide in patients undergoing chemotherapy have been described [7, 10, 38] ; all report ondansetron has superior efficacy, which may be improved still further by the addition of dexamethasone [48, 52]. Ondansetron has also been used successfully in paediatric oncology [41,50]. Other studies have reported powerful antiemetic effects with tropisetron [2] and granisetron [3,37,51].


randomly to receive either ondansetron 8 mg Lv. or placebo during gynaecological surgery and failed to demonstrate any difference in either time to awakening or cognitive function between the two groups. Kovac and colleagues [25] investigated the effect of placebo or ondansetron 1, 4 or 8 mg administered i. v. before a standardized general anaesthetic for day-case laparoscopy. There was no difference in awakening time, time spent in recovery or hospital discharge time between groups and all patients appeared equally responsive and awake after operation. Pearson and colleagues [40], in a similar study, demonstrated that psychomotor performance was still impaired 2 h after ambulatory surgery, but that the administration of ondansetron 1, 4 or 8 mg i.v. before induction of general anaesthesia did not affect psychomotor performance compared with placebo; and there was no subjective variation in mood. The 5-HT:l antagonists are unique among antiemetics in that they have no effect at histaminergic, dopaminergic or cholinergic receptors [53], and can therefore be expected to be devoid of troublesome side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, blurring of vision, urinary retention, hyperprolactinaemia, tardive dyskinesia and extrapyramidal effects. The antiemetic effect of me to clop rami de is now suspected to be caused partially by antagonism at 5-HT:l receptors, but its lack of selectivity resulted in its propensity to cause side effects, particularly in high doses in young patients [54]. The 5-HT:J antagonists, because of their selectivity, however, have no effect on emesis induced by dopamine receptor agonists, or on motion sickness [39]. The side effect and safety profile of ondansetron was reviewed by Smith [49]. The extrapyramidal effects occasionally seen with metoclopramide have not occurred with ondansetron. Significant drugrelated side effects attributed to ondansetron include constipation, headache and a warm sensation or flushing on i.v. administration. These occur in only a small proportion of patients and it is clear that ondansetron has a wide therapeutic index in chemotherapy patients. USE IN ANAESTHESIA

There are several studies comparing ondansetron with placebo in patients undergoing anaesthesia and surgery. Leeser and Lip [31] administered ondansetron 16 mg or placebo orally in a doubleblind study approximately 1 h before operation and 8 h later in 84 ASA I-III patients undergoing major intra-abdominal gynaecological surgery under general anaesthesia. The study drug was given with oral diazepam premedication, and anaesthesia was induced with thiopentone and maintained with 67 % nitrous oxide and isoflurane in oxygen. Muscular relaxation was provided by vecuronium and analgesia with alfentanil, up to 7.5 mg. At the end of the procedure, neuromuscular block was antagonized with neostigmine and atropine, as necessary. Thereafter, analgesia was provided with morphine, with similar total amounts being administered to both groups. All patients were given prochlorperazine

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constriction in some vascular beds and 5-HT3 mediated vasodilatation elsewhere. The administration of a 5-HT 3 antagonist might therefore be expected to produce an increase in arterial pressure and a reflex decrease in heart rate. However, when they studied 71 awake female patients allocated randomly to receive ondansetron 0, 1,4 or 8 mg i.v. over 2 min, heart rate, arterial pressure (systolic or diastolic), ventilatory frequency and oxygen saturation did not change significantly in any group. Dershwitz and colleagues investigated if ondansetron had any effect on opioid-induced respiratory depression [8]. Alfentanil 5 /lg kg- I was administered to 29 healthy male volunteers, followed by an infusion of 0.25-0.75 /lg kg- I min-I. Subjects rebreathed from a 13-litre reservoir bag and ventilatory drive was assessed by measurement of end-tidal carbon dioxide at the point where minute volume reached 15 litre min -I. The respiratory depression produced by alfentanil was unaffected by the administration of placebo or ondansetron 8 mg or 16 mg i.v., in a random, double-blind study. Hall and Ceuppens [17] evaluated the effect of repeated oral doses of ondansetron on psychomotor performance in a randomized, double-blind, four-way, crossover study of 12 healthy, male non-smokers each given five doses of oral ondansetron 1 mg, 8 mg or placebo twice daily for 2.5 days. Lorazepam 2 mg, considered to have antiemetic properties and used in some centres as an adjunct antiemetic in chemotherapy patients [12], given as a single oral dose as the fifth dose after four doses of placebo was also assessed. A 12-day drug washout period was used between different regimens. Four tests of psychomotor function (choice reaction time, critical flicker fusion test, simulated car tracking test and Sternberg memory scanning task) were carried out before the first dose and again 3 h after the fifth dose. Both doses of ondansetron did not produce impairment of psychomotor function compared with placebo. In contrast, lorazepam resulted in significant impairment in all the tests except the critical flicker fusion test, where its effect just failed to reached statistical significance. Leigh, Link and Fell [32] carried out a similar crossover study of the effects of granisetron and lorazepam, alone and in combination, on psychometric performance. Twelve healthy male subjects received an oral dose of either placebo or lorazepam 2.5 mg followed 30 min later by an i.v. infusion of placebo or a relatively large dose of granisetron (160 /lg kg-I) over 3 min. Four distinct groups were formed: group 1 received oral and i. v. placebo; group 2 received oral placebo and i.v. granisetron; group 3 received oral lorazepam and i. v. placebo; and group 4 received oral lorazepam and i.v. granisetron. A battery of psychometric tests was carried out 1 h before, and 1.5,3,6 and 24 h after the start of the infusion. Granisetron alone did not impair psychometric function, while lorazepam alone produced significant impairment in most of the tests used. There was little evidence of any synergy between the two drugs. Perhaps more significantly, Lessin and co-workers [33] assessed recovery time in 50 patients allocated




TABLE II. Efficacy of oral ondansetron 1, 8 or 16 mg vs placebo, given 1 h before induction of general anaesthesia for major gynaecological surgery, and 8 and 16 h thereafter. ***p < 0.001 compared with ondansetron 1 mg or placebo [23)

Ondansetron dose (mg) Placebo 1 8 16 (n = 247) (n = 238) (n = 243) (n = 245) Patients experiencing nausea during first 24 h (%) Patients experiencing vomiting during first 24 h C'%)









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25 mg per rectum if required and assessments of nausea and vomiting were made at 1 and 24 h after operation. One hour after recovery, 52 % of the placebo group complained of nausea and 40 % had vomited, compared with 17 % and 12 %, respectively, in the ondansetron group. Over the first 24 h after operation, 67 % of the placebo group complained of nausea with 60 'Yo vomiting, compared with 29 % and 26 %, respectively, in the ondansetron group. All these differences were statistically significant. Thirty-three doses of prochlorperazine were administered to 22 placebo patients, compared with 12 doses given to eight of those who had received ondansetron. There were no significant cardiorespiratory effects during the study and there was no significant difference in the recovery time after anaesthesia. Three patients in the ondansetron group and one patient in the placebo group developed minor increases in liver function tests. They concluded that ondansetron was a promising agent for the prevention of PONY and that further studies would be required to establish its optimal dose. In a major multicentre study involving 995 ASA I-III patients undergoing major gynaecological surgery, Kenny and co-workers [23] compared the efficacy of ondansetron 1, 8 or 16 mg orally, or placebo, given 1 h before operation with benzodiazepine premedication, with further doses administered at 8 and 16 h. The general anaesthetic technique was largely standardized and after operation, morphine with or without prochlorperazine or metoclopramide was administered as required. There were significant differences in the incidence and degree of nausea, and the incidence and median time to first episode of vomiting during the first 24 h after operation between those who had received ondansetron 8 and 16 mg and those who had received either ondansetron 1 mg or placebo (table II), with the higher doses producing more favourable results. However, there were no statistically significant differences for any of the variables between those receiving ondansetron 1 mg or placebo, or between those receiving ondansetron 8 or 16 mg. There were no clinically significant cardiorespiratory effects, or any differences in the recovery time after anaesthesia. Increases in aminotransferase concentrations occurred in up to 20 % of patients, with the incidence

only slightly higher in the ondansetron treated patients compared with the placebo group. From the results of this study, one can conclude that ondansetron 8 mg given 1 h before operation and 8 and 16 h thereafter, produced a significantly greater antiemetic effect than ondansetron 1 mg or placebo, but that increasing the dose to 16 mg 8-hourly conferred no additional benefit. Several studies have confirmed the efficacy of i.v. ondansetron in the treatment and prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Larijani and colleagues [28] studied 36 patients, mainly female, suffering from nausea and vomiting after orthopaedic and gynaecological surgery, allocated randomly to receive either ondansetron 8 mg i.v. or placebo, in a double-blind study over 2-5 min. Ondansetron was significantly more effective than placebo and control of nausea was achieved in 78 % of the ondansetron patients compared with 28 % of controls. There were no significant adverse effects. Bodner and White [1] studied 71 healthy females who had developed nausea and vomiting after laparoscopy, and allocated them randomly in a double-blind study to receive either ondansetron 8 mg i.v. or placebo. Forty-nine percent of the ondansetron patients, compared with 8 % of the placebo group, had no further emetic episodes, while 43 % and 86 %, respectively, requiredrescueantiemetics. Cardiorespiratory variables and sedation scores were not significantly different between the two groups. Several small studies [9, 34, 46] have demonstrated that the administration of ondansetron 8 mg i.v.before induction of anaesthesia and again 8 h later, is more effective than placebo in preventing nausea and vomiting in surgical patients, without significant side effects. In a double-blind, placebocontrolled study involving 179 female patients undergoing day-case laparoscopy, Wetchler and colleagues [55] demonstrated that a single dose of ondansetron 8 mg given i.v. before induction of anaesthesia was associated with a significantly smaller number of postoperative emetic symptoms compared with a control group. Seventy-six percent of the ondansetron group experienced no emetic symptoms during the first 2 h after surgery, compared with 58 % of the placebo group. In the next 22-h period, 69 % of the treatment group were devoid of emetic symptoms, compared with 49 % of controls. Kovac and colleagues [24] described a large, multicentre study designed to assess the optimal dose of i.v. ondansetron for surgical patients. Five hundred and eighty ASA I-II females undergoing laparoscopy under general anaesthesia were enrolled in the study. The patients were stratified into two groups, those with a positive or negative history of nausea and vomiting after general anaesthesia, and allocated randomly to receive ondansetron 1, 4 or 8 mg, or placebo by i. v. infusion over 2-5 min before induction of anaesthesia with thiopentone, methohexitone or thiamylal. Intraoperative analgesia was provided with fentanyl or alfentanil, neuromuscular block with suxamethonium, vecuronium or atracurium, and after tracheal intubation, anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane and nitrous oxide in oxygen. At the end of operation, neuromuscular



TABLE III. Efficacy of a single i.v. dose of ondansetron 1,4 or 8 mg, or placebo given before induction of general anaesthesia for laparoscopy for the group as a whole and also when subdivided into those with a positive ( + ve) and negative ( ~ ve) history of nausea and vomiting after general anaesthesia * P < 0.05,. ** P < 0.01 compared with placebo [24].

Ondansetron dose (mg) Placebo Patients experiencing nausea during first 24 h (%) All patients +ve history ~ve history


71 95 60

69 86 62

58* 70* 52

44* 54* 39**

54 75

38* 57 30*

24** 45* 14**

23** 28** 20**


block was antagonized with neostigmine or edrophonium, and atropine or glycopyrronium. All ondansetron doses, especially 4 mg and 8 mg, were significantly more effective than placebo in preventing emesis over the whole 24-h recovery period (table III), with a similar incidence of side effects, such as headache and dizziness, in the ondansetron groups compared with the placebo group; ondansetron did not appear to have any significant effect on vital signs or laboratory values. The optimal dose was considered to be 4 mg, with 8 mg perhaps offering added benefit for those with a past history of nausea and vomiting after general anaesthesia. The results of comparative studies with other antiemetics are awaited, but ondansetron has clearly been shown to be effective and safe in the prophylaxis and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting compared with placebo treatment and a product licence has been issued recently in the United Kingdom for ondansetron to be used for this indication. The data sheet recommends that ondansetron 8 mg should be administered orally 1 h before surgery, followed by two further doses of 8 mg at 8-hourly intervals. Alternatively, a single dose of 4 mg may be given by slow i.v. injection at induction of anaesthesia. For the treatment of established postoperative nausea and vomiting, a single dose of 4 mg given by slow i.v. injection is recommended. These dosage regimens are appropriate when one considers the results of the research reviewed in this paper [23,24]. REFERENCES

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5-HT3 antagonists in postoperative nausea and vomiting.

British Journal of Anaesthesia 1992; 69 (Suppl. 1): 63S-68S 5-HT3 ANTAGONISTS IN POSTOPERATIVE NAUSEA AND VOMITING D. RUSSELL AND G. N. C. KENNY PHA...
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